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» Free Education For All: Khan Academy - Windows Fanatics - Lockergnome. “If you believe in trying to make the best of the finite number of years we have on this planet (while not making it any worse for anyone else), think that pride and self-righteousness are the cause of most conflict and negativity, and are humbled by the vastness and mystery of the Universe, then I’m the same religion as you.” – Salman Khan of Khan Academy Like any media outlet, YouTube is a double-edged sword.

» Free Education For All: Khan Academy - Windows Fanatics - Lockergnome

The content to be found there ranges from the tom-foolery of clownish faux pas and bloopers that make their way to Comedy Central’s Tosh.0 to the inspiring lessons of human potential demonstrated by TED conference speakers. New Orleans native Salman Khan envisioned using the online video service to provide free, online education for all, and he left his job as a hedge fund analyst in 2009 to focus on realizing this dream fully to create Khan Academy. We’re not talking about this guy. (Image from Dimitris Kalogeropoylos) Sharing the City: On Knowledge and the Academy. In my recent readings I’ve come across a growing pile of fascinating articles on the city.

Sharing the City: On Knowledge and the Academy

Blogs and social networks have allowed us to access information from the furthest corners of the globe, and now both you and I can read about the latest development plans in New York before glancing at the progress of slum redevelopments in India or South Africa. With the ‘Rise of the Network Society’ we have seen an unprecedented exchange of knowledge across social, political and cultural boundaries. The growing breadth of writing on urban space and the people that live within it is a testament to this exchange of knowledge, and more subliminally, a commentary on the inspirational qualities that cities have sketched onto a growing number of writers. This free-flowing arena of knowledge is comprised of different people from different places, each one holding an identity with an institution, collective, household, bedroom desk or table at a cafe. Khan Academy. Justice with Michael Sandel - Home.