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How mobile is reshaping the B2B marketing landscape. Also noteworthy, mobile increases loyalty.

How mobile is reshaping the B2B marketing landscape

Our study shows that a positive mobile experience increases repurchase rate and builds customer loyalty. More than 90% of B2B buyers reporting a superior mobile experience say they are likely to buy again from the same vendor compared with only about 50% of those reporting a poor mobile experience.5 [see data] When we observed how B2B mobile leaders prioritize mobile, we found that leaders take a fundamentally different, customer-centric approach to mobile. First, they embrace a mobile-first strategy. They understand the role mobile plays at key engagement points, and with different individual roles within the buying team, and develop a specific strategy for each. They then develop simple mobile-first experiences—minimal text with vertical creative formats—and take advantage of unique smartphone capabilities, such as location data and click-to-call links. Take 4imprint for instance, a company specializing in custom branded goods and apparel.

Infographie : la croissance de la vidéo dans le marketing digital. YouTube est une des plateformes qui a très rapidement bénéficié des avantages de la vidéo et a rapidement été considéré comme un moteur de recherche.

Infographie : la croissance de la vidéo dans le marketing digital

En 2017, YouTube a dépassé le cap des 1,5 milliard de visiteurs connectés chaque mois (et quand on sait qu’il y a un peu plus de 3,5 milliards d’internautes dans le monde, on voit bien la puissance de YouTube). La vidéo touristique : l'influence d'un outil marketing dans le choix des destinations. [Mémoire de Yann Allègre] Au printemps dernier, j’ai été contacté par Yann Allègre, étudiant à l’Université de la Rochelle, qui avait décidé, comme sujet de mémoire de Master, d’aborder la thématique de l’émergence des vidéos touristiques.

La vidéo touristique : l'influence d'un outil marketing dans le choix des destinations


50 Video Marketing Stats to Help You Create a Winning Social Media Strategy in 2017. Video is taking over social media.

50 Video Marketing Stats to Help You Create a Winning Social Media Strategy in 2017

In our end of 2016 social media survey, 83 percent of marketers said they’d like to create more video content if they didn’t have restraints such as time and resources. We also found that 30 percent of marketers are looking to spend more time focused on Facebook video in 2017. To help you make the fullest use of video marketing on social media and create a successful social media strategy for 2017, we’ve pulled together 50 of the most relevant video marketing statistics for social media marketers. Did you know, for example, that Facebook video receives, on average, 135 percent more organic reach than a Facebook photo? YouTube Captions - developerWorks TV. Be default, YouTube does not display captions.

YouTube Captions - developerWorks TV

You have to click the cc button at the bottom of the window to turn them on. This help page on YouTube describes how to embed a video in a page to force captions to be displayed in a certain language. The examples below illustrate. Is 360 Video Worth It? For brands, is 360 video worth it?

Is 360 Video Worth It?

The format is potentially revolutionary, but do 360 video ads actually drive more engagement than standard ads? Google partnered with Columbia Sportswear to find out. Written by. 50 Must-Know Stats About Video Marketing 2016. Tout savoir sur le Référencement Vidéo. Le référencement des vidéos est un sujet qui revient de plus en plus souvent sur la table.

Tout savoir sur le Référencement Vidéo

Il est clair que le référencement de pages web plus « classiques » est de plus en plus saturé car les entreprises ont bien compris qu’être sur la première page de Google était extrêmement favorable à leur entreprise. Les 3 avantages de la vidéo marketing - Blog ecommerce Oxatis. D’après une étude ReelSEO, 73 % des consommateurs sont plus susceptibles d’acheter un produit après avoir visionné une vidéo.

Les 3 avantages de la vidéo marketing - Blog ecommerce Oxatis

Elles permettent, par exemple, la mise en avant produit ou la présentation de votre entreprise. Elles peuvent aussi proposer des contenus connexes comme des tutoriels, des bons plans, etc. Et vous, tirez-vous parti de ce formidable outil ? Video Marketing Statistics 2015: The Next Big Thing Is Here. How to Include Video in Your Email Marketing. No other marketing medium can communicate as quickly and effectively as video.

How to Include Video in Your Email Marketing

Therefore, using video in your email marketing makes a lot of sense if you want to try to increase conversions, brand awareness or help educate your customers. Approximately half of the marketers who used video in email campaigns saw increased click-through rates, increased time spent reading the email, and increased sharing and forwarding. (Source: eMarketer) There is one little thing… Sending video in email is still a tricky business even though marketers have been trying since the late 1990s. If effectively planned and managed, video email marketing can be a powerful tool for tapping the growing Internet audience. Forbes Welcome. Thanks for coming to Forbes.

