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Egg Drop. New categories for me.

Egg Drop

I’m filing this under ‘kids‘ and ‘breakfast‘. Not because it’s a specific food for children, but because my baby loves to eat this (will I ever stop calling him my baby? I somehow doubt it). This is by far his favorite breakfast -not to mention he loves to ‘help‘ me cook it – which makes it a fun thing for the both of us. If he likes it, chances are more toddlers out there like it and well, us moms gotta give each other a hand whenever we can, right! It’s just a little break from the traditional way of cooking eggs and it’s actually a pretty decent start of the day, nutritionally speaking. It’s not just fun to make but they’re also great to serve because they’re oh-so simple, but look oh-so good, and not just for kids! Ingredients: drop of olive oil 1/2 small onion grated cheese 1 tomato 2oz ham 2 eggs pepper salt Directions: Preheat your oven to 350 (175c) This was a breakfast for two, so if you need more just double (or triple) the amounts. The egg saga.

Cakespy: Funfetti Pancakes. [Photographs and original illustrations: Cakespy] Jessie Oleson (aka Cakespy) drops by every Monday to share a delicious dessert recipe.

Cakespy: Funfetti Pancakes

—The Mgmt. Fact: half of the word "pancake" is comprised of the word "cake". Actually, if you want to get really technical, it's slightly more than half. And in celebration of bringing more cake to the pan, I'd like to present my newest invention: Funfetti Pancakes. By lightly modifying a typical cake mix, you can make your own DIY pancake mix; the resulting pancakes are light and fluffy, but sweeter (and in this case, more colorful) than the typical griddle fare. About the author: Jessie Oleson is a Seattle-based writer, illustrator, gallery owner, and cake anthropologist who runs Cakespy, an award-winning dessert website. Cakespy: Birthday Cake French Toast. A Two Bite Breakfast: Bacon & Eggs in Toast Cups.

* Updated post from archive: Originally posted March 29, 2009 If you where to ask me what is my favorite meal of the day without a thought my response would be breakfast!

A Two Bite Breakfast: Bacon & Eggs in Toast Cups

I love breakfast! I love brunch! I love bacon! I love breggs! These little goodies are all of the above in a little two bite package. The other day I was scanning through my copy of William & Sonoma’s: Tools and Techniques. And, they are crazy easy to make. Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees. Trim the crust and the corners off the bread, making wonky looking circles.

Line a sheet pan with parchment paper and lay the bacon strips on it. Shape the cooled bacon into the toast cups, with the meaty side out. Also, if you aren’t a fan of creamy delicious runny eggs you can beat 4 eggs with a bit of milk, season and spoon into the cups. Lower the temperature of the oven down to 350 degrees. Run a knife along the edges and use a small spoon to pop them out. For the love of eggs, bacon and toast! Ingredients 6 slices of bread 6 eggs. Bacon Egg Pancake Cups. Monday, April 11, 2011 Bacon Egg Pancake Cups About a month ago I made some bacon egg toast cups.

Bacon Egg Pancake Cups

What I really liked about them is that they have all the breakfast items in one neat package. I started thinking about how it could be better, and I realized what would be a more perfect breakfast for me is to have pancakes, bacon and eggs. So I set out to try making a bacon egg pancake cup. PrintSave Bacon Egg Pancake Cups Ingredients:6 strips of bacon (precooked like the ones you can buy at Costco will make this easier) 6 eggs your favorite pancake mixDirections:1.