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Concevoir une apps pour mobile. La conception d’application pour mobile est une demande régulière. Il est parfois difficile de faire comprendre les règles à appliquer dans la conception des applications en général et plus précisément sur mobile. Il faut comprendre que la conception d’application pour mobile se base sur les mêmes principes que les applications classiques WIMP. Ces interfaces se basent sur le principe simple qu’il faut permettre à l’utilisateur de s’appuyer sur ses connaissances du monde. C’est qu’on appelle aussi « la métaphore du bureau ».

L’exemple de Macpaint, reprend les mêmes codes. C’est la même chose dans les apps mobiles actuelles. Donc pour concevoir une application, il faut déterminer quel est l’objet de l’interaction. Il faut maintenant appliquer le guidelines de l’OS pour lequel on conçoit l’interface. Les guidelines suivent tous la même structure à quelques variantes près.

L’écran principal présente toujours le contenu et les actions dans le menu qui peut prendre différentes formes. Usages. D3.js Tutorial Table of Contents | BuddyPress - Le Tutorial complet en mode pas-à-pas. Il y a quelques jours, le WordCamp me donnait l’opportunité de parler de mon plugin WordPress préféré : BuddyPress. Lors de ma conférence, je vous ai présenté globalement ce puissant moteur de communautés. Or le WordCamp, c’est aussi une rencontre communautaire, et je suis heureux d’avoir fait la connaissance de Fabrice (WP Formation WordPress) avec qui j’ai beaucoup échangé pendant ces 2 journées dédiées aux amoureux de WordPress. Il m’a notamment proposé de publier des "tutos" sur son site, et c’est pour moi l’opportunité de prendre le temps d’entrer un peu plus dans le détail de BuddyPress et ce de manière très opérationnelle.

Je vous propose donc une série d’articles pour découvrir BuddyPress en mode tutorial pas-à-pas. En effet, plus qu’un plugin, il s’agit d’un ensemble de composants modulables. Il est donc tout à fait possible de n’activer que certains d’entre eux pour coller à notre besoin. @iMath Episode 1: Mettre en place un annuaire de membres WordPress Out of the box Tada ! WordPress For Beginners: Understanding User Roles. I have a role to write articles, someone else has a role to look over it and edit and deem as feasible for reading, but what does the role I have mean? Meta: Words or phrases marked in italic will be explained in future posts.

You have a role of doing something wherever you are at or at whichever position you are, those roles are pre-defined and involve certain things that you can do and cannot do, some times we do break rules, however with software we usually cannot. Likewise with WordPress there are some roles that are pre-defined and have certain capabilities that you can use to assign to members of your site, in this post we will look at those roles and know what each of them mean. Subscriber Role What is Subscriber Role? A subscriber role is the most basic and default role that is assigned to any user that registers to the site, unless you of course change that by tweaking the settings. Best Practices for Subscriber Role? Subscriber Role in WordPress; Contributor Role Who is a Contributor? Roles and Capabilities. Roles and Capabilities Languages: English • Español • Français • 日本語 • Português do Brasil • 中文(简体) • (Add your language) Description WordPress uses a concept of Roles, designed to give the site owner the ability to control what users can and cannot do within the site.

A site owner can manage the user access to such tasks as writing and editing posts, creating Pages, defining links, creating categories, moderating comments, managing plugins, managing themes, and managing other users, by assigning a specific role to each of the users. WordPress has six pre-defined roles: Super Admin, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor and Subscriber. Each role is allowed to perform a set of tasks called Capabilities. The Super Admin role allows a user to perform all possible capabilities. Summary of Roles Super Admin – somebody with access to the site network administration features and all other features. Upon installing WordPress, an Administrator account is automatically created. Roles Super Admin. Mass Messaging in Buddypress. Jet Event System for BuddyPress. ! This plugin hasn't been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

The modern System of events for your social network. Ability to attract members of the network to the ongoing activities, etc. Event catalog Single Event Datepicker Widget on Site Wide Admin Panel Requires: 3.1, BuddyPress 1.2.8 or higher Compatible up to: 3.2.1, BuddyPress 1.2.9 Last Updated: 2011-7-17 Downloads: 30,765 Ratings 4.6 out of 5 stars Author Support Got something to say? Support » EventPress. Buddypress Group Documents for BP 1.5 and WP 3.3. | WP MS + Buddypress experiences. This plugin lets users upload files into BuddyPress groups. A simple, install-and-go plugin. You can specify what file formats you accept via the Plugin options. The initial plugin of Peter Anselmohis is no longer available, and the old version is not compatible with WordPress 3.3. and Buddypress 1.5. So I start edited it in order to work with Wordpress 3.3. and Buddypress 1.5 and Chris Keeble made a great contribution, since version.

Many thanks to the forum for debugging!!! Update (30/4/2013): Buddypress Group Documents for BP 1.7 Version (13/5/2012) for BP 1.5 Changelog Version (May 13, 2012) By Keeble Smith Ltd ( layout of sidebar (early closing of div) in some configurations Version (May 8, 2012) Minor fixes at style.cssNew strings in .pot file Version (May 5, 2012) Multple invalid HTML fixes and cleanup: In 0.4.3. version: In 0.4.2. version: Like this: Like Loading... WP-Members. The default when viewing a blocked post - the plugin will deliver a login screen and registration form in place of blocked content (this default can be changed to other options).

