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Gender in Movies

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Django, in chains. Director Quentin Tarantino says he "wanted to explore slavery" in his filmJesse Williams says Tarantino's version of slavery is wildly unrealHe says few films have dealt with slavery, making it important to handle subject with respectWilliams: '"Django" subordinates black characters, fails to illuminate slavery Editor's note: Jesse Williams is an actor/producer who plays Dr.

Django, in chains

Jackson Avery on the TV series "Grey's Anatomy. " He is a Temple University graduate and former public high school teacher. Williams founded the production company, farWord Inc. and is an executive producer of "Question Bridge: Black Males. " Follow him on Twitter and Tumblr. (CNN) -- Films such as "Django Unchained" carry with them an uncommonly high concentration of influence and opportunity.

Le point commun entre «Django Unchained» et «Lincoln», c'est leur problème avec les femmes. - Gloria Reuben et Sally Field dans «Lincoln» de Steven Spielberg. - [Avertissement: l'article suivant contient des spoilers de Django Unchained] La sortie du dernier Tarantino, Django Unchained, un western spaghetti qui narre la revanche d’un esclave, bientôt suivi en France de la sortie du Lincoln de Spielberg, un biopic plus classique (aux Etats-Unis, le second est sorti avant le premier), permet aux spectateurs de se replonger, à un très court intervalle, dans une des périodes les plus sombres de l’histoire des Etats-Unis, qui soulève encore de nombreuses questions. publicité.

Le point commun entre «Django Unchained» et «Lincoln», c'est leur problème avec les femmes

7 Feminist Take-Aways From the Final Harry Potter Movie. The Harry Potter films, after seven installments, come to a fulfilling close with the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.

7 Feminist Take-Aways From the Final Harry Potter Movie

But the final movie has a special bonus: a number of feminist take-aways. Echoing the seven Horcruxes holding pieces of Voldemort’s soul, I found seven feminist lessons in Deathly Hallows: Part 2. 1. Patriarchy is evil. And it can be destroyed Voldemort is the face of patriarchal evil, and the final film depicts him repeatedly as an oppressive father-figure. 2. Sure, Harry’s quest is largely a personal one, set in motion by Voldemort’s personal vendetta against him, but it quickly becomes apparent that the stakes of this battle include not just Harry but the entire wizarding (and Muggle) world. Hermione Granger and the Fight for Equal Rights. Well, that’s it.

Hermione Granger and the Fight for Equal Rights

I just came home from my last-ever midnight Harry Potter showing. And as I sit here in my shock that it all has ended, one of the many things I’ve been mulling over is how much love and respect I’ve always had for Hermione Granger, the leading female hero of the series. She’s always been the character for whom I’ve nurtured a soft spot–I dressed up as her for Halloween probably five years in a row.

Hermione offers much for a generation of girls to admire, beginning with her unmatched, encyclopedic knowledge of spells, potions and magical history, which is crucial to Harry’s survival throughout the series. She also holds her head high in the face of attacks on her appearance (she catches flak for her frizzy hair and her large teeth) and her stigmatized status as a Muggle-born witch (her peers taunt her with the slur “Mudblood”).

But what I most admire about Hermione is her often-overlooked role as the most prominent social activist in the series. Princess Leia: Feminist Icon or Sexist Trope? Originally published at Bitch Flicks as part of their Women in Science Fiction Week.

Princess Leia: Feminist Icon or Sexist Trope?

When I was a young girl, Star Wars was my favorite movie. I’ve watched it more times than any other film. Premiering in 1977, the same year I was born, the epic sci-fi space opera irrevocably changed the movie industry. Beyond battle scenes, or the twist of Vader being Luke’s father, it impacted my childhood. Because Princess Leia was my idol. In the Star Wars Trilogy, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan (Carrie Fisher) was a member of the Imperial Senate, a diplomat and a spy for the Rebel Alliance. Méchants et méchantes chez Disney (1) : Femmes fortes. Méchants et méchantes chez Disney (2) : Hommes faibles. Si les méchantes sont toujours des femmes fortes, les méchants sont au contraire le plus souvent des hommes faibles.

Méchants et méchantes chez Disney (2) : Hommes faibles

Pas au sens où ils seraient moins redoutables que leurs homologues féminines, mais au sens où ils ne correspondent pas à la norme sexiste qui veut que les hommes soient virils et puissants. En effet, ils sont la plupart du temps efféminés et ne recherchent pas le combat frontal avec le héros. Comme on le verra, il existe quelques exceptions à cette règle. Hollywood's 5 Saddest Attempts at Feminism. Selina Kyle is a frumpy personal assistant to Batman villain Christopher Walken.

Hollywood's 5 Saddest Attempts at Feminism

She has the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and her boss kindly shoves her out a window for her troubles. Fortunately, she is resuscitated by a group of stray cats in an alley. Misère de la super-héroïne au cinéma. Mai 16th, 2012 Posted in archétype, Bande dessinée, Les traîtres.

Misère de la super-héroïne au cinéma