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Inside the Human Body - The Respiratory System - Grades 7-12 - Respiratory System. Breathing -Respiratory System-How Body series of Education Videos. Human Body - Respiratory System - Kids Animation Learn Series. [Lesson Plans] « Just Call Me Ms Frizzle. Lesson plan « Just Call Me Ms Frizzle. 5 Mar Junk Drawer Science Junk Drawer Science is a new science curriculum company started by teachers with great resources for teachers.

lesson plan « Just Call Me Ms Frizzle

Welcome to Junk Drawer Science: a result of years of frustration with the out-of-touch, and often-out-of date resources that have been available to us as teachers. We believe that it is time for a revolution in science education. The textbook should be relegated to its proper place. At the moment, they have three products available for purchase: a book full of great activities for middle and high school life science classes, a guide to using interactive notebooks in science class, and the game they created called “The Game of Evolution”.

I happen to teach with the Junk Drawer Science owners and can guarantee that their products are worth every penny. I guess that makes this a shameless plug: all in the name of providing the world with great teaching resources! 25 Jan Waves Unit Intro We’ll pick up with types of waves and the wave equation tomorrow. 20 Aug. Human Body Lesson Plans: Systems, Functions, Anatomy Worksheets. Your Lungs & Respiratory System. Listen Time for Talk Your lungs are important for breathing . . . and also for talking!

Your Lungs & Respiratory System

Above the trachea (windpipe) is the larynx (say: LAIR-inks), which is sometimes called the voice box. Across the voice box are two tiny ridges called vocal cords, which open and close to make sounds. When you exhale air from the lungs, it comes through the trachea and larynx and reaches the vocal cords. The amount of air you blow out from your lungs determines how loud a sound will be and how long you can make the sound. Experiment with different sounds and the air it takes to make them — when you giggle, you let out your breath in short bits, but when you burp, you let swallowed air in your stomach out in one long one!

Love Your Lungs Your lungs are amazing. Keeping your lungs looking and feeling healthy is a smart idea, and the best way to keep your lungs pink and healthy is not to smoke. Planting A Pineapple — Tickled Red - StumbleUpon. Did y’all know that you can take this and turn it into… This?

Planting A Pineapple — Tickled Red - StumbleUpon

And that this will eventually produce… This? Yes, I’m talking about turning your average, ordinary grocery store pineapple into a tropical showpiece within your home. A plant that is not only impressive but will WOW! Planting a Pineapple 1. 2. 3. In 24 months (sounds better than two years) it will look like this. 88 Snacks Under 100 Calories Originally from The... Potatoes. Think you can lift your leg? Science made Simple’s Zoe gives it a go Human beings have a centre of balance around the belly button.

Think you can lift your leg?

You can usually stay balanced as long as the imaginary vertical line down from your belly button falls between the area that you are balancing on – usually your feet! When you lift your leg, the top half of your body needs to lean slightly the other way so that this line falls onto the one foot that is balancing you. Because the wall is in the way you can’t move your upper body to counterbalance your leg. Your body knows it will fall over if you do lift the leg so it is very hard to convince yourself to do it. So what…? High jumpers need to move their centre of balance over a pole to win medals. I Love That Teaching Idea! - StumbleUpon. Lawrence Hall of Science - 24/7 Science. How fast does the wind blow?

Lawrence Hall of Science - 24/7 Science

What makes things sticky? Where do insects live and plants grow? What is the best way to clean up the environment? How do humans measure up in the animal kingdom? So many questions—and so many ways to find answers! Bridge Builders How Fast Is the Wind Gooo! Filling Without Spilling Parachute Drop Crystals Bird Beaks Sticky Situations Oil Spill. The Great Energy Challenge. Personal Energy Meter.

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Getting started.