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GSuite (ex Google Apps for Education) Ambienti di apprendimento. Tecnologie didattiche. Percorsi di didattica 2.0 by Jenny Poletti on Prezi. Prof Digitale ~ eduCanon, crea quiz collegati a video di YouTube ~ Il mantra di molti esperti d’innovazione didattica è “sfruttate il potenziale dei video di YouTube“. Più facile a dirsi che a farsi, avranno pensato molti di voi. Oggi non è più così, grazie ad un sito che vi consiglio d’inserire subito tra i vostri preferiti: eduCanon. Si tratta di un sito nato in maniera specifica per il mondo della scuola, e permette di costruire e condividere video lezioni interattive. L’insegnante sceglie un video trovato su YouTube EDU, Vimeo, TED-Ed o un proprio video registrato per l’occasione, e lo trasforma da contenuto passivo in un’esperienza attiva per i propri studenti.

Come? Anche la valutazione ha il suo spazio. Da insegnante di lingua straniera mi sono divertito a creare una video lezione collegata ad una canzone che i miei ragazzi amano particolarmente: “Tous les mêmes” di Stromae. Vi lascio con una video lezione intera (in inglese) sulla costituzione americana. Free QR Code Generator, Coupon, Contact & Design QR Codes & Tracking. QR Code Generator - laadi tämän avulla ilmaiseksi QR-koodeja. QR Code Generator: QR Stuff Free Online QR Code Generator And Creator For Brochures, Print Advertising, Business Cards & Stickers. Create QR-Codes with Logo or Image fast, free & easy | QRCode-Monkey-Generator. QR Codes in the Classroom. QR Codes - Reimers Resources.

QR Code Readers i-nigma QR Code Reader for iOS and Android device Need a QR Code Reader for your Chromebook? QR Code Software & Applications Google Extension : URL Shortener (This is the extension I use when I need to make one QR code quickly.) Google Add-On - QR Code Generator from In Google Sheets, access your Add-Ons from your menu bar, Search for QR Codes QR Voice creates a QR code that links to a voice message Steps to Create Multiple QR Codes After installing the Add-On, QR Code Generator, to your Google Sheets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Size Save as Document Include value (label each of your codes) Draw border (lines to help you cut out the codes) Save as a png (creates a folder with individual codes in case you want to make an activity sheet) Grades 1-2 I'm A Potato, You're a French Fry Activity: Pass out a qr code to each student. Scan your code using the QR reader. Draw and write the word. Categories Blends.

Critical Assessment Ideas from PBL World. I had a great time at the PBL World Conference in so many ways: as a presenter, as a panelist, as a listener, as a collaborator, and even as the subject of art. (Now, that is something I would never, ever have guessed!) Everyone took away his or her own ideas for implementing PBL projects, but one theme I noticed throughout the entire conference was assessment.

Assessment remains a challenge for many of us who do PBL, but I left the conference feeling more confident not only in the assessment practices I have done, but also in generally accepted best practices. Here are some of my big takeaways: Assess 21st Century Skills There were many "deep-dive" sessions on teaching and assessing 21st century skills, from critical thinking to creativity and innovation. Assess Process and Product It is crucial to assess not only the product of a PBL project, but also the process along the way.

Authentic Assessment Embed Standardized Assessments Presentation poster from 2013 PBL World Conference. Teacher Tools.