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Woman on the Moon by ~ladyironia on deviantART. Gestion de crise dans les réseaux sociaux. La transition vers l'économie verte pourrait générer jusqu'à 60 millions d'emplois. L’étude "Vers le développement durable : Travail décent et intégration sociale dans une économie verte" (Working towards sustainable development : Opportunities for decent work and social inclusion in a green economy) rappelle que ces gains dépendront de la mise en place effective d’une série de mesures appropriées. Télécharger le résumé en français du rapport "Vers le développement durable : Travail décent et intégration sociale dans une économie verte" « Le modèle de développement actuel s’avère inefficace et non viable pour l’environnement autant que pour les économies et les sociétés. » J.

Somavia « Le modèle de développement actuel s’avère inefficace et non viable, pas seulement pour l’environnement, mais aussi pour les économies et les sociétés », a déclaré le Directeur général du BIT, Juan Somavia. « Nous devons de toute urgence nous orienter vers le développement durable avec un ensemble cohérent de politiques qui placent l’homme et la planète au centre ». Téléchargement. Wait, Is The U.S. Government Paying Firms To Harass Journalists? Iceland Continues Economic Rejuvenation by Purging Financial Parasites. By Pete Papaherakles Iceland is showing the world what real independence from the bankers means. The Nordic island has become the first country to criminally charge a world leader as a result of the 2008 economic crisis. Former Prime Minister Geir Haarde, 73, was found guilty of “failing to adequately inform other Icelandic officials of events that led up to the 2008 financial crisis” according to an April 23 New York Times article.

As part of Haarde’s final verdict, two of the original six charges were dropped and the other three were cleared. These included “gross neglect of duty” and “ failure to reduce the size of the banking system,” charges that were more serious and could have put him behind bars for years. Haarde, who served as Iceland’s prime minister from June 2006 to February 2009, will not actually have to serve any jail time but the trial was indicative of Iceland’s re-establishment of its sovereignty after defaulting on the bankers. Mini-Me: “Inside Job” Director Charles Ferguson: Wall Street Has Turned the U.S. into a “Predatory Nation”

Who? Mini-Me? Huh? “Inside Job” Director Charles Ferguson: Wall Street Has Turned the U.S. into a “Predatory Nation” Two years after directing the Academy Award-winning documentary, “Inside Job,” filmmaker Charles Ferguson returns with a new book, “Predator Nation: Corporate Criminals, Political Corruption, and the Hijacking of America.” Ferguson explores why no top financial executives have been jailed for their role in the nation’s worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We also discuss Larry Summers and the revolving door between academia and Wall Street, as well as the key role Democrats have played in deregulating the financial industry. Charles Ferguson , the Academy Award-winning director of Inside Job , a documentary about the financial crisis. Phi Beta Iota: We strongly disagree on where the blame should be placed. May 29. How and why Walt Disney is trying to corrupt you and your children.

How To Brainwash A Nation. Brain Awareness Video Contest 2011. Welcome to YouTube! The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide". The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.

To change your country filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. The Society for Neuroscience challenged participants to make an original video, up to five minutes long, demonstrating a concept about the brain that could be used as a teaching tool or resource. Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is an inspirational global campaign that unites those who share an interest in elevating public awareness about the progress and benefits of brain and nervous system research. Eminem - Rain Man. The Technology Cult. Facebook. DSK et ses codétenus Grecs ! Christine Lagarde non plus ne paie pas d'impôt sur les revenus. Quelques jours après qu'elle a enjoint aux Grecs de "payer tous leurs impôts", des internautes ont rappelé que la directrice générale du FMI bénéficie d'un statut fiscal particulier. Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Alexandre Pouchard Voilà qui ne devrait pas arranger les affaires de Christine Lagarde.

Quelques jours après qu'elle a provoqué un véritable tollé en conseillant aux Grecs, dans un entretien au quotidien britannique The Guardian, vendredi 25 mai, de "s'entraider mutuellement" en "payant tous leurs impôts" – l'obligeant à s'expliquer sur sa page Facebook –, plusieurs internautes ont rappelé, lundi 28 mai, que la directrice générale du Fonds monétaire international (FMI) ne paie elle-même pas d'impôt sur le revenu, malgré un salaire annuel de 380 939 euros. Comme l'indiquait le site Tout sur les impôts en juillet 2011, la directrice générale du FMI bénéficie en effet d'un statut fiscal spécifique en qualité de fonctionnaire internationale. The Allegory of the Optimist and the Realist. Imagine entering a room in which the electrical wiring is defective. You turn the switch on. Nothing happens. Someone replaces the bulb but the room remains dark. The circuit breaker is deemed operational.

Most people, after a few attempts at flipping the switch, come to the realization that the circuit is broken. They accurately conclude that the light is not going to come on. A few of the people in the room, however, have resolute faith in the defective circuit. Suffering from cognitive dissonance, the eternal optimist, like Joe Hill’s fictitious character Mr. Nevertheless, despite decades of contrary results, the positivity and faith of the optimists cannot be blunted. Others, seeing the absurdity of these actions, scoff at the optimist’s foolishness. Eventually an exulted priest, Reverend Friedman, is consulted, who advises everyone to ignore the darkness and to obey the proprietors of the building. Eagle: Citizen Vigilance Network Emergent.

300 Million Talons... Worth a Look. Institutionalizing Citizen Vigilance These Citizen Vigilance Centers will serve the People of the State intent on holding their elected officials accountable through civic education and civic action, with no deference to politics, in utmost respect and defense of the greatest governing documents ever given to mankind. Who does the Government need to hear from: hundreds of thousands of their constituents, organized and standing with each other, single-minded in purpose, resolve and determination on constitutional matters, commanding respect and response, intelligent, rational and professional in their approach and drawing on the power and resources only a mass-movement can bring; Or, a loosely assembled, make-shift operation of individuals and small groups, un-organized, under-whelming and under-capitalized?

For each reader of this message, it is truly, now, up to you. Robert L. Learn more. May 27. 22 Entrepreneurs to Attend Le Web for FREE thanks to Lepe Partners and Silicon Valley Bank. Enter Now! | LeWeb. That’s right. The time has come for the “Adopt an Entrepreneur” contest. Le Web is ALL about entrepreneurship and bringing together the most innovative and creative minds for an event that will accelerate your growth as an entrepreneur. Thanks to Lepe Partners and Silicon Valley Bank, we’re giving away22 FREE passes to Le Web in London to any entrepreneur who can convince us that they truly and undoubtedly deserve to go. So if you’ve just been dying to go to, but the startup piggy bank isn’t quite cutting it this year, here’s your opportunity. Here’s how you enter: It’s simple… create as much noise about why you are an entrepreneur that deserves to go to Le Web. Step 1: Create some content to convince us that you deserve to go to Le Web in London.

Step 2: Like Le Web on facebook and share it on our wall. Use the tag #leweb (extra points for sending some love to our amazing sponsors using the tags#lepe and#svb). Step 3: That’s it! Hint hint… Strapped for ideas? Let the games begin!