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Asociación Elisabeth d'Ornano para el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH)

Escuela Homewood

About Us – Avalon School. Mission Statement Avalon School prepares students for college and life in a strong, nurturing community that inspires active learning, engaged citizenship, and hope for the future. AVALON combines (1) a college-prep focus, (2) interdisciplinary seminars, (3) project–based learning, and (4) a technology component. This will be complemented by extensive training in ethics, conflict resolution, interpersonal/life skills, and active citizenship and community service. At AVALON, middle school and high school are viewed not just as a time for preparing for college or a vocation, but as a vital and important component in each student’s life.

Students must be meaningfully engaged in every class, project and endeavor in a quality way. AVALON will: Please read our Annual Report for more information about Avalon School, or see Inside Avalon, a comprehensive study of Avalon edited by Dr. LEARN NC: Search results. Project-based learning in the 21st Century In this course students will collaborate with peers from across North Carolina to share ideas, learn about available resources, and discuss different perspectives of project-based learning, student achievement, interdisciplinary curriculum, and standards.

Format: article/online course Project-based learning Project-based learning is a teaching approach that engages students in sustained, collaborative real-world investigations. Projects are organized around a driving question, and students participate in a variety of tasks that seek to meaningfully address this... Format: article By Heather Coffey. Bringing current science into the classroom Activities for middle and high school on groundwater, water quality, and environmental stewardship have students exploring current environmental research without leaving the classroom.

Format: series (multiple pages) Travel brochure for Western Europe Format: lesson plan (grade 6–7 Social Studies) By Debra Martinez. Aprendizaje basado en proyectos en 10 pasos. El aprendizaje basado en proyectos es una de las nuevas tendencias educativas más eficaces. Su poder está en la capacidad de enganchar al alumno en torno a un tema que le motiva y que satisface su interés por explorar nuevos conocimientos. A pesar de que los proyectos deben cumplir los contenidos mínimos marcados en los currículos oficiales, tenemos la libertad para elegir los temas con los que los alumnos aprenderán lo que exige la ley. A veces el tema podrá ser elegido por el profesor, otras veces por los alumnos y otras veces de manera compartida, pero siempre debe partir de las necesidades e intereses del grupo. Aunque este post no pretende ser una guía para programar proyectos, a continuación se exponen 10 pasos que desde mi punto de vista pueden ayudar a empezar: Elegir el tema vertebrador del proyecto.

Como se comentaba anteriormente, el tema vertebrador puede partir de los alumnos, del profesor o compartido. 27.pdf.