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Inspiration. Edit. Character Motivations. Tips. Exercises. Instructor: Jim Manis Email: Exercises to Generate Creativity Copyright @ 2001 The Pennsylvania State University This site is devoted to offering as many exercises (and general good advise) for creative writing students who wish to avail themselves of them. Students should be aware that performing exercises will not in themselves cause a good poem, short story, play, screen play, or creative essay to be written. At their best exercises will lead the student to become more proficient in a wide variety of techniques; at their least they can provide the student with some reason to write, and unless the writer IS writing, she or he cannot write something of value.

The first rule to becoming a writer is to write REGULARLY. Keep a Journal: Many of us aren't sure what we should be writing about during that space we set up to write in every day. Keep in mind that a journal is not a diary. How then do you determine who you are writing for? B-Rhymes - The Rhyme and Slant Rhyme Dictionary. Characters. If you're enjoying the content here, check out our new site, Thoughtcrime Games. Thanks for visiting! If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! I don’t know about you but when I sit down for a one-shot game with a pregen character, I can’t always come up with a unique and interesting personality on the fly.

Sometimes the class, race and skill combo strikes a chord, but usually it’s just numbers. To help get me started, I created this quick little Random Personality Generator to come up with the foundations of a character’s persona in three rolls and a minute or so of thought. This is by no means extensive (though the system can in fact be expanded quite significantly), but is intended to jump start your mind about how to turn a flat, pregenerated statblock into a more living and dynamic character. Using the Generator is a snap. Motivation: What is it that really gets your character’s motor running? If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy: The Kama Sutra of Kindness: Position Number 3 by Mary Mackey.