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Articles about Zodiac Signs Astrology , Horoscopes and Astrology. All these 3 power ladies of the music industry have the same combination: Moon conjunct Pluto in their horoscopes. Moon rules music. In the charts of women also how they express their femininity. Pluto is the planet of power(being powerful or being overpowered, manipulated) our dark side and our sexuality. The 3 artists express their femininity(Moon) in a highly sexualised way. Madonna was the pioneer, so to speak(Moon and Pluto in the 1st house of self-empowerment) while Miley has this combo in the 7th house (the public, others, giving power away)(we have no time of birth for Lady Gaga) Madonna did it as a way of self empowerment, while Miley seems to be doing it for "the audiences" and to create public appeal.

Whatever the reason, the 3 of them have this highly sexualised, taboo breaking, dark side to their image/performance. Wether they have done this in a healthy way, it is not something I should give opinion on...Pluto has its dark ways and means, but it surely seduces! Articles about Zodiac Signs Astrology , Horoscopes and Astrology. The Woman's Belly Book. Multiple-Intelligences. A good question - my attempt in answering it. Biodynamics. Goddess Inanna – Resurrecting sexual freedom | The Goddess of Sacred Sex. As Priestess of Inanna, initiated into her worship, she calls from the great beyond, reminding me why she was so loved and adored for thousands of years as she incarnated into Ishtar, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Neith, Metis, and Cybele down through time and cultures into Isis and even Aphrodite.

The worship of this great goddess crossed millennia and cultures much like Christianity does today and the traits of such a powerful and adored Goddess as Inanna still speak to us as the sacred feminine is rebirthed once again in a modern era. At her peak in ancient Mesopotamia around 5,000 to 2,000 BCE, (now known as modern day Iraq), the first great urban centre emerged, and with it, the cuneiform or wedge shaped system of writing on clay tablets which was Sumer’s greatest gift to modern civilisation. Inanna and Dumuzi My vulva, the horn, The Boat of Heaven, Is full of eagerness like the young moon. My untilled land lies fallow. As for me, Inanna, Who will plow my vulva? Clay vulva altar offering. Befriending Sex, with Gary Matthews & Alison Vodnoy Wolf — Shamanic Counselor. With Gary Matthews & Alison Vodnoy Wolf Using a shamanic approach to embrace the energy of desire Sex is a precious gift.

It regenerates life on Earth, and almost all creatures can experience orgasmic bliss. This instinctual desire to reproduce motivates most of what we do. And yet, many of us feel shame, guilt, depression, and anxiety about these natural aspects of ourselves. What if we could be friends with this essential power we all hold?

Sexual energy is the same force we use to work, play, sing, and dance. Appropriate boundaries will be honored. Location Oz Farm Sanctuary 1729 Huntley Road Goshen, OH 45122 Date & Time March 29 – March 30, 2014 (Saturday – Sunday) Saturday (3/29): 10 am – 6 pmSunday (3/30): 10 am – 5 pm* *May run over; please plan accordingly Registration Fee Full tuition: $225Get a $30 discount by registering by March 15. How to Register Make checks payable to Gary Matthews, and mail to:Oz Farm Sanctuary 1729 Huntley Road Goshen, OH 45122 More Information Questions?

Womb of the Earth (part one) by Roslyne Sophia Breillat. Courses offered with Roslyne Sophia Breillat BEING WOMAN - She of the Earth… & DAWNING OF WISDOM ~ Beginning the Journey of Menopause WOMB of the EARTH Part One Woman has become so attached to the contemporary world’s denigration and ignorance of her female truth that she has forgotten who she really is.

And she is slumbering within a deep sleep of forgetfulness, a veil of amnesia that masks this female truth as her divine and sacred heritage. For her womb was once revered throughout ancient civilisations as an inherent source of universal mystery and creative sexual power that embraced the immortal essence of the feminine spirit. And this womb was perceived as the circle, the source, the centre, the creation of all of life and love. In many early cultures a woman’s womb was perceived as containing the galactic power of the universe. And this is the truth. An Analysis Of Feminine Beauty: Part I. Good afternoon, my darling dove! In today's lesson of this new series - and upcoming lessons- you're going to learn how and why states of gender and health, as well as states of sexuality affect the motions of every woman. I do hope you enjoy this interesting lesson! If you're desiring to become more feminine, attractive and desirable in the eyes of a man/men, keep on reading.

*Smile*For every woman who desires to stand out in a good way from other women, and appear to an advantage should keep in mind that states of gender, health and sexuality affect a woman's physical form, beauty, mannerisms, etc., far more than many women realize. They may also be able to tell whether this woman was in a high or low state of physical health and gender. Moreover, if this state of gender, health and sexuality in a woman is lacking or deficient, no amount of external beauty aids such as cosmetics, clothes or professional image makeovers can compensate for a woman's lack of health or 'sexual poverty.' Being "in the moment" Bodhipaksa Mindfulness can be seen as the practice of “being in the moment” – but what does this actually mean? Does it mean that if we’re mindful we should never think about the past or the future, never try to plan or to reflect on our past experience? Actually, being in the moment means being mindfully aware of what is going on right here and now, in our experience, and this includes any thinking we do about the past or future.

