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Math at the Dinner Table! While setting the table and serving dinner, here are some ways you can get your little one involved in math. Use the examples below to serve up a nice helping of Common Core State Standards math during dinnertime! 2 years Say, “These chips are triangles. Each one has 1, 2, 3… three sides. Triangles are math!” (Concept: Shapes) 3 years Say, “Each person needs a fork. 4 years After the table is set with glasses, plates, and forks, remove a fork from one place setting. Kinder Give your child 7 chips.

Grade 1 Say, “We can measure just about anything using these chips. Grade 2 Say, “If the chips were dollars and the pieces of kiwi were dimes, how much would you have?” Bonus: Change it up to use other food on their plate. Grade 3 Point out that the chips have three sides. Take the table knife and make a triangle out of the corner of the table. Grade 4 Take 9 ice cubes out of the freezer and place them in a bowl. Grade 5 Say, “The bag had 100 chips in it. <a href=" Couch Math – Relax! When you’re relaxing in the living room or den with your children, take the opportunity to do some positive math talk. Relax! Use the appropriate activities below to reinforce the math concepts and domains of the Common Core State Standards. 2 years Say, “This blanket is on top of the coach.

Now, it’s on top of the coffee table. Can you help me to put it UNDER the coffee table? 3 years Say, “Which one is larger – the couch or the table? 4 years Say, “Give me 3 cushions, please. Kinder Using the cushions of the coach, say, “We have 2 cushions here, and 2 here. Grade 1 Using masking tape or electrical tape, divide the top of your coffee table in half, then in half the other direction. Grade 2 Using a stack of paper, say, “Let’s see how many of these pieces of paper it takes to cover the sitting area of the coach.” Grade 3 Say, “We could measure this rug one way, but that just tells us how long it is. Bonus: Use a tape measure and actually measure the length and width with your child. Grade 4. Car Math – Think Fast, Drive Safely! In your car you’ll find math. You don’t even have to be moving to share it with your child.

The next time you go somewhere with your little one, before you get on the road, have them sit on your lap and share a math moment. Use the appropriate activities below to reinforce the math concepts and domains of the Common Core State Standards. 2 years Say, “There are a lot of numbers on the dash board. 3 years Say, “This pointer tells us how much gas we have left. 4 years Say, “Do you see the ’10′? Kinder Point out the RPM gauge. Grade 1 Say, “Take a look at the speedometer. Grade 2 Use coins or raisins to line up on the console.

Grade 3 Say, “It’s 13 miles from our house to the store. Grade 4 Say, “These numbers here – that’s the odometer. Grade 5 Say, “When we go to Grandmother’s house, it’s 23 miles away. <a href=" This post may contain affiliate links. A Recipe for Math Learning. While cooking a dish or preparing food, there are measurements, fractions, and plenty of counting. If you have an opportunity, invite your little one by asking them to stir or measure out an ingredient. When they’re engaged, use the below examples to add a dash of Common Core State Standards math to the recipe! 2 years After getting all the ingredients out for the recipe, say, “Ingredients are things we put in the bowl. Let’s count how many we have.” 3 years Using a measuring cup, say “This is one-half of a cup. 4 years Use the 1/2 cup measuring cup to measure the flour. Kinder After you make some of the cookies, say, “There are 12 cookies here. 12 is the same thing as 1 set of 10 cookies, and 2 single cookies.

Grade 1 Say, “If we’re going to make twice as much, we need to mix twice the ingredients. Grade 2 Use the 1/2 cup measuring cup to measure the flour. Grade 3 Using a 1 cup measuring cup, say, “Let’s put a cup of flour in here and look at it from the side. Grade 4 Triple the recipe above. Get Cooking with Math. Math helps us in cooking and is especially useful in ensuring we don’t burn our dinner! Check out the things you can say and do with your child while using the oven or stove. Remember, the activities below reinforce the math concepts and domains of the Common Core State Standards! 2 years Point to the different numbers on oven and stove. 3 years Say, “When we turn the stove on, it gets hot. 4 years Say, “The top of the stove can get hot. Kinder Say, “Do you see the numbers on the stove? Grade 1 Say, “It takes about 5 minutes to heat the oven and 8 minutes to cook dinner. Grade 2 When baking, think about the time required for your recipe.