Admin Panel - Options Tab - the various option settings for the plugin. Admin Panel - Fields Tab - the plugin field manager allows you to manage (or delete) the installed extra fields and field order, and also add your own custom fields. Admin Panel - Dialogs Tab - the major dialogs that the plugin uses for error and other messages can be edited in the plugin's admin panel. Admin Panel - Emails Tab - all of the emails that are sent by the plugin can be edited in the admin panel. Posts > All Posts - The plugin adds a column to the list of posts and pages to display if a post or page is unblocked or blocked (the opposite of whatver you have set for the plugin's default in the options tab).

Building a Child Theme. Update: The BP Default theme will no longer be activated in new installations and will be retired in the near future. This is an approach to child theming based on the BuddyPress Default theme. You may opt to choose a regular WordPress theme and take advantage of the BuddyPress Theme Compatibility introduced in version 1.7 which allows for nearly all WordPress themes to run BP templates within it’s theme and child themeing or customizing your BP templates by copying them to your theme/child theme easy to accomplish! Should you then still prefer to create your own child theme for the BP Default theme, read on The bp-default theme packaged with the BuddyPress plugin is a robust parent theme which includes network-centric template files in addition to special template files similar to what you would find in a regular WordPress theme.

Child Themes: What is the point? Stylesheet changes Let’s Start Building! A. B. 1. 2. Teaching Lean and Kanban: What’s Working Well. BuddyPress: One Plugin, Five Communities. The Toolbox: a directory of useful single-page sites and apps. Animated Text and Icon Menu with jQuery. Today we want to show you how to create a slick menu with a nice animation feature on hover. The idea is to make some elements slide out, change and animate the background color of the item and then slide the elements back in with a different color.

View demoDownload source The inspiration for this menu comes from the website of the Pelican Miami Beach Hotel: The icons are taken from the incredible Noun Project that “collects, organizes and adds to the highly recognizable symbols that form the world’s visual language, so we may share them in a fun and meaningful way”. Visit the website of The Noun Project. So, let’s get started! The Markup Our HTML will be an unordered list where each list item will contain an anchor element with the three elements inside that we’ll animate: The data-hovercolor will be used to set the color of the text on hover.

Now, let’s make it stylish! The CSS Remember, we always reset our CSS with a reset.css that we’ll add to our main style. CSS-Only Responsive Layout with Smooth Transitions. Original Hover Effects with CSS3. Use WordPress as a CMS (Content Management System) If you're looking into WordPress as a Content Management System (CMS) for your website you came to the right place. Though there are many CMS options available, I'll explain why WordPress is one of the best. Price Range WordPress is an open source project, which means it was created by and for the community. It also means you are free to use it for any type of website without paying anyone a license fee. But not everything is free; WordPress has many features including a plugin architecture and a template system where anyone can develop and charge for their plugin or theme.

You'll get everything you need in the WordPress install to build a basic free site. Hosting WordPress won't run by itself, so you'll need a host to store and run it. Shared servers are shared by a number of different websites. Unlimited storage means unlimited, but don't get carried away with it. Don't let me scare you away from purchasing a shared server, because it could be all that you need.

Control User Interface. 11 Quick Tips: Securing Your WordPress Site. WordPress is the most used open-source platform nowadays for any type of websites: whether it is blog, CMS or any other custom solution. WordPress is naturally based on PHP (among other languages), so, as a PHP developer I always make sure to cover/apply some tips for WordPress to make secure and speedup the site which I develop. In this WordPress tutorial you will find tips and tricks for securing WordPress and otimizing your WordPress blog. This section will going to cover the tips related to securing your WordPress site.

Tips includes protecting files, login restriction, WordPress admin restriction, database protection, etc. Security Tip 1: Stay Updated The most important tip for securing the self hosted WordPress websites is also the most obvious; WordPress provides updates with security fixes all of the time. Here's the real tip though: If you themes and plugins don't work with the latest version of WordPress, they're probably not all that secure to begin with ;) Conclusion. Noty - A jQuery Notification Plugin. Hi! Noty is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog.

Each notification is added to a queue. (Optional) The notifications can be positioned at the: top - topLeft - topCenter - topRight - center - centerLeft - centerRight - bottom - bottomLeft - bottomCenter - bottomRight The API provides lots of other options to customise the text, animation, speed, buttons and much more. It also has various callbacks for the buttons such as opening and closing the notifications and queue control. Layouts & Demos Top Alert Success Error Warning Information Confirm TopLeft Alert Success Error Warning Information Confirm TopCenter Alert Success Error Warning Information Confirm TopRight Alert Success Error Warning Information Confirm CenterLeft Alert Success Error Warning Information Confirm Center Alert Success Error Warning Information Confirm Installation Try!

Unicodinator. Securing Your WordPress Website - Smashing WordPress. When can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc. 15 essential Photoshop tools for web design. Thematic, A WordPress Theme Framework. Thematic is a free, open-source, highly extensible, search-engine optimized WordPress Theme Framework featuring 13 widget-ready areas, grid-based layout samples, styling for popular plugins, and a whole community behind it. It’s perfect for beginner bloggers and WordPress development professionals. Download it from the official WordPress Themes Directory. Thematic Features Praise for Thematic “A theme framework that I highly recommend to anyone working with WordPress. “An amazing theme, back-end and design wise. “An open-source theme designed as a starting point for simple customisation, which also happens to look pretty darn good out of the box.”Best WordPress Themes Support for Thematic The Thematic Forums If you’ve got a problem with Thematic you can find help from the Thematic community in the Thematic Forums.

The Thematic Guide A guide to using Thematic. Thematic Child Themes Lead Developers Like this: Like Loading...