Much of the time our experience does not have this quality of awareness or mindfulness. A lot of the time we are like robots, automatically living out habitual patterns of self-pity, anger, wish fulfillment, fear, etc. These habitual tendencies take us over and run our lives for us – without our being able to stand back and decide whether this is what we actually want to be doing.

It can be a real shock when we start to realize just how habitual and automatic our lives are, and when we realize how much runaway thinking leads to states of suffering. Comments. Yoni Care. Wildturmeric. Yoni Steaming As A Celebration Of The Sacred Feminine ~ Sierra Brashear | WILD WOMAN. In Sanskrit, the term yoni is the word for vagina and womb. A symbol of the Hindu Divine Mother, the yoni is revered in ancient Indian cultures as undeniably sacred. It is, after all, the origin of life. Indeed, the yoni is a powerful force in the world. As beautiful and perfect as those of us who are blessed to have one, our wombs are central to our energetic, emotional, sexual and intellectual wellbeing. They are to be honored, respected and loved by us, and of course, by all those lucky enough to be in their presence. But let’s be real, ladies. With that in mind, I believe that the time has come to transform the experience we have of our wombs, for the sake of the world.

It’s called yoni steaming. It’s an idea whose time has come…again. Yoni steaming, also known as vaginal steaming, is actually an ancient women’s remedy that is being fervently revived by women everywhere who are ready to celebrate, pamper and support their yonis. So… Are you ready to celebrate? (c) Sierra Brasher 2015. Terra Maïre. Didjetellus Didgeridoo Seaport Village 2012 Spring Busker Festival Part 2. Koji Matsumoto - Flute Style Didgeridoo Freestyle. The Cinematic Orchestra - Talking About Freedom (LateNightTales Cover) Nina Simone - Here comes the sun (Francois K. remix) How I Learned To Fall Asleep In Under 1 Minute. I couldn’t wait to put the trick to the test, and to my complete disbelief, I woke up the next morning unable to even remember getting to the eighth second of the exhale because it knocked me out that fast.

For the next four nights leading up to the big day, even as my stress increased, I was able to fall asleep the minute I tried the 4-7-8 trick. I also used it to relax in the moments leading up to the speech. When you feel stressed or anxious, adrenaline courses through your veins, your heart beats at a rapid rate, and your breathing becomes quick and shallow. So before I get into the specifics behind how the 4-7-8 breathing trick works, I wanted to explain in my own words what it feels like when you try it. To me, the effect of the breathing technique feels almost like a sedative drug, because in order to hold your breath for seven seconds and then to exhale for eight—when your breath is so shallow and short—your body is forced to slow your heart rate. It has no choice. Humming Bee Breath. Wednesday 16 April, 2014. How do you benefit from Humming Bee Breath yoga breathing technique?

Use this yoga breathing technique to calm your emotions. It relieves anger or anxiety because it reconnects you to the nurturing rythmic pulsation within your own being. How To Do Humming Bee Breath Choose a comfortable sitting posture or sit in a chair. You could sit on the floor and bend your knees up in front of you. Rest your elbows on your knees and use your thumbs to close the small flaps on the front of your ears. let your spine float taller, and allow your heart center to open, but don't stick your chest out.Close your eyes and bring your attention inward to your belly, your heart, your throat and then your head. Go from Humming Bee Breath to Stress And Yoga. 11 Fascinating Facts About Breathing. Throughout our yoga, meditation, and pranayama practices, there is a huge emphasis on the breath. But not so often do we focus on how we breathe day by day, moment to moment – and, in turn, how this affects our lifestyle.

Recently I completed an incredible course titled “Applied Anatomy and Physiology” with the inspiring yogi and physiotherapist Simon Borg-Olivier, through Yoga Synergy. Simon talked (and demonstrated) a lot about the breath, and invited along “Respiratory Physiologist, Behavior Modification & Breathing Therapist” Roger Price. Between the two, I learned many amazing facts about the breath, and how these facts can completely transform your life! Here are 11 of them: 1. Breathing has very little to do with oxygen. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

How To Practice Transformational Breathing Step-by-Step. About Transformational Breath Exercises. Breath of fire is a pranayama, or breathing technique, where you breathe rapidly, rhythmically and continuously through your nostrils with equal emphasis on your inhalations and exhalations. You concentrate on the power at your navel center and your solar plexus.

