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Muscat Confidential The Freedom Forum Global Sensemaking - Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wick Transformation: HERZLICH WILLKOMMEN Index Werte zum Status der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Transformation sowie zum Transformationsmanagement. Atlas Der interaktive Zugang zu den quantitativen und qualitativen Bewertungen aller Ausgaben seit 2006. Ländergutachten 129 detaillierte Gutachten bilden die Datengrundlage. Gelungene Transformationsprozesse zu rechtsstaatlicher Demokratie und sozialpolitisch flankierter Marktwirtschaft geschehen in jeder Region der Welt.

Back Of The Net Freedom & Human Dignity Holy See: Modern Challenges to Religious Freedom On Friday, 3 December, Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, Secretary for the Holy See's Relations with States, delivered the following address at a Conference on Religious Freedom organized by the Embassy of the United States of America to the Holy See at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome. Mr Ambassador, I am grateful to His Excellency Mr Jim Nicholson, Ambassador of the United States of America to the Holy See, for the invitation to address this Conference that brings to conclusion a series of celebrations on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the United States of America. In particular, I wish to express my appreciation for this initiative intended both to confirm and to render more effective the excellent relations between his great Nation and the See of Peter. This is not, as it might first appear, a task free from difficulty. 1.2.

Planungszelle Das Verfahren Planungszelle/Bürgergutachten stellt einen besonders wirksamen Ansatz zur Überwindung der »klassischen« Probleme der Bürger(innen)beteiligung dar: geringe Resonanz, fehlende Informiertheit, Oberflächlichkeit, soziale Selektivität, Dominanz organisationsstarker Interessen, Engagement erst bei Betroffenheit und vielfach zu spät, stark polarisierte und kaum mehr überbrückbare Meinungsunterschiede. Das Verfahren wurde von dem Wuppertaler Soziologieprofessor Peter C. Dienel schon in den siebziger Jahren entwickelt und hat in den letzten Jahren auch international vielfältige Beachtung gefunden. Die Verfahrenselemente Eine Planungszelle ist eine Gruppe von ca. 25 im Zufallsverfahren ausgewählten Bürgerinnen und Bürgern, die für ca. eine Woche von ihren arbeitsalltäglichen Verpflichtungen freigestellt werden, um in Gruppen Lösungsvorschläge für ein vorgegebenes Planungsproblem zu erarbeiten. In der Regel tagen mehrere Planungszellen simultan zum gleichen Thema. a) Zufallsauswahl

WBI Governance & Anti-Corruption - Country Diagnostic Surveys Over the past decade improved public sector governance has emerged as a critical component in achieving the Work Bank’s mission of poverty alleviation. By improving government accountability WBI hopes to reduce the instances of bribery and coercion which constrain private sector growth and block citizen access to essential public services. With an emphasis on transparency, responsiveness, and participatory policy making WBI works with partners to improve public sector delivery of critical development services and to create the conditions for robust private sector growth. At the same time practitioners and policy makers have increasingly sought to quantify the quality of governance – based on the age-old maxim that you can only manage what you can measure. The GAC Country Diagnostic Surveys are one of several WBI offerings which attempt to fill that need for WB clients. In addition to a focus on concrete reform planning the diagnostic prioritizes local leadership and capacity building.

censorship Reader submission about a recent story that The National declined to cover, a story that happened "in its backyard": "This type of self-censorship is common at the paper, which is not serving its readership well. "In addition, the paper is said losing money at an alarming rate - its circulation has been frozen in place for several years now, and its employee-turnover rate is said to be ridiculously high. What is going on at The National?" The International Bar Association held its annual conference in Dubai this month, but the event, which is planned five years in advance, almost never happened. Unfortunately, readers of Abu Dhabi’s The National (whose editors have said "strives to be The New York Times of the Middle East") interested in such topics (freedom of speech, etc) would be left in the dark, because the paper declined to cover this important angle of the story. The National did give readers this paean to women’s rights in the UAE, which includes the following paragraph.
