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American revolution

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Coming of the American Revolution: Sugar Act. In 1760, twenty-two-year-old monarch George III ascended the throne of England. The war with France that had stretched on for years and encircled the globe finally ends in 1763. Colonists are proud of their role in defeating the French, but England is faced with a vast territory to safeguard and a soaring debt to service. The French have been banished from the mainland continent of North America, but another threat persists.

In 1763, in order to avoid confrontations with Indian nations, the English ministry issues a proclamation forbidding settlement to the west of the Appalachian Mountains. In 1764, George Grenville, First Lord of the Treasury, proposes to strengthen the mother country's hold on its American investment. The colonies have already been mired in a post-war depression.

In Boston, town meeting (the local government) carefully considers the Sugar Act and the impending Stamp Act. The colonies are poised for the drama's next act. The Constitution - Primary Source Set. Teacher’s Guide Start here for historical context, teaching suggestions, links to online resources, and more: Constitution Teacher's Guide (PDF, 1.31 MB) To help your students analyze these primary sources, get a graphic organizer and guides: Analysis Tool and Guides Primary Sources Click the thumbnail for the original item, the caption for information on the item, or download a PDF or MP3. The resources in this primary source set are intended for classroom use. To download audio and video players go to American Memory: How to View To view PDFs. Mission US | THIRTEEN. The Constitutional Convention. LIBERTY! . Road to Revolution Game.

American Revolution Center : Collections Timeline.