Because this is considered an advanced pranayama, give yourself plenty of time and expert instruction to learn the proper technique. It is best to work with a teacher to learn pranayama, as these exercises can be quite powerful. The best time to practice is in the morning or two to three hours after a meal. Stop practicing breath of fire if you feel any dizziness or other discomfort. According to the Kundalini Research Institute, breath of fire oxygenates and detoxifies your blood. Before you practice breath of fire, become familiar with abdominal breath, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, and ujjayi breath, also known as ocean breath because of the sound it creates. Begin by taking a few deep breaths. Cameron Russell: Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model.

You're Already Awesome. Just Get Out of Your Own Way!: Judson Brewer MD, Ph.D. at TEDxRockCreekPark. Don't Just Follow Your Passion: A Talk for Generation Y: Eunice Hii at TEDxTerryTalks 2012. TEDxFiDiWomen - Alisa Vitti - Loving Your Lady Parts as a Path to Success, Power & Global Change. Be Beautiful Manchester Based British Beauty Blog, Lifestyle Blog, Jewellery Blog, DIY Beauty Blog: DIY: Eye Make Up Remover - the best trick I've discovered! So a looong time ago I did a post about taking your eye make up off with olive oil.

I've been doing this for about 6 months now and have noticed the skin around my eyes seems a lot more moisturised and supple. Recently however, I've added another natural ingredient to my olive oil and it seems to be working ever better. Olive oil on its own was great but I felt it tended to 'drag' the eye area a little bit, especially when I wore quite a lot of heavy make up for a night out. Removing false eye lash glue was a particular pain. So I'd done some research on what to add to olive oil so that its still as effective at removing tough, stubborn make up but with less drag and came across witch hazel. A few people will be worrying about placing an astringent like witch hazel around the eye area but I've checked with my optometrist who assured me that it would be fine but to take care with it as I would any other product that I applied to the eye area. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Rebecca x.

‘Being Authentic’ is More Than Just Being Honest. Of all the things the millennial generation wants out of church, authenticity may be the most important. As a twentysomething pastor who lives in Silver Lake—a very creative, diverse, and subversive neighborhood in LA—I see the need for authenticity in the hearts of my neighbors, as well as in my own heart. It's the battle cry of our generation, often expressed publicly with ironic clothing and accessories, or more privately with heart-to-heart conversations over coffee and other things we love.

I think the cry for authenticity stems out of the reality that we're a generation let down by previous ones. Past ideals don't work for us. However, the quest for meaning isn't without its challenges. What is Authenticity? A lot of things can be mistaken for authenticity: relativism ("whatever seems right to me has to be OK with everyone else"), social elitism ("only people with a dark past and tattoos belong"), and dedication to causes ("meet my cat, he's a rescue") are just a few examples. 1. 2. #TRUTHBEAUTY GUIDE — BEAUTYLIESTRUTH. Cyber Italian - Activity: Read and Listen - Bring the Sound in the Mask. Parlare la lingua italiana richiede naturalmente di portare i suoni in maschera perché la voce si proietta idealmente nella parte frontale del viso (in particolare: bocca, naso, seni paranasali, zigomi). In tal modo la maschera diventa il punto di risonanza e cassa armonica della nostra voce.

Osserva la tua pronuncia e i suoni che emetti. Puoi portare il suono in maschera? Puoi percepire la tua voce che risuona nella maschera? Dove risuona la tua voce principalmente? Speaking the Italian language naturally requires to bring the sounds in the mask because the voice is ideally projected in the front part of the face (in particular: mouth, nose, sinuses, cheekbones). Observe your pronunciation and the sounds you emit. Can you bring the sound in the mask? Can you feel your voice resonate in the mask? Where does your voice resonate mostly? The (Real) Reason We Should All Meditate. Via Demetria Jacksonon Nov 11, 2014 Everywhere we look, we’re bombarded by advice from spiritual, self-help and wellness coaches to meditate—trust me, I’m one of them.

But, If I asked you what the purpose of meditation is—would you know? What if I told you that the purpose of meditation is not to be more mindful, or to calm down, or to feel more connected or to even hear your intuition? Don’t get me wrong. Being mindful, focusing on the present moment, loving yourself, feeling more connected and guided are all really amazing effects of meditation, and they may be the very reasons why you meditate—but they aren’t the purpose of meditation. The purpose of meditation is to clear the subconscious.

Not quite sure what that means? Sometimes we’ve organized the boxes neatly, clearing a path so that we can walk through and navigate the space with the just an occasional trip. In our subconscious, each box represents something different. So, how do we clear up some space and deal with all these boxes? Why It’s Important To Understand Your Dark Side. 5 Reasons Why You Should Take Cold Showers. 20 Daily Practices that Changed My Life. ~ Camille Willemain. 12 Little Known Laws of Karma (That Will Change Your Life) Italianize Yourself | Italian Language, Culture & Translation. An Essay by Einstein -- The World As I See It. Ozzy-quote. Don't Put Your Life On Hold... Exercise & Muscle Directory.

Why Meditation and Yoga Can't Save Introverts.