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What Women Want: Listen with Your Heart. Handling Criticism: How to Deal with People Judging You and Your Work. It doesn’t matter how you choose to live your life — whether you build a business or work a corporate job; have children or choose not to have children; travel the world or live in the same town all of your life; go to the gym 5 times a week or sit on the couch every night — whatever you do, someone will judge you for it.

Handling Criticism: How to Deal with People Judging You and Your Work

For one reason or another, someone will find a reason to project their insecurities, their negativity, and their fears onto you and your life, and you’ll have to deal with it. With that in mind, let’s talk about being judged and criticized. And just for fun, I’ll share some of the most hateful comments I’ve received on my articles.

And more importantly, the strategies I use to deal with them. Most people only realize they're being bullied when they read this page; what is bullying, how to recognise bullies and injury to health. Definition of bullying: Bulling is conduct that cannot be objectively justified by a reasonable code of conduct, and whose likely or actual cumulative effect is to threaten, undermine, constrain, humiliate or harm another person or their property, reputation, self-esteem, self-confidence or ability to perform.

Most people only realize they're being bullied when they read this page; what is bullying, how to recognise bullies and injury to health

Tim Field Foundation 2015 From the many definitions that have been created, and considering our understanding of what bullying is, we coined this definition in 2015, and we believe it is unambiguous and that it cannot be used by a rational person to define innocent or legitimate behaviour as bullying. Pre-existing definitions, some of which helped us formulate the above, are here: Fighting Back. Regain Control.

Fighting Back

An Insidious Family Pattern of Blame and Shame on One Family Member - article by Dr. Lynne Namka. Scapegoating is a serious family dysfunctional problem with one member of the family or a social group being blamed for small things, picked on and constantly put down.

An Insidious Family Pattern of Blame and Shame on One Family Member - article by Dr. Lynne Namka

In scapegoating, one of the authority figures has made a decision that somebody in the family has to be the bad guy. The mother or father makes one child bad and then looks for things (sometimes real, but most often imagined) that are wrong. There are different reasons one child is singled out to be scapegoated. Perhaps the child is vulnerable. Effects of Bullying. Types of Bullies Sadistic, narcissistic bully Lacks empathy for others.

Effects of Bullying

Has low degree of anxiety about consequences. Narcissistic need to feel omnipotent. May appear to have a high self esteem but it is actually a brittle narcissism. 10 Traits of Exceptionally Charming People. Calming our Minds. By Shamar Rinpoche Teaching given at Bodhi Path Washington, DC Metro Area in Spring 2004.

Calming our Minds

Today, I will give you instructions about mind nature that will be helpful for your meditation. The Hindrance of Restlessness & Worry: Insight Meditation Center. Adapted from a talk by Gil Fronsdal To concentrate and see clearly, we must overcome restlessness and worry, the fourth of the five hindrances.

The Hindrance of Restlessness & Worry: Insight Meditation Center

The wise way to overcome the hindrances is to understand them well, rather than getting rid of them quickly. Investigating them is a bit like learning to farm instead of accepting food. Investigation may take time, but what is learned will support us for a long time. The Buddhist word translated as “restlessness” is uddhacca meaning to shake. When physical, restlessness may appear as compulsive energy bouncing throughout the body. When mental, restlessness can manifest as scattered or persistent thinking.

During deep meditation, restlessness can manifest as excitement about states of peace. Worry, or kukkucca is the other half of the fourth hindrance. Affirmations for Brain Training. Top 15 iPhone Alarms to Wake You Up Right Away. Do you struggle every morning to wake up on time?

Top 15 iPhone Alarms to Wake You Up Right Away

Are you bored of the same old alarm clock? Do you want to get up in the morning without being jarred awake by a noisy alarm? Luckily, we don’t have to put up with the same old alarms. Here are 15 different iPhone Alarm clocks, which can not only wake you up right away but can do so in creative ways. Top 5 Creative iPhone Alarms SpeakToSnooze Pro Nominated Reason: Voice Control The ad for this app on iTunes boasts, “Control your alarm clock without EVER having to touch your phone or open your eyes!” Wake N Shake. I Wish I Knew These 15 Tricks To Waking Up Earlier. Many people have difficulty waking up early when trying to transition to a new schedule or simply seeking to get more done in the day.

I Wish I Knew These 15 Tricks To Waking Up Earlier

Others struggle with falling asleep early every night, making mornings a challenge. Rising early does have real benefits that make it a worthwhile goal, like improving your chances of getting a workout in, putting you in a better mood, encouraging healthier eating and improved proactivity. How can I make myself do stuff? - lazy unmotivated life. I can't make myself do anything.

How can I make myself do stuff? - lazy unmotivated life

I've never been able to. 6 Things to Do When You Feel Overwhelmed. The alarm sounds. Mood Tracker - User Login. 25 Killer Actions to Boost Your Self-Confidence. Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit. – E.E. Cummings By Leo Babauta One of the things that held me back from pursuing my dreams for many years was fear of failure … and the lack of self-confidence that I needed to overcome that fear.


Arts. Humor. Productivity. How to Become a Better Husband, Boyfriend or Life Partner - The Daily Mind. Photo credit: This article is not particularly insightful. Nor is it all that authoritative. I am not claiming to be the world’s best husband – far from it.