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Building emacs22 on Mac OS X. Tutorials on Emacs - Indentation. Go to the first, previous, next, last section, table of contents. Basic Concepts There are quite a few concepts in Emacs which relate to white space at the beginning of a line. Enough, in fact, to be potentially quite confusing. I'll try to clear up the confusion in this little document. The following concepts come into play: The TAB key. Contrary to popular belief, the TAB key does not insert a tab character in most modes. The tab character. It is possible to change the way a tab character is displayed. In order to correctly view files with non-standard tab width settings, it is possible to set the variable tab-width, like this: (setq-default tab-width 4) If you only want this in a particular mode, add (setq tab-width 4) to that mode's hook.

Whether or not tab characters are used for indentation. Whether by syntax-driven indentation, or relative indentation (text mode), or advancing to the next tab stop (fundamental mode), indentation needs to insert white space. Syntax driven indentation. PlannerMode. Planner is a PersonalInformationManager (PIM) by JohnWiegley. You can use it to manage your tasks, schedule, notes, and anything else you want to store in a free-text richly-hyperlinked personal information manager integrated into Emacs. Because it’s in Emacs, it can easily be tweaked to support your particular way of planning, and it can draw upon the data and functions you already have in Emacs. It puts all of the Emacs PIM pieces together: BbdbMode (addresses), EmacsMuse (linking of notes and publishing), etc. This allows you to easily write notes, link to other notes, link to dates, link to addresses, link to – everything.

If you’re new to Planner, here’s a good way to get started: There is a good intro on how to use the PlannerMode in the planner.el file. Getting Planner The current version is at You can get the latest development snapshot at Older version is at. PreferencesInAquamacs. Install user-specific preferences and packages in the paths within the user’s home folder (~), system-wide preferences go in /Library/... Install Aquamacs-specific preferences and packages in Aquamacs Emacs paths, others (which should be loaded by other Carbon Emacsen) in Emacs paths. These preferences are loaded, in the given order: ~/.emacs (deprecated -- meaning 'should not be used for new installations, but will continue to be supported' -- in Aquamacs on OS X) customizations saved by request or automatically by Aquamacs in customizations.el /Library/Preferences/Emacs/Preferences.el /Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/Preferences.el ~/Library/Preferences/Emacs/Preferences.el ~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/Preferences.el Manual user-specific customizations should go into ~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/Preferences.el Warning: this is not the page to describe miscellaneous extensions to Aquamacs.

Planner Mode. Niklas Morberg sent me an e-mail about planner.el support for Dave Allen's "Getting Things Done" method. This is the first time I've heard of it, but it'd be nice to see if we can hack planner to support it. The Coach's Corner on the linked site has well-thought articles. - Keeping Your Inbox "Real" I archive as much of my mail as possible because it's easy to search through information.

Creating tasks from e-mail messages allows me to quickly deal with e-mail associated with actions. I prefer to archive everything instead of making keep/no-keep decisions for my e-mail. I remember reading a paper about e-mail archiving strategies. The GTD method suggests determining what the successful outcomes are ("projects"), what my next action is and what I am waiting for. planner.el supports "next action" and "waiting for" with unfinished and pending tasks. . - Moving through procrastination easily - Doing 'this' for everything So yes, I do 'this' for everything. Ah. Hmm. Python-mode Extensions. Extensions to python-mode in emacs I really like to run and debugging python programs from inside of emacs but I have wanted to see a couple of additional features added to python-mode.el This applies to executing the program as well as running with a symbolic debugger.

I want to be able to conveniently supply arguments to the program under test. There are times when I forget to save the buffers that I am editing, so I would like to have emacs inquire if I want them saved and respond to my reply. Frequently, my programs involve more than one module and here python-mode foils me because it saves the current buffer as a temporary file in a temporary directory with a manufactured, unique name. There is no way that another module of the program will be found. I therefore want any changed modules saved and want to be able to specify the main module to be entered. I would like to have history capability to remember initial modules and argument lists used in the Emacs session. PAGE Home.