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For English (ESL/EFL) Teachers. Clothes by ibuosc on Genially. How to Make a 3D Paper House. Vignettes de pédagogie active. Cell phones by psalernoprof1 on Genially. Cell phonaholic Anticipation Séance 1: How and where do people use their smartphones?

Cell phones by psalernoprof1 on Genially

Séance 2: Pros and cons of smartphones Séance 3: Addiction to smartphones Séance 4: Tâche finale Anticipation: What are we going to talk about in this unit? 1) What are the people doing in the pictures? 2) What is going wrong? (présent BE+V-ING) Diapo famille royale par caroleb19 sur Genially. Archie I am George.

diapo famille royale par caroleb19 sur Genially

My……… Kate. My……........ …is William. My………………is Charlotte. My………….............…. is Charles. Classes Inversees. Ressource privée. BigBlueButton - Open Source Web Conferencing. Laïcité, Liberté d'expression, Caricature by testlogiciels40 on Genially. Définitions Les valeurs de la République française La Laïcité La liberté d'expression La caricature et le dessin de presse.

Laïcité, Liberté d'expression, Caricature by testlogiciels40 on Genially

La laïcité (parcours citoyen, collège) par Bénédicte Tratnjek sur Genially. Collège Michel Servet (Annemasse)

La laïcité (parcours citoyen, collège) par Bénédicte Tratnjek sur Genially

Imagine John Lennon par nathaliepledran sur Genially. Imagine,by John Lennon 1971,By Miss Plédran - based on the work of CelineRech Pro,In memory of Samuel Paty,Watch the video clip :,1.

Imagine John Lennon par nathaliepledran sur Genially

Label the pictures and complete the lyrics:,hell – heaven – sky,Imagine there's noIt's easy if you tryAnd no below usAbove us only ,Listen again and do the following activities :,VALIDER,Well done,Try again,2. Circle the words you hear: ,1) Imagine all / old the people2) Leaving / Living for today,3. EtreProf - Accueil.

Roll & Explain Randomizer on Interactive Calendar. Interactive Calendar – Speakeasy News. Les rituels de début de cours, particulièrement importants pour les jeunes apprenants sont parfois réalisés de façon mécanique sans que les élèves comprennent toujours l’intérêt de donner la date ou de dire le temps qu’il fait.

Interactive Calendar – Speakeasy News

Voici un exemple d’activité introductive qui enrichit le rituel de la date et donne l’occasion d’élargir les horizons culturels des élèves. Pourquoi un calendrier interactif ? L’idée même du calendrier n’est pas de moi. Des idées d'appréciations pour vos bulletins scolaires (exemples) Vous n’avez pas d’idées pour remplir vos bulletins ?

Des idées d'appréciations pour vos bulletins scolaires (exemples)

Memory challenge padlet collaboratif pour les profs. Interaction en anglais - classe 6ème. Routine Chronos. 6e 2020-2021 Unit1 partagé by nathaliepledran on Genially. Rentrée 6è par Célia Cridlig sur Genially. Learn with Mario par amelie.boufflers sur Genially. GOING BACK TO SCHOOL,-PLAY-,Amélie Debray,LEVELS,PRONOMS PERSONNELS,PRÉPOSITIONS,A/AN,ADVERBES DE FRÉQUENCE,DÉTERMINANTS POSSESSIFS,GÉNITIF,ORDRE DES ADJECTIFS,MOTS INTERROGATIFS,LEVELS,PRESENT SIMPLE,PRESENT CONTINU,FUTUR SIMPLE,PRETERIT,CAPACITÉ: CAN,DEVOIR: MUST,FUTUR PROCHE,COMPARATIFS,SUPERLATIFS,A / AN,Play,Menu,...

Learn with Mario par amelie.boufflers sur Genially

7thgrade by Audrey Fauque on Genially. Manuels scolaires par sur Genially. Séq 4e #plasticpollution by Rebecca Johnson on Genially. Sequence 2 in 4e Home What you need ONLINEresources Learning objectives Go furtherif you are speedy Lessons englishSequence 2#plastic pollution.

Séq 4e #plasticpollution by Rebecca Johnson on Genially

Image interactive by Isabelle HARDY on Genially. 5e Once upon a time# physical description# comparison par missteacher.m sur Genially. The Haunted House par LEBEAU Julie sur Genially. TEN DAYS TO REVISE YOUR YEAR 7. Free resources for teens to help improve your English. GRAMMAR Simple Present par BURT sur Genially. Think about it !

GRAMMAR Simple Present par BURT sur Genially

Les Déterminants (Part 1) - Instagrammar. My day - routine verbs introduction by Yannick Bordin on Genially. My day Cartes. Black History in the USA- réutilisable par achevalier sur Genially. Collège Saint-Joseph, Janzé,to understand today's context,Slavery,slavery = esclavageto be sold = à vendre,1619-1865,American Civil War,1861-1865,Abraham Lincoln was President of the USA.He wanted to abolish slavery,North= the Union= anti-slaveryled by Abraham Lincoln,South= the Confederates= pro-slaveryled by Jefferson Davis,At the end, who won the war ? ,The North ! ,1865 = it was the abolition of slavery,- Abraham Lincoln is on the rightat the Mount Rushmore,Just for information :,- Abraham Lincoln has a memorial in Washington,The American Civil War is told in the Bluecoat comic,Les tuniques bleues,Jim Crow Laws1865-1954,Blacks and Whites were seperate but equal,in the southern states,Rosa Parks,She refused to give up her bus seat to a white person.,1955,It sparked the Montgomery bus boycott.

