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Construction Data Management. Maxwell GeoSystems are delighted to announce that Skanska Costain STRABAG Joint Venture (SCS JV) have selected MissionOS as the Instrumentation & Construction Data Management Platform to support their HS2 Area South development work.

Construction Data Management

The High Speed 2 (HS2) development is the largest infrastructure project underway in the United Kingdom. Using Predictive Modeling for TBM Process Control. Image courtesy of MGS Despite the cancellation of the NAT Convention in Nashville, Tennessee this year, SME recently published a paper on latest technological developments in the field of TBM Process Control.

Using Predictive Modeling for TBM Process Control

Using predictive modeling for TBM process control - MGS Article. Tunneling process control is the feedback between the observed behavior of the tunnel boring machine (TBM) with predictions and observations.

Using predictive modeling for TBM process control - MGS Article

In this paper, examples of using predictive models to improve the feedback analysis and allow the engineer to readily undertake forecasts related to productivity and ground behavior are presented. These predictive models, which can be developed for TBM parameters (e.g., face pressure), ground behavior (e.g., volume loss), maintenance strategies and construction logistics are updated/improved as the TBM progresses through the ground and the relationship between geotechnical conditions and TBM performance becomes better understood. This feedback ensures tunneling is achieved safely and effectively, while maximizing productivity and minimizing risks.

Real time data acquisition and delivery for analysis has become standard practice in tunneling projects. TBM face pressure prediction s=Kσ'v+u+20 kPa Figure 1: (a) Target vs. Excavated soil/rock quantities. Maxwell GeoSystems Merit Awards. Maxwell GeoSystems believes in promoting a growth based environment which continuously nurtures talent, appreciates dedicated efforts and positive results achieved.

Maxwell GeoSystems Merit Awards

The year 2020 has been one with many challenges. Despite the difficult circumstances, our team has shown great dedication in ensuring that we meet our client needs and business continuity. Every quarter we appreciate the exceptional contributions of our team by recognising some of them with the MGS Merit Awards. The awards are based on the 4 core values of performance - customer focus, innovation, accountability and team work. MissionOS brings Construction Data Management alive. The latest techniques in Construction Data Management generate an ever-increasing demand for data.

MissionOS brings Construction Data Management alive

This Digital Transformation (DX) allows organisations to evolve into a digital native enterprise (DNE), which can support innovation and digital disruption rather than enhancing existing technologies and models. MissionOS provides a comprehensive construction data management system solution for your project’s data. As projects have become more complex, more than ever, engineers need seamless ways of integrating and combining their project together to derive meaningful insights in trends and influences. In MissionOS, your construction data comes to life with accurate and automated connection of all data including shift reports, production records and construction activities. This interconnected data can be used to automatically generate summary reports, entirely configured on the cloud-based platform accessible from anywhere.

Independent monitoring consultant. Maxwell GeoSystems are experienced Geotechnical Engineers with decades of boots-on-the-ground experience of major construction and infrastructure projects.

independent monitoring consultant

We’re also Data Management Specialists who know how to acquire, process & dynamically connect data to help project stakeholders make timely decisions, manage risk and optimise resources throughout the duration of a project. Founded in 2004, by Dr. Angus Maxwell, Maxwell GeoSystems have operations located in London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Colorado, Sydney and Kochi (India). Geotechnical monitoring companies. Instrumentation Management Software. Instrumentation Monitoring Software. Instrumentation consultancy services. Maxwell GeoSystems have been chosen to provide instrumentation consultancy services to Skanska, Costain, STRABAG (SCS) on Contract S1 and S2 of the UK HS2 as part of the Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) phase of the design works.

instrumentation consultancy services.

Senior Engineering Geologist at Maxwell GeoSystems, Patricia Mur, will take up this important role to assist the SCS engineering team to design instrumentation schemes to safeguard the works and lay the foundations for the start of construction. Building on her experience on Crossrail, working for both client and contractor, and during the implementation of the MissionOS system on the Thames Tideway tunnel, Ms. Mur will provide valuable insight looking at delivering cost effective but high quality instrumentation and monitoring methodologies with a eye open for innovation and opportunity for productivity improvements. Tbm real-time monitoring.

The March presentation to the British Tunnelling Society describes the application of 'cloud based data' to real time review of temporary works performance against design within tunnels, illustrated by a number of example projects in the UK and Hong Kong.

tbm real-time monitoring

Presenters were Angus Maxwell, chief executive of Maxwell Geosystems and Marcos Invernici, standing in for Anmol Bedi, both of Bedi Consulting. Mission project. Mission builder. Mission enterprise. Mission designer. Construction surveying companies. Software Maxwell GeoSystems design software to manage technical and management data relating to the investigation, design, tender, construction and maintenance of infrastructure assets of all types.

construction surveying companies

Our strength is in our ability to communicate end user needs to developers to implement effectively. Tunneling process control. Maxwell GeoSystems is seeing great success with its innovative MissionOS system.

tunneling process control

Customers are discovering how it enables collaboration on projects. It's proving to be a real game-changer for the construction industry & ideal for many tunnelling applications. The system is being chosen for major infrastructure development projects & ongoing maintenance management. This innovative technology platform is revolutionising how our clients can exploit automation of data.

3d bim modeling. Independent monitoring consultant. The engineering community has successfully completed many exceptionally challenging construction projects. Unfortunately, history has shown that on occasion political, time and monetary pressures have exceeded those of the water and ground, sometimes leading to failure. Authorities have attempted to mitigate these risks through the implementation of a variety of independent design checkers and verifiers and through the provision of supervisory teams on site.

These organizational systems have resulted in improvements but a common complaint is that the monitoring information is received too late and in forms which are not readily analysed or checked by the engineers. For the first time a role has been provided for an independent professional body to check, audit and deliver project monitoring data to the project stakeholders. 1. 2. Construction data management. Instrumentation Fully Transparent Data Processing Aimed at Minimizing the Time from Measurement to End User All MissionOS data is loaded and stored directly on the cloud based platform. A local staging server may be used for data collation as required.

MissionOS processing is multi-layered. The final public site will show the data which passes built-in audit filters and manual review.