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Animals. Fun Trivia Quizzes - World's Largest Trivia and Quiz Site! BYOD i rozszerzona rzeczywistość w klasie. Szczegóły Opublikowano: czwartek, 23, kwiecień 2015 00:00 Marcin Zaród A gdyby tak zabrać uczniów na wycieczkę do Centrum NASA na Florydzie, gdzie na własne oczy mogliby zobaczyć, a nawet dotknąć prawdziwego statku kosmicznego? Niestety, nie dość, że wycieczka droga, to i uzyskanie wizy wciąż nie takie łatwe. Mówicie, że Waszej szkoły nie stać na zakup tabletów, na których z tych technologii można by korzystać? Jakie są zalety BYOD? W naszych szkołach właśnie trwa właśnie rewolucja. Opiszę lekcję języka angielskiego z wykorzystaniem modelu BYOD, która miała miejsce w V Liceum Ogólnokształcącym im. Lekcja realizowana była w ramach rozbudowy słownictwa z działu „Nauka i Technika”. Appka Spacecraft 3D nie wymaga dostępu do internetu, a jedynie wydrukowania specjalnego „markera”, który oznacza miejsce pojawiania się w przestrzeni wybranego pojazdu.

Jak wykorzystać w klasie appkę Spacecraft 3D? Blog dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego: Let's go outside, czyli kilka pomysłów na lekcję na boisku. Na zewnątrz coraz cieplej i pewnie Uczniowie namawiają Was na lekcje poza klasą. Przedstawię Wam kilka pomysłów, które sama wykorzystuję, kiedy wychodzimy na boisko. Każdą z zabaw łatwo dostosować do poziomu Waszych klas. - Gramy w grę I spy with my little eye - np. something that is red, something beginning with 't', itd. - Uczniowie stają w kole i rzucają do siebie piłkę. . - Dzieci stają w dwóch rzędach gęsiego - dwie drużyny.

. - Na powietrzu świetnie sprawdzają się kalambury, zarówno pokazywane, jak i rysowane - wystarczy wziąć kredę. - Kółko i krzyżyk: Kredą rysuję tabelę, na której wypisuję dziewięć kategorii. . - Na ławce umieszczam dwie kartki: TRUE/ FALSE. . - Jeśli nie jest wietrznie, to możemy wykorzystać na powietrzu balon. A jakie są Wasze ulubione zabawy językowe na powietrzu? Learn Languages for Free with Music Videos, Lyrics and Karaoke! English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. Three Guidelines for Effectively Integrating Games in the Classroom.

A number of meta-analysis studies have been conducted in the field of game-based learning attempting to create generalizable findings that can be used to select and create meaningful educational and instructional game experiences. Here are three guidelines culled from research on the subject. The vast frozen wilderness faces the player as she learns about heat flow formula. Embed the instructional game into the curriculum. Games should be embedded in instructional programs that include debriefing and feedback so the students understand what happened in the game and how these events support the instructional objectives. The best learning outcomes from using a game in the classroom occur when a three step process is followed. The teacher should first introduce to the students the game and learning objectives covered in the game. The teacher should tell the students what they will be learning by playing the game.

Games need to include instructional support. References: Hays, R. Books. 5 Ways to Reduce eLearning and Corporate Training Costs. Reimagining Education: Is online learning the answer? I think we can all remember that feeling from our elementary and high school days of being dragged out of bed and off to school with sleep still in our eyes. On the way to school, still half in a dream, I remember imagining a day where school was conducted from the comfort of your own home (or bed for that matter).

Around recess though, once I was fully awake, I would retract my thoughts as I did not want to imagine school without being able to see my friends. As per usual, it seems that the future has come faster than we expected, and blended learning models where students benefit from both classroom and online learning are becoming more and more popular. What is blended learning? Essentially blended learning models couple interactive online tools such as videos, games and interactive virtual labs with the face-to-face classroom setting.

Active Learning Active learning happens when students have the opportunity to clarify, question, apply, and consolidate new knowledge. Self-Pacing. Blended Learning Outperforms Non-Blended Classrooms. The recent report, 2013-2014 Results—Personalized Learning Drives Student Achievement, summarizes some pretty extraordinary results highlighting the success of blended learning classrooms compared to non-blended classrooms. For those of you who do not know what blended learning is, here’s a brief overview. Blended learning is a fairly new approach in education that ‘blends’ technology into the teaching and learning process. Combining personalized online learning with face-to-face classroom learning, blended learning allows students to learn at their own pace, at their own ability level and with focus towards what interests them most.

We all know that our unique brains allow us to learn and excel at different rates—a fact that government mandated learning outcomes fail to account for. Compared to U.S. education achievement reports, the 30,000 students who used a blended learning model over the course of a year achieved 54% more in reading and 25% more in math. E-Learning Provocateur, Author at e-Learning Feeds. Darmowe książki po angielsku dla dzieci - Angielski. LearnEnglish Apps.

Fun ideas. Most children learn best when they are doing something for a real purpose and because they want to, so playing games is an easy way to support their learning. Here are some great suggestions for activities and games you can do at home or out and about. Younger readers 3-7 year olds Language Play Children enjoy exploring and experimenting with language and it helps them to learn new words and their meanings and also to listen to the sounds that make those words. So sing, rhyme, shout, whisper, rap and dance to the beat! Phonic Games There are about 44 sounds (made up from the 26 letters of the alphabet) that children learn in order to read and spell, so finding fun ways to help your child develop an ear for sounds is a good idea!

See our phonics made easy page for more information, including how to pronounce the sounds correctly. Memory Games Listening Games Developing good listening skills helps to improve your child’s reading skills too. Action Games Games that use all the senses Screen games. CALL (computer assisted language learning) Author: Graham Davies © Professor Graham Davies Abstract An introduction to Computer Assisted Language Learning, including a brief history and mention of more recent trends (CD-ROMS, DVDs, the Web) and professional associations dedicated to CALL.

Table of contents A definition of CALL Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is often perceived, somewhat narrowly, as an approach to language teaching and learning in which the computer is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned, usually including a substantial interactive element. A brief history of CALL CALL's origins can be traced back to the 1960s. Traditional CALL Traditional CALL programs presented a stimulus to which the learner had to provide a response. Explorative CALL More recent approaches to CALL have favoured a learner-centred, explorative approach rather than a teacher-centred, drill-based approach to CALL. Multimedia CALL Web-based CALL 1.5 Introduction to the Internet Bibliography.