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Learn Outline 4D - Home. Outliners. Sito italiano di Scrivener: il software per scrittori, ricercatori, studenti, docenti, sceneggiatori... Map Tales. WWW.HOAX.IT. Fondi europei, la Sicilia spende poco e truffa molto Inserito da Silvio Passalacqua Data 13 marzo, 2014 (0) Commenti Si tratta di :News La Sicilia non spende i soldi dell’Europa e quando li spende, in misura preoccupante, “truffa”.


Come rimettere in carreggiata la Regione? La risposta è pressocché unanime da parte di economisti ed esperti: un uso intelligente dei fondi europei. Scrivener – applicazione per scrittori. Scrittura / Scrivener – applicazione per scrittori (mercoledì, 21 marzo 2012) In questo periodo sto usando in maniera massiccia un’applicazione che si chiama Scrivener, disponibile per Windows e per Mac OsX.

Scrivener – applicazione per scrittori

Prima o poi sarà disponibile una versione per Ipad e francamente non vedo l’ora. The Literary Machine - free creativity software for writers. Outliner Software: Outlining Software, PIMs, Knowledge and Information Management. Wiki. Pages: 1 2 3 4 > Posted by Daly de GagneSep 1, 2006 at 01:53 PM Again I am trying out Connected Text, and again I am wondering, why wiki?


Other programs can use internal links without having to enter text in an edit mode that looks funny, and then having to flip back to a read mode. It sort of undoes years of wysiwyg. The whole enterprize just feels counter-intuitive as all get out. Can someone explain, please? My other beef is the poor quality of documentation most of these programs provide. Thanks. ConnectedText vs. Scrivener. Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 > Last › Posted by Dr AndusMar 5, 2012 at 11:21 PM After spending several months writing intensively in Scrivener for Windows, recently I switched over to ConnectedText to give it a try.

ConnectedText vs. Scrivener

I was encouraged by Steve’s blog post the other day about the freedom that ConnectedText allows the writer. Also, I’ve come across this blog post which showed how to mimic Scrivener for Mac in CT: These are just early days, as I’m still at the baby stage with CT, but here are some observations about first impressions vis-a-vis expectations, and experience with Scrivener. Verdict: I’m still evaluating the experience, but the upshot of using CT for writing so far has been that my paragraphs are smaller, my sentences are shorter, and in general my writing is more precise and less verbose, as I had to make sure I was staying on message, as promised by the given header subtitle, and to not digress on themes that I packed away via hyperlinks to other topics. P.S. Steve Z.

Topics. Tinderbox « Welcome to Sherwood. Storybook - No. 1 Open Source Novel Writing Software. Storyspace: Storyspace. Storyspace 3 for OS X El Capitan Storyspace – the pioneering hypertext environment – enters a new era with Storyspace 3.

Storyspace: Storyspace

Storyspace is a tool for complex, interlinked narrative, both fiction and nonfiction. Twenty years ago, the original Storyspace ushered in the era of serious interactive writing with works like Michael Joyce’s afternoon, a story (“a graceful and provocative work ... utterly essential to an understanding of this new art form” – Robert Coover, NY Times Book Review) and Shelley Jackson’s Patchwork Girl (“A cult hit” – The Village Voice).

Windows Maxthink Outline ... for better thinking, writing, & planning ... with far less effort! Case Analysis Made Easy. Introducing Our NoteMap Outlining Software Our NoteMap outliner makes it super easy to create, edit and use outlines — far easier than creating outlines with word-processing software.

Case Analysis Made Easy

NoteMap is incredibly easy to learn and use. You'll be up and outlining in less than 15 minutes. NoteMap is a full-featured outliner that offers: Hoist, Mark, Fold and Lock features that make it easy to work with outlines Live Spell Checking Note Sorting Full Screen Mode (handy for brainstorming and presenting) The ability to link outline notes to external files such as images. Exporting of outlines to Word and WordPerfect with just one click. NoteMap 2 is now available! Full-Featured Trial Version The best way to learn about our NoteMap outliner is to download the full-featured trial version and experiment with it. Writer's Blocks - Writing Software - Try the Free Trial! CarbonFin - Outliner for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. Outliner: Planning Made Easy. Since its introduction in 2007, the iPhone has become far more than just a mobile phone.

Outliner: Planning Made Easy

For many, the iPhone helps to organise and order their daily lives. There are any number of productivity apps available in the App Store, but choosing between them can be difficult. This is where Outliner can help. Outliner, developed by CarbonFin, is adaptable to your needs and operates in the gap between a daily planning and note-taking app. Simple but effective, Outliner is a great tool to use and harbours some neat surprises for making your daily and working lives easier. Meet Outliner Outliner’s strength lies in it’s simplicity. Left: List of outlines -- Right: Sorting the outline order The first screen you see upon opening is the list of existing outlines. Want to search your entire list of outlines? Creating Outlines Whether you’re writing a screenplay, planning a blog post or creating a simple to-do list, Outliner provides clear and easy to use tools to help plan your thoughts.

Notes in one place - Wrong? Pages: 1 2 3 > Posted by skylarkMar 1, 2012 at 11:52 PM I just noted from a giveaway sites that one of the “selling” points for one outliner software is “all your notes in one place” I could not agree less, preferring to break it/them all into tiny re-useable bits.

Notes in one place - Wrong?

PageFour - Software for Novelists and Creative Writers - Tabbed Word Processor, File Manager, and Organizer. Because it's NOT a business product.

PageFour - Software for Novelists and Creative Writers - Tabbed Word Processor, File Manager, and Organizer

Because it doesn't dazzle you with 1001 features that you'll never use. Because you can't insert a graph, or embed a table within a table. PageFour was designed creatively for creative writers. Organize your work in a way that suits you. Place your character summaries and plot outlines wherever you wish.