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Linguahouse. Unit 4: Starting and finishing emails. Here are some important points to consider when starting and finishing an email.

Unit 4: Starting and finishing emails

Formal or informal? We write a formal email when we want to be polite, or when we do not know the reader very well. A lot of work emails are formal. We write informal emails when we want to be friendly, or when we know the reader well. A lot of social emails are informal. Before you start writing an email, decide if you want to write a formal email or an informal one. Layout and punctuation Starting an email: We normally write a comma after the opening phrase. Finishing an email: We normally write a comma after the closing phrase. Fluentu. How many times have you done that same old restaurant role play? How about the one where people are waiting in line? The post office one? Role plays help your students overcome the stage fright they experience when using English. The themes can sometimes seem mundane, though. You can shake up your role play activities by putting your students in bizarre situations, offering them weird personalities to portray and planting seeds of peculiar themes of conversation.

These weird role plays not only break up the routine, they also help distract your students from timidity when practicing. Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. 1. Location: Participants are visiting or working on the International Space Station.

Personalities: Astronauts, of course, but add other types of people who might end up on the space station, such as: Create Your Own Bakery (ELT Lesson Plan) worksheet. 7 Questions Talking Bingo with Role-play Cards worksheet. This took forever to put together, but it was SO worth it!

7 Questions Talking Bingo with Role-play Cards worksheet

Includes 3 Bingo cards and 17 Role-play cards. I make everything in Open Office and then convert to Doc.. so check that everything looks right before using. Start the class with the 7 target questions on the board. I have the students ask me the questions and I answer them with the target answers. Students ask each other the questions in pairs, then report their partner's responses if there's time. Then I give the role-play cards. Next I hand out the Bingo cards… I explain how to play by having students ask me the questions (I use the Taxi Driver card). The end of the world - Survival game worksheet. WHO IS THE BURGLAR? - 30 Conversation Cards - Roleplay - Class and Group Speaking worksheet. 10 Business English Expressions You Need To Know.

Linguahouse. Teatime magazine. How to discuss a topic in a group. How to interrupt politely (and not so politely) in English - British English Coach. Just shut up for a moment!

How to interrupt politely (and not so politely) in English - British English Coach

A few years ago, I was observing a teacher giving his class. He was an experienced teacher and most of the students liked his lessons because he was fun and knowledgeable. However, he had one extremely bad habit: he talked too much during the class. He used to tell stories that turned into epics and sometimes he would enjoy telling the story so much that he forgot that the students were looking at him with blank looks on their faces! On this particular day, he had been talking at (not to) his students for nearly 10 minutes, when I noticed one of the students waving their hand at him, trying to get his attention. “Teacher, your trousers! 33 ways to speak better English. If you’re reading this, I imagine you want to speak better English and communicate in a more confident and competent way.

33 ways to speak better English

When we communicate effectively we are able to express our ideas and opinions, share experiences, and build relationships with others. When we struggle to express ourselves, we feel unvalued and insecure. As human beings, we want to participate in group discussions and have an impact on the society around us. In the modern world, we communicate across borders. English is the closest thing we have to an international language. By speaking better English, people all over the world can hear our voice. Well, English teachers and English classes definitely help. Free English Lessons for English Speaking, English Listening, and English Pronunciation. Vocabulary - In the Office. Many people learn 'pen, pencil and paper' in their first English lessons, but can you remember these words, which are also things you would find in an office?

Vocabulary - In the Office

Match each word to its definition. What else do we find in an office? Lesson by Caroline 1. Something you use to secure pieces of paper together.2. Office Vocabulary - Learn English Vocabulary. At The Office - Online English Word Search Puzzle. Job Interview Adjectives - Good Words To Describe Your Personality. Meetings and Presentations - Picture Vocabulary Quiz. 4 More Quick Teamwork Games to Engage Employees at Work. It’s no secret that the people who play together, stay together.

4 More Quick Teamwork Games to Engage Employees at Work

Working hard and playing hard as a cohesive team is what helps build employee engagement and boost productivity. So just because your team may need a break from work, it doesn’t mean you can’t take it as an opportunity to break away from the daily grind and build some camaraderie with teamwork games. To get you started, check out these four team-building exercises! Pictionary The classic game of Pictionary is great for an office because it’s simple and can involve every team member. Split your group into two teams.Decide which team will go first, and then have the first person on the team select a word card.Allow the team one minute to try and guess the object being drawn.If the team isn’t able to guess it within the allotted time frame, allow the second team 30 seconds to guess.Switch teams, and follow steps three and four. Personality Quiz. Office Equipment, English Hangman Vocabulary Game.

This English Vocabulary game is to help you learn about Office Equipment.

Office Equipment, English Hangman Vocabulary Game

Click on the letters above to guess the word. If the letter is a part of the word, it will appear in its correct position. If the letter is not a part of the word, another section of the hangman picture will appear. Roles People Play in Groups. NewLDR_76. Ice breakers can be an effective way of starting a training session or team-building event. As interactive and often fun sessions run before the main proceedings, they help people get to know each other and buy into the purpose of the event.

If such a session is well-designed and well-facilitated, it can really help get things off to a great start. By getting to know each other, getting to know the facilitators, and learning about the objectives of the event, people can become more engaged in the proceedings and so contribute more effectively towards a successful outcome. Click here to view a transcript of this video. But have you ever been to an event when the ice breaker session went badly? As a facilitator, the secret of a successful icebreaking session is to keep it simple: design the session with specific objectives in mind and make sure that the session is appropriate and comfortable for everyone involved.

What is sales forecast? definition and meaning - Sugerencias Archive - Ingles 360. Macmillan Business. Numbers - Does "nineteen-hundreds" refer to 1900–1909 or 1900–1999?