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Date a Girl Who Travels. Date a Girl Who Travels by Aleah Taboclaon Date a girl who travels. Date a girl who would rather save up for out of town trips or day trips than buy new shoes or clothes. She may not look like a fashion plate, but behind that tanned and freckled face from all the days out in the sun, lies a mind that can take you places and an open heart that will take you for what you are, not for what you can be. Date a girl who travels. You’ll recognize her by the backpack she always carries.

She won’t be carrying a dainty handbag; where will she put her travel journal, her pens, and the LED flashlight that’s always attached to her bag’s zipper? In a small purse, how can she bring the small coil of travel string, the wet tissues, the box of cracker, and the bottle of water she’s always ready with, just in case something happens and she can’t go home yet? Yes, a girl who travels knows that anytime, anything can happen and she just has to be prepared with it. It’s easy enough to date a girl who travels. Namore uma garota que viaja | Este texto é uma grande reflexão da importância de namorar uma pessoa que curta viajar!

Vale a pena a leitura! Namore uma garota que viaja! Uma garota que prefira gastar seu dinheiro numa viagem no final de semana, uma viagem bate-e-volta que seja a torrar numa promoção do shopping. Ela anda com calçados confortáveis, pois nunca sabe qual distância ela irá andar aquele dia, afinal, ela não reconhece as distâncias como barreiras na vida. Ela estará na rodoviária com um mochilão no próximo final de semana, ou em shows de bandas que você nunca ouviu falar “porque conheci eles a um ano atrás, viajando”.

Ela carrega na bolsa lembranças de vários lugares diferentes, e sempre tem um lanchinho ou uma garrafa d’agua dentro dela, pois vai que ela não volta pra casa naquele dia? Foto: arquivo pessoal Ela lê livros de viagens, escuta eddie vedder na estrada, sabe nome de lugares maravilhosos os quais você nunca havia ouvido falar antes. Namore uma garota que viaja porque ela ama a vida. 10 Reasons Why Traveling Makes You A Better Person. If you have the opportunity to pack your bags and go, do it. Go alone if you have to. Don’t do it for vacation.

Don’t do it for luxury. Don’t do it to take pictures for your Instagram account. Do it because it will make you a better person. And here’s why: 1. Have lunch with yourself. 2. Foreignness does not prevent random acts of kindness. 3. This does not mean claiming hardship. 4. Itineraries are guidelines, not rigid measurements of experience. 5. Forget the missed bus and enjoy the culture that can be experienced in one hour waiting at a bus stop. 6. Practice speaking that language you learned. 7. Don’t rush through the museum. 8. Try looking at things a different way. 9. Appreciate family, friends, and loved ones. 10. Family becomes more than just blood. 77 signs that you’re a traveller for life… Home » featured, good ones, popular posts Written by Frankie12 September 201328 Comments Last weekend I travelled back to the UK from the Netherlands for a family gathering and being the nonchalant travel professional that I am, I was running (very, very) late.

As I walked (ahem, raced) through Schiphol’s main entrance I realised I had only eleven minutes to make it to my gate before it closed, including the dreaded walk through security. I got there in eight minutes. Knowing how to navigate airports, master a stress-free stroll through security and run at 10mph through terminal buildings (in heels, of course) is only thanks to years and years and years of travelling. With a little help from my fellow Travelettes, here are seventy-seven signs that tell you that you are a true blue, bonafide, “eating noodles for breakfast” traveller… So, how many do you relate to? You know you’re a traveller… 100 little things that travel has taught me. Travel has been one of my most valuable teachers. Rather than sit in a classroom and learn about the world through a someone else’s eyes, I did it through adventures and misadventures, tears and laughter.

I know I still have so much to discover, but here are some lessons that sometimes I had to learn the hard way. Some of them I already kinda knew, some I are silly, some are serious, some are obvious, and some are embarrassing. Maybe this collection will help open up new doors in your own life and own travels, and although we will all learn our own lessons, I hope maybe I will help someone avoid some of my mistakes (example: #14). Happy travels! 1. Travel is about the journey, not the destination. 21. 28. 43. 60. 80. 95. What are some lessons you have learned from travel?

Photo credits: katja hentschel: polaroid, laptop, insects, waterfall girl; mrsdkrebs: tattoo map, littlelakes: coconut, fmgbains: flowers, all others: author’s own * post written by Kyra Bramble. 29 life lessons learned in travelling the world for 8 years straight.