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Research Methods in Education, 7th Edition.

Lit review

‎ Carroll. ‎ Pedagogy and Space: Empirical Research on New Learning Environments (EDUCAUSE Quarterly. Key Takeaways In the new technology-enhanced learning spaces at the University of Minnesota, students outperformed final grade expectations relative to their ACT scores. When instructors adapted their pedagogical approach to the new space by intentionally incorporating more active, student-centered teaching techniques, student learning improved. Students and faculty had positive perceptions of the new learning environments but also had to adjust to the unusual classrooms. In a previous EDUCAUSE Quarterly article,1 we reported the results of quasi-experimental research on the University of Minnesota's new, technology-enhanced learning spaces called Active Learning Classrooms (ALCs).

Here, we report on the next phase of learning-spaces research at the University of Minnesota (UMN), which had two components. Two specific research questions guided this phase of our research: Methodology and Methods Learning Environments Examined Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Data Collection Methods. Learning Environments Research.