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Choisir la meilleure distribution Linux pour un serveur Web. Si vous utilisez un hébergeur de sites Web afin de gérer et héberger votre site Web, vous ne prendrez peut-être pas la peine de vérifier, ni même vous en soucier, quelle est la distribution utilisée au sein du backend.

Choisir la meilleure distribution Linux pour un serveur Web

Tout ce que vous souhaitez, c’est que votre site soit disponible 24h/24 ! Toutefois, si vous administrez votre propre serveur, choisir une distribution « correcte » devient une tâche importante. Voici quelques-unes des distributions les plus populaires et stables que vous pouvez utiliser pour votre serveur. CentOS CentOS est une distribution GNU/Linux, principalement destinée aux serveurs, fondée sur le code source de Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Rehl).

Contrairement à la plupart des distributions qui ont un à deux cycles de distribution par an, CentOS prend son temps avant de sortir une nouvelle version (CentOS 5 a été publiée en 2007, et ce n’est qu’en décembre 2011 que CentOS 6 a été publiée). Debian Debian n’est pas livrée en tant qu’édition serveur ou de bureau. Ubuntu. A close look at ALSA. Intro -- Concepts -- Configuration -- Troubleshooting -- In practice Intro Everyone who has more to do with music on their Linux box than listening to stereo sound on a single sound card will sooner or later come into contact with ALSA.

A close look at ALSA

It stands for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture and is much more powerful and versatile than the dated Open Sound System which preceded it. In fact, you may already be using ALSA unawares via its OSS emulation feature. Still, when searching for some answers concerning ALSA on the web, I found a great many more questions, contradictory statements and very few actual answers. ). Before we start, you might want to have a look at other sources. . — it covers more ground than this page at the expense of going less deep. Other web sources include a LINUX Journal article about basic ALSA programming , which includes example programs, tutorials on the ALSA project web site. AlsaProject. Man page of pulse-cli-syntax. Section: File Formats (5)Updated: UserIndexReturn to Main Contents pulse-cli-syntax - PulseAudio Command Line Interface Syntax ~/.config/pulse/ /etc/pulse/ /etc/pulse/ PulseAudio provides a simple command line language used by configuration scripts, the pacmd interactive shell, and the modules module-cli and module-cli-protocol-{unix,tcp}.

Man page of pulse-cli-syntax

Note that any boolean arguments can be given positively as '1', 't', 'y', 'true', 'yes' or 'on'. Help Show a quick help on the commands available. list-modules Show all currently loaded modules with their arguments. list-cards Show all currently registered cards list-sinks or list-sources Show all currently registered sinks (resp. sources). list-clients Show all currently active clients. list-sink-inputs or list-source-outputs Show all currently active inputs to sinks a.k.a. playback streams (resp. outputs of sources a.k.a. recording streams). stat Show some simple statistics about the allocated memory blocks and the space used by them.

The TTY demystified. Real teletypes in the 1940s.

The TTY demystified

The TTY subsystem is central to the design of Linux, and UNIX in general. Unfortunately, its importance is often overlooked, and it is difficult to find good introductory articles about it. I believe that a basic understanding of TTYs in Linux is essential for the developer and the advanced user. Beware, though: What you are about to see is not particularly elegant. Saving Power on Intel systems with Linux. PowerTOP.