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15 Photoshop Tutorials for Creating Product Advertisements | Van. The look and message of an advertisement will obviously have a huge impact on the success of the marketing campaign. Here is a list of 15 tutorials that will help you to create more attractive and eye-catching advertisements with Photoshop. You may also be interested in the following collections of Photoshop tutorials: Design a Professional Laptop Advert – PSDFAN PSDFAN is a new tutorial blog, but there’s already some high-quality work there, including this one.

Create an Energy Drink Ad Design – PSDTUTS Of course a few from PSDTUTS have to be on any Photoshop tutorial list. Sleek Phone Advertisement Flyer – Tutzor This tutorial shows you how to create an attractive and creative advertisement. Add a Fresh Splash to Your Design (for a beverage ad) – Tutorial9 Tutorial9 also has it’s own tutorial for creating a drink ad. Design an Awesome Cell Phone Ad – Tutorial9 They also have a different style of cell phone ad. Designing a Stylish Fashion Advert – PhotoshopStar Cell phone ads must be popular. 10 Fantastic Photoshop Tutorials on YouTube. Photoshop has been a mainstay of the design software pantheon for over 20 years, and it remains a great tool for pro artists and social media customizers alike. But the sophisticated image editor has a daunting learning curve.

With so many tools, features, and concepts to get a hold of, new users can be discouraged by dry help files and blind fumbling. But fear not, gentle reader, for the collective wisdom of YouTube is at your disposal. Photoshop tutorials abound on the video network. For Beginners If you're looking for a visual way to wrap your head around the basic functions of Photoshop, check out these "101" resources that take it nice and slow, and don't assume any prior experience. 1. If you've never taken up the virtual paintbrush before, get the lay of the land with this overview of the workspace. 2. This two-part tutorial breaks down most of the basic tools you'll need to start your graphic hacking adventures. For Intermediate Users 3. 4. 5. 6. For Advanced Users 7. 8. 9. 10. The 100 Most Popular Photoshop Tutorials 2008. Under Articles Sometimes, you may find it difficult to look for some of the highest quality photoshop tutorials using search engines.

As most of time, almost all tutorials would label themselves to be good, high quality or even the best photoshop tutorial you can find. When searching through all these tutorials, your time is wasted. In order to save your time, Photoshop Lady has been spending almost a whole year to search for the best photoshop tutorials for you. Under Photoshop Tutorial, Text Effect In this tutorial It will show you how to create a sort of grunge poster. In this tutorial we’ll be creating a smokey night effect on text to give it an eerie supernatural sort of feel. In this tutorial, the type-effects shows how to create the above image.

Under Abstract Effect, Photoshop Tutorial In this Photoshop tutorial, it will let you learn how to take a single photograph and turn it into a collage of polaroids, with each polaroid containing a small section of the overall image. 41 Nicest Photoshop Photo Effects. Looking at how powerful Photoshop can be in terms of photo editing, it’s probably not important if you suck at taking photographs or being labeled an amateur photographer. As long as you picked up a couple of Photoshop photo editing skills, it will still impress those who sees it. So the next time you want to publish some photos online, consider editing them so they look more impressive. Here’s a compilation of 41 Nicest Photoshop Photo Effects you can take into reference. Full content after jump. Mental Wave Explosion EffectHow to create a crazy explosion, like a mix of Magneto’s ability with Peter Petrelli’s power.

Tutoriale do Photoshopa | Blogi - o czym Polacy piszą w sieci. O tym jak bardzo poszukiwane są dobre tutoriale do Photoshopa przekonaliśmy się dopiero jak sami zakupiliśmy Adobe Photoshop CS4. Ktoś, kto zupełnie nieobeznany z tematyką próbuję pracować z tym programem staje przed nie lada wyzwaniem. Dla początkującego grafika to jest totalna abstrakcja. Pierwszą pracą jaką chcemy wykonać jest prosty banerek na tego bloga. Zanim jednak to nastąpi minie najprawdopodobniej trochę czasu. Najpierw trzeba będzie udać się do przedszkola. Na szczęście w internecie są dostępne osoby służące pomocą nawet w tak błahych sprawach jak instruktaż do tutoriali.

Rating: 4.6/10 (5 votes cast) Tutoriale do Photoshopa, 4.6 out of 10 based on 5 ratings Tags: forum graficzne, obróbka zdjęć, photoshop, tworzenie grafiki This entry was posted on Saturday, March 13th, 2010 at 16:08 You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.