Grade 3 Say, “Sometimes you have to cool something before you eat it. Bonus: Before making dinner, present this idea and give your child the different times. Grade 4 When baking, note the temperature required of a recipe. Grade 5 Say, “This oven is pretty big inside. <a href=" This post may contain affiliate links. Bringing Math Into the Closet. You find yourself in the closet when putting away clothes, helping the little ones get dressed, and when looking for toys. Take a moment to use the statements below to mention some math while you’re there. Depending on the arrangement of the closet, be sure to modify the statements so they make sense to your child. 2 years Say, “These drawers are tall. That shelf is taller. 3 years Say, “When we hang clothes in the closet, they are vertical. 4 years Say, “In the closet the shoes are below the hanging clothes.

Kinder Say, “There are lots of shapes in the closet. Grade 1 Say, “You have 7 of your shirts hanging up, 3 in the wash, and 5 ready to be folded. Grade 2 Use a clothes hanger to measure the clothes that are hanging. Grade 3 Say, “All shoes come in pairs. Grade 4 Point out that opening the closet door makes an angle with both the doorjamb and the wall. Grade 5 Look at a shoebox that still has the price tag on it. <a href=" This post may contain affiliate links. Fruity Math. Having a fruit bowl available for the family is a great way to stay healthy. But did you know it also holds opportunities to mention math? You don’t have to have or use the same fruits as we did.

Anything about the same size will do. And remember, fruit tastes better with a little math on it! Head to your fruit bowl to use the appropriate activities below to reinforce the math concepts and domains of the Common Core State Standards. 2 years Take out about 6 or 8 grapes. 3 years Say, “Grape, strawberry, grape, strawberry, grape. 4 years Say, “This grape is 2 blueberries long. Kinder Say, “This grape is smaller than the apple, but larger than the blueberry.” Grade 1 Say, “We have 5 grapes in this pile and 7 in that pile. 5 plus 7 is 12. Grade 2 Pull out several bowls. Grade 3 Take an apple and cut it into 4 wedges.

Grade 4 Give your child a whole banana and slice a banana for yourself into ten slices. Grade 5 Choose an apple on the plate. <a href=" Photo by mathfour. Mathfour : The #dad2summit cook off team... Egg-xact Math. Just like there are many ways of cooking eggs, there are many ways to look at the math in them. Counting, measuring, buying, and even the way we look at eggs all involve math. So many math opportunities are in such a nice, neat little package. Head to your refrigerator to use the appropriate egg activities below to reinforce the math concepts and domains of the Common Core State Standards. 2 years Say, “Look at all the eggs! There are 12 of them. 3 years Say, “This egg isn’t perfectly round like your ball. 4 years Say, “We can count these eggs by 2s. Kinder Say, “We have lots of eggs here.” Grade 1 Say, “If each of these eggs costs about 10 cents, how much would 4 eggs be?” Grade 2 Say, “How many rows are there in this 12 pack of eggs?

Grade 3 Say, “This egg carton is 6 eggs long and 2 eggs wide. Grade 4 Say, “Symmetry is when one side of something looks ‘mirrored’ over from the other side. Grade 5 Consult the picture and remove eggs 5 & 6 from the carton. <a href=" Photo by mathfour. Photo by mathfour. Catenary out the window. I hung a rope between two trees for my kids to play on the other day, and when I looked out the window later I saw a catenary graph. The catenary is a curve describing the shape of a in idealized hanging chain, and looks a lot like a parabola (enough so to trick Galileo). Its equation was determined independently by three people in response to a contest challenge. I like to think of it as the sum of two exponential functions:Here’s y = ex and y = e-x …and their sum. Photo by mathfour. WP UI - WordPress tabs, accordions, spoilers and sliders plugin.

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Or perhaps you’ll forgo a huge backyard to be closer to the city. And when it comes to finances, you might find a disparity between how much house you want and how much house you can purchase given your gross monthly income and other factors. Home loans are made against your ability to repay. Simply put, the amount of income you need to purchase a house will vary by your payment comfort level, including any other monthly debt obligations you might have. Important terms Mortgage payment: Principal, interest, property taxes insurance and mortgage insurance, if needed Other debt obligations: Alimony and/or child support or any other court-ordered repayment obligations Running the math Down payment. Mouse Tales Travel, Goldtown Adventures, and That’s Math! Serving Sizes for Children: Real World Math Application. I don’t know how things work in your house, but on the rare occasion that I bring home fun cereal, it disappears at the speed of light.

