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United Nations E-Government Development Knowledge Base. Home. Transformation: HERZLICH WILLKOMMEN. Index Werte zum Status der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Transformation sowie zum Transformationsmanagement.


Atlas Der interaktive Zugang zu den quantitativen und qualitativen Bewertungen aller Ausgaben seit 2006. Indices. WBI Governance & Anti-Corruption - Country Diagnostic Surveys. Over the past decade improved public sector governance has emerged as a critical component in achieving the Work Bank’s mission of poverty alleviation.

WBI Governance & Anti-Corruption - Country Diagnostic Surveys

By improving government accountability WBI hopes to reduce the instances of bribery and coercion which constrain private sector growth and block citizen access to essential public services. With an emphasis on transparency, responsiveness, and participatory policy making WBI works with partners to improve public sector delivery of critical development services and to create the conditions for robust private sector growth. At the same time practitioners and policy makers have increasingly sought to quantify the quality of governance – based on the age-old maxim that you can only manage what you can measure. The GAC Country Diagnostic Surveys are one of several WBI offerings which attempt to fill that need for WB clients.

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