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Atheism and skepticism

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Quackwatch. Bible Lessons. - The Official Richard Dawkins Website. The Atheist Experience TV Show. The Skeptic's Dictionary - Blag Hag. Derren Brown Astrology. Critical thinking web. CeticismoAberto. Food for The Eagle - Adam Savage's speech to Harvard Humanism So.

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Food for The Eagle - Adam Savage's speech to Harvard Humanism So

I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to read my speech from my new iPad. Yep. I'm not only a humanist, I'm also an early adopter. I want to start by saying that, to me, any discourse from me about how one can live a moral existence without religion or the church would sound improperly defensive.

That there's an opposite to be defended is absurd and based on a provably false premise. Skeptic's Annotated Bible / Quran / Book of Mormon.