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The Federal Environment Ministry. Colombia: Environmental Profile. Despite its relatively small size, Colombia is the second most biologically diverse country on Earth, home to about 10 percent of the world's species. This biodiversity results from Colombia's varied ecosystems—from the rich tropical rainforest to the coastal cloud forests to the open savannas. More than 1,821 species of birds, 623 species of amphibians, 467 species of mammals, 518 species of reptiles, and 3,200 species of fish reside in Colombia. About 18 percent of these are endemic to the country. Colombia has a mind-boggling 51,220 species of plants, of which nearly 30 percent are endemic. While on paper nearly 10 percent of Colombia is under some form of protection, its rich biodiversity is increasingly threatened. Each year Colombia loses nearly 200,000 hectares of natural forest, according to figures released by the United Nations in 2003—though the true figure may be higher since an estimated 100,000 hectares of native forest are illegally cleared every year.

The coca trade. TreeHugger. LOHAS. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. The broad aim of UNECE’s environment activities (ENG, RUS) is to safeguard the environment and human health, and to promote sustainable development in its member countries in line with Agenda 21. The practical aim is to reduce pollution so as to minimize environmental damage and avoid compromising environmental conditions for future generations. To this end, UNECE has adopted a five-pronged approach: 1. UNECE Committee on Environmental Policy brings together governments to formulate environmental policy and support its implementation. Intergovernmental meetings, seminars, workshops and advisory missions are being organized under the Committee and its subsidiary bodies, providing a platform for environmental decision-making as well as a forum for networking, sharing experiences and good practices. 2.

UNECE has an active role in regional and cross-sectoral processes, in particular: 3. 4. 5. Home - UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education. Una carrera hacia el hambre. El pasado febrero, los espectadores de la carrera Daytona 500, en Florida, recibieron banderas verdes a la entrada para que las agitaran durante la carrera, a manera de celebración porque los autos en competencia comenzarían a usar gasolina con un 15% de etanol a base de maíz.

Así comenzó una campaña televisiva que durará toda la temporada para promocionar las ventajas de los biocombustibles entre los norteamericanos. Visto superficialmente, el autoproclamado “enverdecimiento de la Nascar” (Asociación Nacional de Carreras de Autos de Serie) es simplemente un ejercicio transparente (y, uno sospecha, desafortunado) de limpieza medioambiental para el deporte. Pero esta alianza entre un pasatiempo adorado por los estadounidenses y el lobby para los biocombustibles también marca el último intento por inclinar la opinión pública a favor de una política verdaderamente irresponsable. Este año, después de una temporada de cosechas particularmente malas, vemos los resultados. Worldometers - real time world statistics. State of the World 2011: Innovations that Nourish the Planet.

Green, Healthy & Safe Product Ratings & Reviews. If you want to take part in the 2011 ChoSD Summer Academy please submit your application! | FUNDACJA SENDZIMIRA. Call for applications to this year edition has been closed. Participants will receive an email notice with login information by 9th of March. The recruitment process consists of two phases: Phase 1 - submitting the application form till the 4th of March 2013. All applicants will be invited to take part in the Introduction to sustainable development e-learning course (two weeks, 9-30 March 2013, distance learning, internet access needed).

The course will be concluded with a short written exam and an essay on one of given topics, and the results obtained by the applicant will be taken into consideration as one of the selection criteria. All the participants with a result over 60/100 points will be granted a certificate that they graduated an Introduction to sustainable development course. Phase 2 – active engagement in the Applications of sustainable development e-learning course (6th April – 11th May 2013) The additional criteria taken into account will be: La lucha por un frágil ecosistema. Table of Contents. Table of Contents Prepared byConstantine StamatopoulosSenior Fishery Data OfficerFishery Information, Data and Statistics UnitFAO Fisheries Department Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, 2002 All rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination of material in this information product for educational or other non-commercial purposes are authorized without any prior written permission from the copyright holders provided the source is fully acknowledged.