Invariably, one (or both) children feel like they didn’t get their fair share. This past week, Momma wised up and came up with a solution. It’s so easy that I don’t know why I didn’t think of it earlier. Dividing it into serving sizes! As I began to look at the side of the box, I realized – what am I doing?!? “Hey, Rex, come here. How much is a serving size of this cereal?” How to find the serving size using the information on the box (3/4 cup).Look at the number of servings in the box (12).Divide that number by the number in our family (4) to come up with how many servings he got to have (3).Figure out how much cereal he should put in his zip bag by multiplying his servings by the serving size (2 1/4 cup).Find the correct size measuring cup to most easily use for a situation (3/4 cup in our house) and how many scoops are necessary (3).

Photo by mathfour. What Does it Really Mean to Align Instruction to the Common Core? Flatlists vs. Three-Dimensional Arrays. Surgery Day Math. Photo by mathfour. Mathfour : Signed up for @DirectBuy and... Photo by mathfour. Photo by mathfour. Mommy to the Max – Episode 14: Why Manners and Etiquette Still Matter. Understanding That’s Math!

During the Texas Home School Coalition Convention, That’s Math! Had its “booth debut”. It was a bit difficult, at first, to decide how to present it (verbally) to attendees. The Early Attempts I found myself saying things one minute, and reversing my conceptualization, the next. “Well, it’s not really a curriculum. 60 seconds later… “It’s actually more of a curriculum supplement.” A few minutes after that… “Are you familiar with the term ‘stealth-schooling’ or ‘un-schooling’… that’s essentially what this is.” How to mentally “package” That’s Math!? To be completely fair, and to try not to pat myself (ourselves) on the back too much, there is a lot going on with That’s Math!

After three days at the THSC Convention (which Bon presented at), I spent a lot of quiet time digesting the rhetoric and trying to mentally “package” That’s Math!. Trying to tell someone all that That’s Math! There are a lot of parts that make up the whole (multi-faceted). So where to go from there? That’s Math! That's Math | Back to School GOGO Promo! How does the “Get One Free, Give One Free” Promotion work? As a back-to-school special, through September 15, 2012, you can sign up to get That’s Math! Free for 30 days. This gives you a chance to see what all the hoopla is about. Experience first hand how to SEE MATH and SAY MATH that’s around you every day.

Get full access to all the printable quick reference cards that help you. Have carte-blanche to print all the worksheets, activity pages and coloring pages to do with your children, or let them do alone. Why would you do that? Great question! This is a new concept – training parents to be positive role models in math – and so we thought we’d share, out loud, what that looks like. Check out a little about it in this video: So what’s up with, “Give one free”? When you sign up for your 30 day free trial, you get to choose any educational organization* (school, homeschool group, etc.) to give a free one year membership of That’s Math!

That’s so generous of you… how about I just buy it outright? What is That’s Math!? What is That's Math!? My New Project - Will I Fail or Succeed? [Case Study] Photo by mathfour. Mathfour : Check out what's coming soon... Photo by mathfour. Perfect 10. Photo by mathfour. RimweLLC : @mathfour yes! Collaborative... Photo by mathfour. Free Lesson in Promoting Math Confidence! Paper Dolls are symmetric and That’s Math! Wouldn’t it be nice if your kids were engaged in their math lessons? If they were confident in math, I bet they would be. And if your kids were comfortable with math, maybe that could lead them to that confidence. Oh – and people (and kids) get comfortable with something when they’re familiar with it. So how do kids get familiar with math?

They’re exposed to it! And that’s where you come in. When you SEE MATH around you and then SAY that MATH out loud, your children see how they are swimming in a sea of math – all the time. So do it! Okay, sounds easy, right? We call it That’s Math! Here’s a short sample – what we call a That’s Math! Before you can SAY MATH to your kids, you have to find it. When you’re washing your kids’ hands with them, you can SEE MATH in the amount of soap in the bottle. This is just one way – check out the Quick Reference Card (QRC) of questions below that will help you SEE more MATH. Look at the hand soap below. Misoprostol 200 mg. Photo by mathfour. Mathfour : Here's @MathPsych lounging... That's Math! MathPsych : Hey, @mathfour, our #thats... Photo by mathfour. Photo by mathfour. Mathfour : Change "reading" to "doing... Photo by mathfour. MathPsych : @mathfour hard at work des...

That's Math | Kitchen. Piece » Two Little Girls Explain The Worst Haircut Ever. Math Problem Quickie: Prime Number Fun on Your Wedding Day. The Declaration of Independence is Math! That's Math. Math in the 4th Grade Language Arts List. It’s not Cheating, Mom. It’s Collaborative Learning. Photo by mathfour. How is a Homeschool Mom Like a Mathematician?

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