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33 HBR Blog Posts You Should Read Before 2013 - Katherine Bell - Our Editors. By Katherine Bell | 8:00 AM December 28, 2012 HBR’s editors have compiled a list of some of our — and your — favorite of the nearly 2000 blog posts we published in 2012. As usual, the topics that most preoccupied our authors and readers reflected our shared anxieties: the pressures exerted on our businesses by technology and the global economy — no end to economic uncertainty, the need to make sense of vast amounts of data, the problem and opportunity of disruptive innovation; as well as perennial personal worries — finding work that matters, never getting enough done.

We hope you’ll find some insights here you may have missed the first time around, and that they’ll help you make 2013 a productive and innovative year for your company and yourself. Innovation, Especially the Disruptive Kind, Seemed as Difficult as Ever Why Big Companies Can’t Innovate Maxwell Wessel Who Cares If Samsung Copied Apple? Which Best Practice Is Ruining Your Business? It’s Still Tough to Get Hired (and to Quit) Startup School - Brian Chesky of AirBnB. What You Really Need Is A Market, Not An Idea | Paul Finn. "A SaaS app for dog walkers? What about building another CRM app, but for auto shops? What could I build for caterers? Maybe I'll just build my own version of Basecamp, but with some new features. OK, maybe I'll go with that idea I had the other day while I was walking to the car...what was it?

The website builder for restaurants? " Sound familiar? I call this train of thought "Idea Roulette". Much like regular ol' roulette, in the back of your head you know it's a gamble and you never feel 100% confident that you know what you're doing. If you're serious about bootstrapping, read on. The notion of "Having a great idea" will probably be one of the hardest things you'll have to change.

Here's the key step to take before you assemble the blueprints for a profitable business. Markets and industries are like people: finicky, very different, sometimes difficult and the attractive ones get the most attention, warranted or not. Back to the people analogy. What is this hard work? Souheil Medaghri Alaoui, CEO de Onefeat, nous raconte les succès et les échecs de sa startup (le Camping saison 2) Souheil Medaghri Alaoui, CEO de Onefeat, est venu partager (lors de la soirée de Clôture de la Saison 3 du Camping) l’histoire mouvementée de la startup et raconter les erreurs de jeunesse qu’ils ont commis, comment ils ont failli se «crasher » et finalement réussi à revenir sur le devant de la scène. #PlayLife Co-fondée par 3 amis d’enfances Julien Dao, Arnaud Ferreri et Souheil Medaghri Alaoui, Onefeat, est une application sur smartphone qui vous permet de transformer votre vie en un jeu.

«On donne aux gens des missions à faire dans la vraie vie (aller visiter sa grand-mère 5000 points, sauter dans un lac d’une falaise 10 000 points, etc) et vous le prouvez en prenant une photo de vous tout simplement. Comme ça vous débloquez des points, des badges, des achievement, etc (…) c’est un concept complètement timbré». La startup a cherché dans le même temps à développer sa communauté de joueurs et à faire connaitre son application. #Metrics #UserExperience. How To Get 100,000 Facebook Likes For Your Blog Fan Page. Editor’s note: James Altucher is an investor, programmer, author, and entrepreneur. He is Managing Director of Formula Capital and has written ten books. His latest books are I Was Blind But Now I See and 40 Alternatives to College. You can follow him on Twitter @jaltucher. I wanted to have 100,000 Facebook fans for my blog. We have entered the “Choose Yourself” era. [See also: "Self-publishing your own book is the new business card"] Now, if you want to spread the truths of your brand, of your ideas, of your products, of your message, you have to create your own platform, you have to spread it across all media, and then you have to manage each medium differently.

For each medium, you have to ask: why this medium? BUT, on Facebook, as opposed to any other medium (other than twitter) you pay ONCE and then forever after you can market to that Fan for free. So here’s what I did. It basically took about 30 days to get 100,000 fans. Using this approach got me to the first 50,000 Fans. Google Ventures — Hands-on Teams.

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Phil Libin Announces "Evernote Business" in Interview with Loic Le Meur at LeWeb Paris 2012. Ben Gomes, VP of Search at Google is Interviewed by Loic Le Meur at LeWeb Paris 2012. Creation entreprise, entrepreneur, créer son entreprise, auto entreprise... Difficile de passer à côté actuellement : ça parle de charge mentale dans tous les dîners, sur tous les réseaux sociaux.

Et le concept est à la fois terriblement efficace (difficile de n’être pas d’accord, même si le trait est grossier) et diablement séduisant pour « marcher » en presse, en édition, en web. Un bon vieux sujet de fond à décliner sur tous les supports en tout cas. D’où évidemment l’inévitable portage du sujet dans d&rsq Lire la suite... Chaque année autour de la Toussaint a lieu LA MEILLEURE CONFERENCE WEB AU MONDE (que j’organise). Cette année, BlendWebMix a lieu les 2 & 3 novembre, à Lyon évidemment. Ca va être canon, on vous prépare plein de surprises. Si vous êtes déjà lancé dans votre création d’entreprise depuis quelques semaines, vous avez déjà dû vous en rendre compte : le moral fluctue plus que rapidement.

. « J’aimerais bien me lancer et créer ma boite, d’ailleurs j’ai un projet sur lequel j’ai commencé à bosser. How to Change the World. Jean Michel Billaut. Business Angel France - Patrick Hannedouche. GenuineVC. The Equity Kicker « Nic Brisbourne's view from London on venture capital and exploiting change in technology and mediaThe Equity Kicker. Ask The VC. February 2, 2010 1:11 PM Today, I learned that former classmate of mine at the University of Michigan has started a blog for startups dealing with intellectual property issues. Jill Bowman is a great person and her blog is not only informative, but is also written in her voice, not legalese. (Her husband says it’s too “girly” but I totally disagree). Jill promises to dish on IP “train wrecks” (her words) that she’s seen over the past decade and hopefully her wisdom can save some folks future headaches.

She also promises to talk about costs savings in IP controversies and expose how some big firms are ripping off their clients. Her first post is Ten Smart Reasons to Learn About IP Law. December 30, 2009 10:37 AM Bijan Sabet has today’s Great VC Post titled The Inside Round. “There are times where a follow on financing does not include a new VC firm. He also summarizes the historical conventional wisdom: “It used to be the case that an inside round often meant something was wrong. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Steve Blank. A VC.