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Related:  New English fileGeniallysAnglaisTEACHERSESCAPE GAMES

Escape game Food 6e by clemence.tisseyre on Genially Combien de mots de vocabulaire autour du thème "food and drinks" connais-tu ? A toi de jouer et de réussir les activités afin de réussir l'escape game... Complète les différentes missions ! A la fin de chaque mission, tu récupèreras un mot clé qui te permettra de former une question à laquelle tu devras répondre ! Bonne chance ! Mission Let's go ! Fruit, vegetables or drinks ? What is the first word ? is do are *Try again! Remember the solution ! Souviens-toi de la solution ! Clique sur le panier Activity 1 Activity 2 What is the second word ? drink fruit food What are the third and fourth words ? Quels sont les troisième et quatrième mots ? what et your you et do you et what * Keep going with another mission ! Continue avec une autre mission ! Click on the purple glass Activity What is the final word ? favourites favourite favour Can you give the correct question now ? Peux-tu reformer la question correcte ? favourite what is your fruit ? What is your favourite fruit ? Fruit favourite what is your ? Enter the secret number

Genially Archivos «Tenemos un problema IV» es una actividad gamificada más de las creadas Ramón Mejías González maestro en el CEIP “Bachiller Alonso López” en Alcobendas (Madrid) con Genially, con la que trabajar problemas de categoría de combinación. Los problemas de combinación son aquellos en las que se juntan dos o más … Miguel de la Rosa Zurera del Colegio «San Martín» de Madrid, con Genially ha preparado una nueva actividad de gamificación que emula el juego de «Ahora caigo» de televisión con el título el «Castañazo». Se trata de cinco pantallas con las que repasar brevemente y jugando el concepto de fracción … Est apresentación interactiva la he realizado en parte pensando en las familias que tiene que apoyar en casa a sus hijos de Primero de Primaria. Una nueva actividad gamificada realizada con Genially que para trabajar el paso de medidas de volumen de complejas a incomplejas.

Months of the Year Games : In addition to that there are listening exercises, English conversation activities to practice questions with 'When?', games for spelling, writing, reading, and more. This app is great for learning the months of the year in English, but there are 10+ sections to practice the spelling of months, practice pronunciation and to ask about birthdays and holidays throughout the year. This game focuses on months of the year providing a learning section, spelling section, conversation practice games, and grammar games for students. The questions and answers for this game are as follows. A: When is Mother's Day? B: It's in May. A: Is Halloween in October? B: Yes, it is. Other notes: For the spelling games, the students must enter the months with a capital letter or the game will reject the answer. There is a strong focus on being able to form the wh- question with "when" in the grammar section of the application More activities and games to learn English:

Online Advent Calendar 2015 - Interactive and Fun On each day in December 2015, test your knowledge on how Christmas is celebrated around the world, using our very own interactive advent calendar. Most of the facts and photos in the Woodlands Junior advent calendar below have been sent to us by schools and visitors around the world. No peeking before the correct day. The Woodlands Junior Advent Calendar 2015 online interactive advent calendar contains fascinating facts and information about how Christmas is celebrated in different countries around the world including: How does red-suited Santa survive in the heat of a Brazilian summer? In what country is Pavlova a popular Christmas dessert? Advent calendars have long helped build excitement and anticipation on the countdown to Christmas, typically revealing a pretty picture or piece of chocolate behind the cardboard door for each December day along the way. This page, and the contents of the advent calendar, are updated daily in December by Mandy Barrow. Can't open the Window?

