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MindPlace - Official Home Page - The Leading Mind Machine Maker. Learning to Prioritize from Brain Networks. A newly published research in the Vol 16, Issue 4 of Trends in Cognitive Sciences Journal titled “An oscillatory mechanism for prioritizing salient unattended stimuli” proposes an interesting mechanism of prioritizing important impulses employed in the human brain. It does not only offer a fresh point of view on how important synchronized brain-wave activity is for performing complex cognitive tasks, but also can show us the possible organizational structures that could be used to better detect a change in environment and provide fast responses to it.

To provide a short summary: there are several regions inside the brain and each of these regions is “tuned” to a certain frequency. This is how brain regions are functionally separated: a set of neurons is firing in gamma (30-80 Hz) range normally associated with performing cognitive tasks and integrating conscious experience, another set of neurons is firing in the alpha (8 – 12 Hz) range associated with resting active state.

Neurosky Brainwave Visualizer. Home » Art, Featured, Interesting, Mind Hacks, Personal Informatics, Quantified Self, Technology, Visualization I recently purchased a Neurosky Windwave EEG device ($100 model). The Mindwave measures your brain’s electrical activity, and can detect your level of focus (attention vs. mediation) and measure typical brainwave patterns (beta, alpha, theta, and delta). There are a number games included, and a wide range of ones to download from their appstore. I was surprised to see no immediate way to visualize or record the data coming from the device. There is a project for Linux called Puzzlebox that emulates the Thinkgear connection protocol, however it seems to only support the Mindset (a more expensive Neurosky device that communicates over Bluetooth rather than RF).

I stumbled across a VERY cool hack ‘How to Hack Toy EEGs‘. Here’s the README with some more in depth info: Azumio turns smartphone into biofeedback device. Your smartphone looks set to become even smarter by gaining additional digital brain cells, so to speak, with the introduction of Azumio. Just what the heck is Azumio? Well, it is a mobile app which will stretch the functionality of the smartphone’s camera, accelerometer, and touch screen display in order to assist you in your health monitoring efforts. First founded a couple of years ago with the objective of transforming the smartphone into a biofeedback device, Azumio is capable of keeping track of your heart rate as well as provide an analysis, check out your stress levels, and track your sleep patterns, amongst others.

This ought to help you get a more complete picture of your health status at the moment, but bear in mind it has yet to gain the capability of taking blood samples and coming up with the relevant results. Still, the smartphone has gotten more formidable with apps like Azumio – I wonder what does the future hold in store for the masses? . The story was spotted on. Why you should learn to lucid dream | Yes, I Can! by Robin Nixon. If you’ve never experienced it then you may find it hard to understand what lucid dreaming is all about. In fact you may be thoroughly sceptical and dismiss the whole thing as silly nonsense. But I can tell you from personal experience that lucid dreams are very real and something that many millions of people regularly enjoy.

Note: Due to the huge amount of interest that this post has generated I am now seriously considering writing a book on the subject, and I would welcome input from anyone with an interest. If you have any anecdotes, suggestions, dreams or anything else you’d like to share with me for possible inclusion in the book, please email me. Your contribution can be anonymous and you may change any and all names/characters as you wish. I’ll send a free copy to all contributors if the book is published. Lucid dreaming is when you experience full consciousness while dreaming. When you ‘wake up’ inside a dream you can consciously appreciate just how wonderful dreams really are. LSD (Acid) Vault. Link. Catalogo EkstasisEkstasis e' una Libreria per Corrispondenza nata su iniziativa di GilbertoCamilla, vicepresidente della SISSC e direttore scientifico della rivista ALTROVE : Libri Cattivi per Lettori Buoni.

The LycaeumLycaeum è senz'altro il sito principe della Rete, possiede un approfonditoarchivio su tutte la principali sostanze psichedeliche, una parte dedicata allabibliografia, libri, riviste, articoli. Una parte dedicata alla grafica, strutture chimiche, arte visionaria, musica epagine in lingue diverse dall'inglese, tra cui l'italiano, dei Forums didiscussione, chat-line ed una quantità di links che consentono di navigare versoaltri Siti sempre interessanti.

Fra le tante curiosità vi è un elenco di circa sessanta nomi tra le personalità piùimportanti, vecchie e nuove, nel campo degli enteogeni, ad ogni nome corrispondonoalcune pagine storiche, biografiche e bibliografiche sugli interessati. Hyperreal Drugs Archive Tra le cose più interessanti di questo Sito vanno senz? TRP. GamePoint. The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss - Official Site. Tabelle dei valori nutrizionali degli alimenti. Memoto Is a Life-Logging Camera That Snaps a Five-Megapixel Picture Every 30 Seconds. “We want to provide people with a perfect photographic memory,” says Martin Källström, CEO of Memoto. His startup is creating a tiny clip-on camera that takes a picture every 30 seconds, capturing whatever you are looking at, and then applies algorithms to the resulting mountain of images to find the most interesting ones. Just 36 by 36 by 9 millimeters, the inconspicuous plastic camera has a lot crammed inside.

The most important component is a five-megapixel image sensor originally designed for mobile phones. An ARM 9 processor running Linux powers a program that wakes the device twice a minute; takes a picture and a reading from the GPS sensor, accelerometer, and magnetometer; and promptly puts the device back to sleep. Later, when you get home, you plug the camera into a computer to download the pictures. That processing turns your photos into “moments”—between 30 and 35 things that have happened during your day, displayed as stacks of photos in a smartphone app or on the Web.

Mecki Score. Mecki Score: Metabolic Exercise Cardiac Kidney Index Il Mecki Score è uno strumento anonimo di calcolo del rischio dello scompenso cardiaco sistolico cronico riservato esclusivamente al supporto clinico dei medici curanti. Al fine di non generare allarmismi si consiglia quindi ai pazienti che vogliano usarlo di eseguire il test online sempre con il proprio medico, sia esso il medico di base o il cardiologo curante, in grado di interpretarne correttamente il risultato ed i relativi effetti sulle terapie.

Il Centro Cardiologico Monzino si rende disponibile a collaborare con il medico curante nell’analisi dei risultati del Mecki Score, contattando l’Unità Operativa Scompenso allo 02.58002299/2417/2772 o scrivendo a Il Mecki Score è stato pensato essenzialmente per gli addetti ai lavori. Per questa ragione, prima di accedere al calcolo online, vi preghiamo di cliccare l’opzione corrispondente al vostro profilo.