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Lacking inspiration? 6 awesome resource websites to find stuff for your classes. I like to consider myself a creative person and I’m always designing and devising activities to step away from the course book with the aim of sparking students ‘interest.

Lacking inspiration? 6 awesome resource websites to find stuff for your classes

Unfortunately, I’m not always in that mood. No problem :)Luckily, there are plenty of websites offering free resources that can really save the day. These are my favourite go-to sites when I am feeling kind of lazy or uninspired, but still want to shine in class. Eslbrains. Great for listening comprehension This website offers activities based mostly on TED Talks videos. Print and discuss. This site doesn’t probably offer an astonishing variety of discussion topics, but I find the questions in each set quite stimulating. EFL Magazine- Resources. EFL magazine has collected a host of great resources from different sites around the world. The site has an excellent collection of resources for teachers.

Teaching English- British Council. This is an excellent site. Road to Grammar. Busy Teachers. Presente de subjuntivo- Prohibiciones, órdenes - Español Ele Hojas De Trabajo. Climate change. This lesson plan for teachers of teenagers and adults at intermediate level and above explores the theme of the environment.

Climate change

Students will develop reading and speaking skills and be introduced to language to talk about the environment. Introduction This lesson is about climate change and encourages students to think about their attitudes towards the environment. (Interesting fact you could use in the introduction, according to Friends of the Earth the UK has 1% of the world’s population, yet produces 2.3% of the world’s carbon dioxide.) This lesson could be linked nicely with the lesson plan on the weather. Topic Climate change Level Intermediate and above Timing. Adjetivos listado PDF. Los verbos más usados en español. Etiquetas: B1, B2, C1, DELE, ELE, esquema, gramática, III, III TL, infografía, IV, IV TL, lengua, repaso, V, verbos, vocabulario, VTL Como los años empiezan siempre cargados de listas, aprovecho el comienzo del 2016 para proponeros una.

Los verbos más usados en español

Sabéis que no soy una gran amante de las listas, pero muchos de vosotros me habéis pedido una para hacer un repaso de los verbos más comunes en español. Lo prometido es deuda. Se trata de una selección (por lo tanto subjetiva) de verbos regulares e irregulares de uso frecuente y que corresponderían aproximadamente con un nivel B2 e incluso un C1. Si echáis de menos alguno os animo a que lo escribáis en un comentario en esta entrada para completar y aumentar la lista. 15 plantillas para hacer infografías en powerpoint. Cómo prepararse el examen oral del First Certificate - English Online TV. El First Certificate in English (FCE) es un examen que demuestra un nivel intermedio del idioma, es decir, un B2.

Cómo prepararse el examen oral del First Certificate - English Online TV

Clases de conversación: Internet. Here Are 5 Great Resources for Learning A New Language. 18 Free Image Sites and Tools for Schools. A picture is worth a thousand words, but it might also be worth a thousand dollars if your school gets hit with a copyright violation claim.

18 Free Image Sites and Tools for Schools

This happens to schools every year as students or teachers inappropriately use an image that they do not have the rights to. Thankfully this does not have to be the case as there are loads of high quality pictures that can be used in school projects without any licensing concerns. These can include images that are released under creative commons, or are in the public domain, or simply are copyright-free. Of course depending on the license, it may still be necessary to cite where the image came from to provide proper attribution (and it can be a good practice to do even if not required). There are many sites and tools that can help educators and students find free photos, clipart, icons, and more. The List If you just want the links to the sites and tools, see the list right below. Random Image Prompts.

8 Google Chrome Extensions you “Add”solutely Need to Use if you are a Teacher. I have been struggling with the title of this post.

8 Google Chrome Extensions you “Add”solutely Need to Use if you are a Teacher

I wanted to write it in capital letters and tried different angles, all with the same purpose, trying to entice you into reading it as I know for certain that, for some teachers out there, add-ons ( also known as extensions) are still unknown. Introduction Working as a “free app” teacher trainer has taught me quite a lot of things. I have seen that, contrary to my initial belief, most teachers are not afraid of introducing technology in their classes, they just don’t know how to do it or where to get started.


How to teach conversational lessons. Hello, there.

How to teach conversational lessons

This post was written to share my favourite resources aimed at conversational lessons – both online and face-to-face. I hope you find it useful. The first minutes of the lesson are meant to arouse your students’ interest. You want to ‘hook them’ into conversing with you. Setting the scene can be done through a short fascinating video or an interesting image.

TARJETAS – eleconole. ¡Hola a todos!

TARJETAS – eleconole

Como sabéis, me encanta llevar tarjetas a clase: para actividades de role play, vocabulario, juegos de memoria, practicar verbos… en fin, para un montón de cosas. The Best Tools For Creating Fake “Stuff” For Learning. The fake “stuff” I’m referring to in the headline includes newspaper articles, sports “trading cards,” iPhone conversations, Facebook pages etc.

The Best Tools For Creating Fake “Stuff” For Learning

These can be used for conversation practice, to create reports on historical figures (or on natural disasters or on just about anything) and for numerous other learning activities. Here are my choices for The Best Tools For Creating Fake “Stuff” For Learning: Boy, this could be a great tool to help English Language Learner students practice writing and reading dialogue — FakeiPhoneText lets you create a text conversation that looks like the real thing and give you a unique url address of your creation. Plus, no registration is required. Obviously, this kind of conversation can also be created just as easily on paper.

I Fake Text Message is a simple tool to create…fake text messages. ClassTools has created a similar site for text messages, though theirs can be embedded. Ideas para clases de español - colorELE - Ideas para la clase de español. La mar de expresiones… ¡Hola, Profes!

Ideas para clases de español - colorELE - Ideas para la clase de español

27 canciones para aprender español. Instantes - sobre el autor. Actividades de ELE con audiovisuales. Home. Home Activities: Adjectives & Nouns Adverbs Articles Command Forms Comparisons Conditional Tense Demonstrative Adjectives Future Tense Gustar Verbs like Gustar Interrogative Words Negative/Affirmative Words Numbers Past Participle Perfect Tenses Por vs Para Prepositions with qtvr movie Present Participle (gerund) Present Progressive Tense Present Tense Preterite Tense Preterites w/ Irregular Meanings Preterite vs Imperfect Pronouns DO Pronouns IO Pronunciation Reflexive Verbs Relative Pronouns Saber vs Conocer Ser vs Estar Sequence of Tenses Si Clauses Subjunctive Mood (present) Subjunctive mood (past) Time-¿Qué hora es?

Tener-idiomatic expressions Unplanned events with SE Verb conjugation charts: Ojala que llueva cafe - una aventura dominicana. Material y actividades de español. JRamónELE. Los comparativos en español - ejercicios . Las comparaciones en lengua castellana. Pronombres interrogativos en español - ejercicios. Preguntas. Curso sobre los conceptos básicos de los verbos en español.