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Contenuti digitali per la didattica

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12 Good Educational Websites for Kids. Super Teacher Worksheets - Thousands of Printable Activities. Butterfly Life Cycle: Article with Lots of Pictures. Bees in Hive The Butterfly Life Cycle Let’s explore a butterfly’s life cycle in detail, including all four stages of life.

Butterfly Life Cycle: Article with Lots of Pictures

All butterflies have "complete metamorphosis. " To grow into an adult they go through 4 stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Each stage has a different goal - for instance, caterpillars need to eat a lot, and adults need to reproduce. Butterfly Eggs on a Leaf A butterfly starts life as a very small, round, oval or cylindrical egg. Butterfly eggs are usually laid on the leaves of plants, so if you are actively searching for these very tiny eggs, you will have to take some time and examine quite a few leaves in order to find some.

Teachers Guide to The Use of Comic Strips in Class: Some Helpful Tools and Resources. Relazione tra apprendimento e nuove tecnologie. uno studio sullefficacia della LIM nella scuola primaria. Digital Literacy. Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files. Mapping - National Geographic Society. Home Grown Hearts Academy Homeschool Blog: Homeschooling with Netflix & FREE Journal Pages. Do you have visual and auditory learners?

Home Grown Hearts Academy Homeschool Blog: Homeschooling with Netflix & FREE Journal Pages

I sure do and have found movies to be a great educational tool for our homeschooling. We absolutely love Netflix because we have access to so many wonderful documentaries and educational shows that my daughters love to watch! I figured I should write a post so I could share some of our favorites with you.Wild Kratts The Magic School Bus Super Why! Reading Rainbow Favorites Mighty Machines Netflix has now added a homework help section. Please note that Netflix sometimes changes their offerings. The Best Places To Create (And Find) Internet Scavenger Hunts & Webquests. There seems to be a fair amount of confusion about the definition of a “Webquest.”

The Best Places To Create (And Find) Internet Scavenger Hunts & Webquests

Bernie Dodge, who originated the model in 1995, described it like this in a comment on this blog last year: “A critical attribute of a WebQuest is that it engages higher level thinking, the upper part of Bloom’s taxonomy. Things like creativity, analysis, synthesis. judgment…. 16 Student Feedback Tools Tutorials. Comic Strip Resources. Augmented Reality. APRENDO - APPRENDO: Lapbook "Le tabelline" - presentazione.

Laboratorio Interattivo Manuale: "Imparo a fare i lapbook" Le conseguenze della I guerra mondiale. 15 Great YouTube Channels for Social Studies Teachers. March 22, 2017 After we posted about YouTube channels for math teachers we received a couple of requests for compiling a similar list for social studies teachers.

15 Great YouTube Channels for Social Studies Teachers

Below are some of our favourite channels in this regard based mainly on our previous reviews and teachers feedback. These channels provide video content that covers various topics from history and geography to culture and world news. We have also turned this list into an infographic that you can access and download for free from this page. 1- Google Arts and Culture Learn about the events that shaped the world and discover collections curated by experts from the most famous museums. 2- The National Geographic Kids Provides exciting video content to help kids learn about cool science, awesome animals, funny pets and many more.3- Mr.Beat’s Social Studies Channel.

A Handy Infographic Featuring Some of The Best YouTube Channels for Social Studies Teachers. Dan Meyer's Three-Act Math Tasks. Storytelling. CURIEL- Team1 e 2. Home ~ Schoolkit - accompagnamento innovativo del PNSD. Tools per time-line. How to Evaluate Web Resources.

The Internet has given writers in all fields the ability to conduct research more quickly, and more thoroughly, than ever before.

How to Evaluate Web Resources

Whether they're writing hosting reviews, tapping out novels, or blogging like a rockstar, nearly everyone who writes now relies in some part on the Internet for information. Yet with almost 640 terabytes of data being transferred every single minute—much of it poorly sourced—it can be difficult to discern, at first blush, the accuracy of information found on the Web, as well as the authority of its resources. Life online has undoubtedly changed the procedures used to gather and assess information forever. But when it comes to well-written and effective content, the need for correct information, from reliable and authoritative resources, remains the same. Even in the cut-and-paste age of Wikipedia, evaluating sources based on their authority, relevance, and accuracy is still a requirement for serious writers. Strumenti. Free Clipart - Clip Art Pictures - Graphics - Illustrations - Royalty Free Photographs. Mappa strumenti digitali-Corso formazione AD Sicilia - 3192 Patti (ME)

Con quale percorso?

Mappa strumenti digitali-Corso formazione AD Sicilia - 3192 Patti (ME)

PROGETTAZIONE Cosa? Scuola Valore » Tecnologie didattiche. Contenuti digitali aperti: tra licenze, inclusione e riuso. Risorse educative aperte tra licenze, inclusione e riuso Una presentazione di Antonio Fini Dichiarazione di Città del Capo, 2007 OER, Miur e contenuti digitali, 2013. How to create an interactive ebook: A step-by-step guide. Ebooks are the new norm in education and publishing.

How to create an interactive ebook: A step-by-step guide

Add interactivity and you’ve got yourself a top-notch product that is sure to put you ahead of the game. This comprehensive guide will lead you through the journey so that you know how to create an interactive ebook and how to publish and distribute the ebook to different platforms. We will start together from building your content, to choosing your preferred online and offline tools and along the way we’ll give you the answers to the most common questions writers ask. Learning how to create an interactive ebook is simple, but let us start first by defining what an “interactive ebook” is. This term has been over used in past years by publishers who think that inserting a moving picture in their ebook would deem it “interactive”.

Robin Good: Come Creare Contenuti Di Valore. Edublogger - Sue Waters - Curation: Creatively Filtering Content. We are living in an era of information overload.

Edublogger - Sue Waters - Curation: Creatively Filtering Content

So much content is shared online that curation is needed as a way to get value out of the information flood. Content curation is the process of shifting through the vast abundance of content on the Internet to select the best, most relevant resource, on a specific topic or theme, so that we can organize, manage and collate the content for ourselves and share with others. Franco Torcellan: Quando la ricerca online diventa prodotto. ... dai diamanti non nasce niente dal letame nascono i fior ...

Franco Torcellan: Quando la ricerca online diventa prodotto

La ricerca in rete presenta non poche difficoltà: internet è rappresentabile anche come una grande biblioteca caotica dove materiali di grande qualità sono mescolati a documenti ben poco attendibili, di scarsa fattura ed anche totalmente errati e fasulli. Anche se sono state elaborate metodologie e prassi per la valutazione della qualità delle informazioni reperite in rete (PDF, Kb 524), qualcuno è molto scettico su tutto questo e tende a rifiutare le nuove modalità e forme della conoscenza. David Weinberger afferma, invece, che "La conoscenza in rete è meno certa, ma più umana. Meno definita, ma più trasparente. Del resto gli stessi filtri sono contenuti: Google, ad esempio, ordina i risultati tenendo conto soprattutto di chi linka che cosa. La nuova conoscenza è dunque ampia, senza confini, populista, accreditata dagli altri, irrisolta.

Luca Vanzulli: Content Curation: strategie e quali piattaforme usare. Negli ultimi mesi, è cresciuto l’interesse da parte dei Marketers per la ricerca, la raccolta, l’ordinamento e la condivisione di contenuti online, ritenuti rilevanti per un determinato target utenti di riferimento.

Luca Vanzulli: Content Curation: strategie e quali piattaforme usare

Questa frontiera del marketing viene chiamata Content Curation.