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Philosopher Andrew Taggart is helping Silicon Valley executives define success. Silicon Valley is obsessed with happiness.

Philosopher Andrew Taggart is helping Silicon Valley executives define success

The pursuit of a mythical good life, achievement blending perfectly with fulfillment, has given rise to the quantified self movement, polyphasic sleeping, and stashes of off-label pharmaceuticals in developers’ desks. Yet Andrew Taggart thinks most of this is nonsense. A PhD in philosophy, Taggart practices the art of gadfly-for-hire. He disabuses founders, executives, and others in Silicon Valley of the notion that life is a problem to be solved, and happiness awaits those who do it.

Indeed, Taggart argues that optimizing one’s life and business is actually a formula for misery. Seedpitch - Get your pitch in front of investors. Sans titre. Get Tech Press – All resources to get your StartUp Tech Press Coverage. Startup Demo Videos - Kapwing. What's the best place to find (technical) co-founders? How to Model a Multi-sided Business – Love the Problem. Today I am going to show you how to model a multi-sided business using a Lean Canvas.

How to Model a Multi-sided Business – Love the Problem

Products like Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube all fall into this category. This post builds upon an earlier one on modeling direct business models which I recommend reading first if you haven’t already.


Crème de la Crème - Blog. NB : cet article demande quelques bases en HTML et en CSS, notamment sur les concepts de balise et de classes.

Crème de la Crème - Blog

Ces bases peuvent néanmoins s'acquérir très rapidement, notamment en consultant le site suivant. La digitalisation de la société et l'essor du e-commerce engendrent chez les webmarketeurs et les managers un besoin croissant d'accéder à l'information en temps réel. Il devient de plus en plus primordial d'être capable de consulter instantanément et sur de larges volumes des informations telles que les derniers tweets de telle ou telle entreprise, ou bien les prix de tel ou tel concurrent.

C'est pourquoi le data crawling, ou collecte automatisée de données, connaît une popularité grandissante auprès des managers d'aujourd'hui. The MVP is dead. Long live the RAT. – Hacker Noon. Colony. Pourquoi j'ai décidé d'arrêter de changer le monde. “Redonner du sens à sa vie”, tel est le mot d’ordre pour la génération Y.

Pourquoi j'ai décidé d'arrêter de changer le monde

L’engagement et la volonté de changer le monde ont le vent en poupe. Mais le petit monde de l’innovation sociale est encore et toujours un milieu où règne l’entre-soi. Cela fait dix ans que je m’investis comme bénévole auprès de divers mouvements, et je connais trop bien leurs côtés sombres. Changer le monde, oui, mais à quel coût humain ? Nombreux sont les jeunes qui sont en quête de sens et désirent avant tout que leur action ait un impact social et environnemental positif. Depuis deux ans, je suis investi dans ce milieu, mais mon engagement associatif (éducation populaire, ONG, coopératives, etc) est plus ancien (11 ans).

By Staff Reporter on 23 June, 2016 2 Being an entrepreneur can be a profoundly rewarding experience.

For many, it’s a chance to break away from a mundane corporate life and do something truly innovative. But it can also be incredibly challenging and, at times, horribly lonely. As rewarding as leaving corporate life behind might seem, it comes with serious risks, and those can weigh pretty heavily on any entrepreneur’s mind. But even for those who aren’t clinically diagnosed the road to success can seem more like a mountain traverse. Well this infographic from Funders and Founders, together with its accompanying blog, has pretty good tips. Thousand Network Home - Thousand Network. 6 Brilliant and Affordable Tools That Will Make Your Company Smarter. Running a small business is challenging enough.

6 Brilliant and Affordable Tools That Will Make Your Company Smarter

You need as much technological help as you can get to increase sales, stay on top of projects, and create compelling content that will help you win customers. But buying the software that will help your business succeed can also destroy your budget. Are there tools out there that will give you an edge--and that you can afford? Yes, and yes, according to the folks at IT project management software company LiquidPlanner. They've shared this list of affordable software tools they couldn't live without (including their own product). 1. This product has an odd name but performs a very useful function. 2. How to Use Your LinkedIn Profile to Power a Career Transition. Are you raring to change careers?

How to Use Your LinkedIn Profile to Power a Career Transition

Break into a whole new line of work that makes you leap out of bed, happy to go to work every day? Parlay personal passions into professional endeavors? Or focus on a different clientele, type of product, or service? We all know the power of LinkedIn for job hunting and networking. Learn to Love Networking. A 10-Year Study Reveals What Great Executives Know and Do. Despite the huge impact executives can have on their organizations, failure rates remain high.

A 10-Year Study Reveals What Great Executives Know and Do

Prescriptions for what to do continue to fall short. So we wondered: If we closely studied the executives who succeed in top jobs once appointed, could we identify distinguishing features that set them apart and defined their success? As part of our ten-year longitudinal study on executive transitions, which included more than 2,700 leadership interviews, we did a rigorous statistical analysis (including more than 90 regression analyses) to isolate the skills of the top-performing executives. We isolated seven performance factors correlated to strong organizational performance as well as leadership strengths through IBM Watson’s content analysis tools as well as historical performance reviews of these leaders and their direct reports.

These seven factors led to our discovery of four recurring patterns that distinguished exceptional executives. How to pitch an idea like Mark Cuban and Reid Hoffman.