Forbes Welcome

Please turn off your ad blocker in order to continue. To thank you for doing so, we’re happy to present you with an ad-light experience. Hi again. Looks like you’re still using an ad blocker. Please turn it off in order to continue into Forbes' ad-light experience. How Video Marketing Will Change the Game for Marketers in 2016. 2015 was another pivotal year in the world of digital marketing. The rise of the connected customer has lead to countless innovations in mobile, social and engagement marketing strategies. The use of marketing automation platforms has surged, and the most successful businesses are now embracing real-time analytics to optimize how they engage each individual buyer.

Traditional advertising has rightfully evolved into the world of content marketing, and personalized content journeys are replacing the one-size-fits-all mentality of yesterday's marketers. And as we're all now seeing first-hand, video has emerged as the medium of choice, not only for peer-to-peer content sharing and broadcast media, but also for brand-to-customer communications in both B2C and B2B markets. In April of 2015, it was unveiled that over 4 billion videos were being played back each day on the Facebook platform alone. The rise of video marketing has been one of the most exciting trends in recent years. 1. 1.

Why Video is the Social Media Trend to Watch in 2016. Vidéo sur le web : horizontale ou verticale. Lieux de tournage, repérages : autorisations et droits partie1. Cette semaine, nous allons parler des lieux de tournage « sensibles » dans lesquels vous avez du mal à tourner et que vous pensez être compliqués à repérer. Un internaute m’a posé une question intéressante mais y répondre en quelques lignes n’était pas possible. Why Online Video Is a Must-Have for Your Mobile Marketing Strategy. When consumers today need or want something, they reflexively reach for their phones. They want the right answer, right away. Is there room for brands in these moments? Our latest research says yes. Mobile viewers are in fact more likely to watch, share, and feel connected to ads and branded video. Infographie : tendances du marketing vidéo en 2015. Mobile Video Advertising: Making Unskippable Ads. In the face of a mobile revolution, consider this: Should where we're telling stories change how we're telling stories?

How should video advertising evolve for mobile? Google's Art, Copy & Code team set out to find an answer. Here we explore the results of our first experiment. Published June 2015 Topics Stay on top of the latest and greatest. 2016 Video Marketing Trends: Insights & Predictions From 16 Experts. 2015 was a busy year in video marketing. In July, YouTube announced that 400 hours of video were being uploaded to the site every minute. In November, Facebook announced that they are generating 8 billion video views per day.

And according to Tubular Labs, 654.7 million videos have been uploaded by 66.7 million creators in the last 365 days to more than 30 video platforms. Les entreprises prévoient d’augmenter leur budget vidéo. How to Win Your Audience’s Heart in 7 Minutes. The average attention span of today’s audience member is short — 7 minutes to be exact. You either win their hearts in the first few minutes or are forgotten forever. 2014 : consommation vidéo en hausse. Etude IAB 2014. Stories Structure. What Are The Clues To A Good Story? HandBrake: Open Source Video Transcoder. Video rich snippet generator using markup. Microdata helps search engines to understand the content of your website more precisely.

The occurrence of microdata is the prerequisite for displaying rich snippets within the search result pages. Rich Snippets are, for example, thumbnails of your video content and can significantly boost your click-through rate (CTR). What are rich snippets? Rich Snippets enrich the organic search listing with additional text and/or image content based on microdata found on the website. Durch Mikrodaten lassen sich Daten im HTML-Quellcode auszeichnen und strukturieren, wodurch die Suchmaschinen den Inhalt einer Website besser verstehen können. What is is a collaboration by Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! Describing your video content using the VideoObject element according to causes Google to index and show your videos in search. Les animations autour des logos : 25 exemples en mouvement. 7 ressources Javascript pour manipuler la vidéo de manière originale. De plus en plus de sites se mettent en valeur grâce à diverses animations au survol, au scroll de la page ou tout simplement en continu.

Pour les réaliser, il est bien sûr possible de faire appel à des techniques comme canvas, ou des animations en SVG, mais la barrière technique est assez lourde : trop peu de ressources, et beaucoup trop de temps nécessaire pour obtenir un résultat satisfaisant.