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The 10 Rules You Need to Communicate Effectively | TIME. Frank Luntz has “engineered some of the most potent political and corporate campaigns of the last decade.” His wordsmithing helped Republican Rudy Giuliani get elected twice in New York — a city where Democrats outnumber Republicans 5-to-1. Luntz and his polling firm have learned a great deal about language by conducting nearly 1500 surveys and focus groups for a wide range of products and politicians. The key takeaway from his book is actually part of the title: It’s not what you say, it’s what people hear. In Words That Work: It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear Luntz breaks down the ten main lessons he’s learned from years of crafting political messages; lessons we can all learn from: 1) Simplicity: Use Small Words Via Words That Work: It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear: “Avoid words that might force someone to reach for the dictionary… because most Americans won’t. 2) Brevity: Use Short Sentences 3) Credibility Is As Important As Philosophy 4) Consistency Matters Tags: - Actionable Social Media, Social Selling and Marketing Coaching Ideas.


Quotes By Highly Successful People that Will Motivate and Inspire you. It has been said, if it has been said well, why say it again. That is what I love about quotes. Quotes are the cream at the top of glass. The below list are quotes by highly successful people, by reading the list I hope they will motivate and inspire you to be great today. I think we can all agree that the folks below had success and contributed to the world in some way that has had lasting impact. Don’t be afraid to change so you can have success. “Change before you have to” — Jack Welch“Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of progress.

Education and Personal Development will lead to success. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” — Benjamin Franklin“You have brains in your head. Winning is a must for success. Thinking big and about your future. Former presidents words of wisdom. Work hard. Faith, attitude, and living a life of success. “Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Coffee Alternatives That Are Better For Productivity. Sure, a cup of joe can boost your alertness and help you get through the day, but too much caffeine can also have negative side effects including a bad case of the jitters, digestive upset, and heartburn. Fortunately, there are coffee alternatives that might make you feel even more productive: Green Tea This beverage has become known as the healthiest coffee alternative thanks to its high concentration of antioxidants and its link to lower risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Green tea does contain caffeine, but a smaller amount than your regular cup of coffee, so you don't end up with the same jittery side effects. Not only can green tea boost mental alertness, studies show it can also make you smarter. One recent study published in the journal Psychopharmacology found green tea is effective at improving memory and cognition. Take a break It may sound counterproductive, but studies have shown that taking regular breaks throughout the day can improve your productivity. Hit the gym. Writing Blind - Corey Gwin.

Update 8/14/14: This post inspired me to create a web app to help jumpstart your writing. You can try it out at Learn more about BlindWrite here. "Turn off your monitor. " "You want me to do what? " "I want you to turn off your monitor and write for 10 minutes without looking at what you're writing. " This was the craziest thing I'd ever heard. "If you can't see what you're writing, you won't stop to think about what you've said. It was a crazy idea, but it worked and I still use this technique to jumpstart my writing to this day. For the next 30 days, I want you to stop overthinking, turn off your monitor, and share what's on your mind every day. Why? In order to effectively launch your products or ideas, you need an audience you can converse and share them with. In order to converse, you need something to talk about. You need to identify what value you offer the world with your ideas—understand your niche—so you can focus there.

Be Seen to Be Heard Get In Shape "But it's hard. "