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Facebook Manners And You. Brianro27's Blog. Thanks, Jesus, for the food. Seriously, wtf? Teenage Mutant Ninja Noses. GET ALL FUN » Sex is no accident… Bed cartography. Brisbane Comedian Tries Out The 100 Worst Pickup Lines Of All Time. In a crushingly futile eight and a half minute cringe-fest which could have easily been renamed 100 surefire ways to get maced in the face by strangers you'll definitely never have sex with, 18 year old Brisbane comedian, schadenfreude factory and guy with a Youtube account, Adrian Van Oyen, a man completely incapable of feeling shame, tries his hand at some of the most ineffective pickup lines of all time to show predatory douche bags everywhere how not to approach random women minding their own business on their lunch breaks (hint: don't talk about your penis!).

Brisbane Comedian Tries Out The 100 Worst Pickup Lines Of All Time

Our favourites include "If you were a Transformer, you would be a Hotterbot and your name would be Optimus Fine" and "With great penis comes great responsibility". Watch the other 98 stinkers below... Previously in when Adrian Van Oyen publicly embarrasses himself... Via Gawker. The Quest For Every Beard Type. I’ve been growing a beard every winter for some years now, and every spring, I try to see how many facial hair variations as I can check off from the chart of facial hair types.

So far, over 2.4 million people have been following along. Listed below are descriptions of 44 facial hair types including examples of the 39 42 variations that I’ve been able to attain so far. Enjoy! A La Souvarov A sideburn / mustache combo where the sideburn curves downward toward the corner of the mouth and then curves upward into the mustache. Status: Complete (2008) The Anchor A beard without sideburns that extends along jawline and is styled into a point. Status: Complete (2007) Balbo A wide version of the goatee accompanied by an unconnected mustache.

Cantinflas The complete opposite of the toothbrush, this mustache is comprised of the two ends of a typical mustache. 10 Reasons Why Louis C.K Is Awesome. Drinkify. The 15 Best Staged Splash Mountain Photos. A DRAMATIC SURPRISE ON A QUIET SQUARE. Avoid Conversation Dining Table. Funniest Japanese Girls Prank.

Make Me A Sammich. 58757970108214016_ix84yePI_c.jpg (JPEG Image, 441 × 545 pixels) Pirate.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) 13 Things About Your Childhood You Never Realized That Will Blow Your Mind. Dora la exploradora. Capítulo: No tiene pito... Rainbow Sponge Addiction. Favorite Snacks of the Great Writers - Interactive Feature. When I sit down to work, I keep a small bowl of garlic croutons on my desk.

Favorite Snacks of the Great Writers - Interactive Feature

These are little rewards for good ideas and strong lines, Pavlovian pellets to keep my spirits up. Recently, I began to wonder what fuel writers have relied on, and the answers turned out to be all over the culinary map. Walt Whitman began the day with oysters and meat, while Gustave Flaubert started off with what passed for a light breakfast in his day: eggs, vegetables, cheese or fruit, and a cup of cold chocolate. The novelist Vendela Vida told me she swears by pistachios, and Mark Kurlansky, the author of “Salt” and “Cod,” likes to write under the influence of espresso, “as black as possible.” For some writers, less is more. Sideways Scene: 'Transformers' & 'King Kong' - Fast and Loose Episode 3 - BBC Two‬‏ Funny Interpretative Dance: 'Don't Stop Me Now' - Fast and Loose Episode 6, preview - BBC Two‬‏ Sideways Scene: Kung Fu and Harry Potter - Fast and Loose Episode 7 - BBC Two‬‏ Cortina baila como chango.

Words on Pictures. Again. Banana gets schooled Video. Watch These Fake Flying People Freak Out New York City. HABIBI GAYTÁN - SÓLO SE VIVE UNA VEZ. Let It Dough! One-Proud-Justice-League-Team.jpg (JPEG Image, 554x415 pixels) Automatic Flatterer. ‪EL FUA (original-HQ)‬‏ An Architect's Dress Code. An Architect’s Dress code (Revised 9-12-11) Employees contribute to the culture and reputation of the SVEHN JØSSANG ATELJE in the way they present themselves. An Architectural appearance is essential to a favorable impression with clients, and company shareholders (ie.

Svehn). Good grooming and appropriate dress should reflect an employee’s confidence in his/her aesthetic convictions and inspire others to realize that they are dressed unimaginatively. An Architect’s attire should be minimal yet condescending at the same time. Managers may exercise good discretion to determine appropriateness in appearance. Management may make exceptions for special occasions (ie. Architectural casual dress will be permitted on Fridays. Acceptable shirts: Black shirts, Black turtlenecks, Black T-shirts, Black long sleeve T-shirts, Black tunics. Acceptable Pants: Black slacks, Black Jeans, Prada. Where is Your God Now? (16 Pics) How-women-and-men-see-colors.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x526 pixels) Puddlestomper.gif (GIF Image, 320x180 pixels) 14915-090140-f5d4e7452c069c1e6cea5839c46a1f5e.jpg (JPEG Image, 373x500 pixels)

Things I've learned on movies and TV. The Best Of The "Meanwhile, In..." Meme: Pics, Videos, Links, News. Happiest Sheep in the World - SRSLYcute  The best of Peter Sellers "The party" Goldie1971jpg-a0de64e9bd62fd9b.jpg (JPEG Image, 2048 × 1536 pixels) - Scaled (44%)