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Morris Lessmore - StumbleUpon. In the past, William Joyce had written and illustrated more than fifty children’s books. About half way through this career, he received a phone call from John Lasseter asking him to come and work with him on a new computer animated film called Toy Story. “Actually also asking if they could pitch one of my other stories to Jeffrey Katzenberg, called Dinosaur Bob. They were going to pitch two stories. One about toys and one was this dinosaur story. But John wanted me to come out and do some production designer and character design on Toy Story. At that stage there were about 20 people at Pixar on the project.” Joyce then went on to do Robots with Chris Wedge over in New York with Blue Sky Studios and executive produce Meet the Robinsons after that. iPad While the short was being made, Apple’s iPad came out, and the directors looked at each other the morning of the release.

Lifaros experimental flash gallery 2003-2009 - StumbleUpon. Spider - StumbleUpon. YTMND - Blue Ball Machine (Classic GIF Returned) - StumbleUpon. Trace - Thomas Petersen - StumbleUpon.

Crazy rabbit (c) Andrius Kirvela - StumbleUpon.