Les Outils Les Outils Cadenas numériques Codes sonores Objets Messages secrets Faux documents Des images et des codes Codes visuels Réalité augmentée Qr Codes Bande-annonce Faites parler des personnages historiques ou fictionnels avec Photospeak. Genially vous permet de transformer des présentations en vidéos au rendu génial! Deux mots: simple et rapide! +info Avec Imovie, créez des bande-annonces de qualité supérieure. Bande-Annonce C. Genially c'est: d'un simple impressionnant! Genially C. Imovie c'est: un logiciel de montage vidéo puissant.un incroyable outil de bande-annonce prêt à l'emploi, vous n'avez plus qu'à insérer vos images.un éditeur de fond vert sur ordinateur ou tablette. Imovie C. Quik c'est: importer des photos et des mélodies rapidement et simplement.une application légère et intuitive. Quik C. Photospeak c'est: faire parler des personnages historiques ou fictionnels.rapide et facile d'utilisation, sélectionnez vos zones (bouches, yeux) et c'est prêt. Photospeak Une bande-annonce à la Star Wars! Musical

Year7_Interrogative_Pronouns_Pokemonopie by LuckyteacherAG on Genially START,Year7Where is the Pokeball?,Where's the Pokeball?,3.Map/missions,Introduction, ,1.Introduction,2.Characters,,Mewto is a thief.The Pokeball is locked in a briefcase!! Recursos by bibliotecaceiphispalis on Genially Les tablettes en langues Les tablettes en langues Charlie Rollo professeur d'anglais (Ac. en langues vivantes Plus-value Enregistrer S'entraîner Evaluer Produire Rechercher Différencier S'informer Son Vidéo Normalement, vous avez tout ce qu'il faut pour enregistrer du son sur votre tablette. Audacity Chatterpix Talkr et SpeakPic - Enregistrer, couper et monter du son. - iOs et Android - Enregistrer sa voix pour faire parler une image en toute simplicité. - iOs (Talkr) et Android (SpealPic) - Utilisation du fond vert. - Effet très professionnel. Filmer c'est bien, pouvoir faire du montage, ajouter des effets spéciaux, tout ça mérite des applications aux fonctionnalités plus poussées. iMovie Touchcast Adobe Spark Puppet Pals - Enregistrer, couper et monter une vidéo. - Ajouter des effets, jouer avec un écran vert. - iOs - Créer des vidéos à partir d'images. - Et si vous pouviez donner vie à des marionnettes ? BBC News National Geographic Kids News-o-Matic - Ecouter et lire les nouvelles du monde entier. - en anglais - iOs et Android. Duolingo Quizlet

The Muggle at Hogwarts You may have heard the story of "The Boy who Lived" and of his battle with 'you know who', but have you heard the story of the Muggle who made it to Hogwarts? Nobody knows the name of that Muggle Maybe it was you ... Start I think I'll head into the Leaky Cauldron for a quick Butterbeer Just a Muggle bookshop. Not much of interest here. Missions Tle Meeting Point 1re I bet you can 6ème Bled Anglais en poche for beginers Just a regular London Street Hmm ... Lumos ! A word to the wise: Use a pen and paper to take notes as you travel through the wizarding world. It will help you answer difficult questions and save you time. Harry, don’t forget, to get into Diagon Alley you need to tap four bricks in the correct order. Always count from the top left hand corner. 5 down 4 across – 2 down 2 across - 10 down 5 across – 8 down 3 across. Love Ginny xxx Wow! But I don't have any money. I'd better go to Gringott's first! I've got my money. I don't need to go back in there. I've got to buy a lot of stuff. Goblins Orks No

The enigma case World War II get started. Intro Map/Missions Characthers You are anamericanspy, which after the Pearl Harbor attack by the japonese in 1941, have been sent to Europe in the middle of theWorld War IIwith Nazism led byHitlerin its full swing. map/missions Characters 2. 3. 4. Neville Map/missions Your spycolleague since the academy. You Charactets American Spyspecializedin all fields. Susan IT, specialist decipheringcodes. Mr. Ideal Spyto go anywhere andunnoticed. Open the letter "Surname of the dictator who led the National Socialist party and the cause of World War II" "We inform you that behind this message there is a hidden code" Password? Great Britain, 1942 ... Correct The first number is2 Spy Perfect, Himmler is incharge. The extermination of the Jews is on track, the SS is in charge. USSR has also fallen, 'Operation Barbarossa' was a success Winter will force us to stop, Hitler has ordered the army to wait for Spring in Moscow. We have covered all positions, they can not attack us from anywhere. Go away!

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