Billie Eilish on All Lives Matter. Le présent simple par cdgenglishteam sur Genially. On revoit tout depuis le début ! Learningapps, Genially et le code Iframe. What are you doing version collègues by nathaliepledran on Genially. What are you doing? Le présent simple par cdgenglishteam sur Genially. Ruby bridges par emilie.nivet sur Genially. Ruby'sworld Emilie Jacomelli Ac. Backstage par Lemaire Celine sur Genially. Start,BackstageESCAPE GAME,Don’t act like a diva,Your Task,Mariah Carey has organised a huge concert. She has invited other artists to perform with her.Unfortunatelly, her golden microphone has been stolen. The problem is that she can't sing the right lyrics without it. She always misconjugates the verbs in her lyrics.As a big fan, you don't want this catastrophe to happen. ,Help her find her golden microphone so that she can use the right tenses in her songs.

AUSTRALIA - 4e. Présent simple version partageable by nathaliepledran on Genially. 6e Home sweet home final version par nathaliepledran sur Genially. BANKSY by psalernoprof1 on Genially. AP - Let's describe ! (présent en be + -ing) AP - Let's describe ! (présent en be + -ing) BUCKINGHAM PALACE ESCAPE GAME Cycle 3 by BURT on Genially. The Queen'sPalace Dear citizen, You are invited by the Queen for a Garden Party. You will visit the different rooms, taste delicious food and enjoy excellent company ! Invitation The Queen's Corgi is lost ! Your mission is to go to different places around the Palace and question its residents !

Your mission. Marilyn Monroe by stephanie.quattri on Genially. Are you a survivor? by aureliegerard on Genially. Are you a survivor? ,Lycée Martin V - Mrs Gerard,Part II,Start,You've discovered your destination and learnt a lot about it.You've seen a new tense - The Present Perfect.You've spent your first night on the island.And so far you haven't been eliminated!

,Previously on Australian Survivor,In today's episode you will face the Reward challenge. Then you will try to win the invidual immunity to stay longer on the island.Are your ready? Click on the logo. ,Before you get to take up the Reward challenge, let's see if you remember what was explained in Part I. ROUTINE - PRESENT SIMPLE - 6e. Fairy Tales by Audrey Fauque on Genially. Chevallier sylvain. Physical description par teacherhirtz sur Genially. With Mavis and Frank Physical description. The history of the civil rights movement for Blacks in the USA. Are you an adventurer? par aureliegerard sur Genially. Are you an adventurer? Lycée Martin V - Mrs Gerard Start Part I Congratulations! You've just won a trip to Australia. Home sweet home : 6e : learning experience par missteacher.m sur Genially. MARTIN LUTHER KING par araujo_dulce sur Genially. "The time is always right to do what is right" Panic at Hogwarts Escape Game par Anne-Sophie Charrière sur Genially.

What has happened to the clocks at Hogwarts? ,Panic at Hogwarts ! ,Escape Game by Anne-Sophie Charrière (ac-Versailles),What time is it ? No one knows ! Speak to Dumbledore to discover the problem. Anglais-ERichard - 6eme. Tutoriel complet - La Quizinière (2018) (Laquiziniere, quizz en ligne) 5e Once upon a time# physical description# comparison by missteacher.m on Genially. The Lion King par laetitia.desmaisons sur Genially. The Globe theatre. The american civil rights movement- timeline. Home sweet home : 6e : learning experience by missteacher.m on Home Sweet Home LEARNING EXPERIENCE 6eme. Find a home for Paddington- ESCAPE GAME by estelle.verkynderen on Oliver and Amelia's adventures by gwen lc on - pencils- a pencil sharpener- notebooks- books,- pens-folders- pencils- highlighters,- pens- a pencil sharpener- a rubber- notebooks- pencils,QUESTION 01,Look at the picture of school children in Peru and click on the correct list of school items.

,QUESTION 01,Listen to the letters of the alphabet and click on the right answer:,y-l-i-m-a-f-s-e-n-o-j,i-m-e-n-o-f-s-i-m-o-g,j-o-n-e-s-f-a-m-i-l-y,red and black,red and white,black and white,QUESTION 03,What colors are the flag of Greenland? ,You should give money to help. ,You can't cut down trees. ,You can make a fire. Escape game Great Brits by gwen lc on 6ème Parts of a house. BLACK HISTORY IN THE US - part 3 - CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT by on Caremongering Article and Video – Speakeasy News. Are you the next Indiana Jones? by solaestelle on Catch the irregular verbs by D. Araujo by araujo_dulce on

The problem we all live with by missjonard on The problem we all live with by missjonard on Ed is dead copie. Ed is dead copie. Créer les meilleures leçons plus rapidement. MY GENIALLIES. Découvrir Genially. Recueil des Geniallys du groupe. Food vocabulary by yodavir on Delta Publishing. Food vocabulary by yodavir on Celebrities, past and present (SEGPA) Boost Your English · Boost Your English! · Made with Glide. La compréhension écrite. Réduire le bruit en classe : 7 techniques de retour au calme - primaire. MERRY CHRISTMAS. Christmas Xmas Noël. MY GENIALLIES. How to be good at English. New Hi There! Anglais 4e site ressources élève. Shrek's routine collège anglais application. Escape Game gamification.

Rooms: my room, my personality! - Mrs Mousset.