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Essential Oils for MRSA & Staph: Which Oils are the Best? There are several essential oils for MRSA that stand above the rest as they’ve been shown to have the highest antibacterial potency for treating Staph aureus or MRSA bacteria.

Essential Oils for MRSA & Staph: Which Oils are the Best?

In case you are new to essential oils, these are not oily liquids like olive oil. They are very concentrated liquid extracts that come from the leaves, bark, stems, and/or flowers of some plants. Many oils have powerful antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral qualities that help protect the plant from pathogens and disease. Because each type of plant contains unique chemical antibacterial profiles, different oils will have different kill rates against Staph and MRSA (and other bacteria). Essential oils have been used for thousands of years, and today they are used as medicines, especially in France where they are often prescribed by medical doctors instead of antibiotic drugs. Healing Cavities (A True "We've-Done-It!" Story!) - Trina Holden. Beat Cancer With Frankincense Oil. Natural remedies, empowering life strategies and tips on how to live young, healthy & happy at any age.

Beat Cancer With Frankincense Oil

Hosted by Dr. Faith, Hope, and Love...With Autism. Biblical Health Radio by Dr Eric L. Zielinski. De zin en onzin van homeopathie: - Visie. Mijn dochtertje is ziek.

De zin en onzin van homeopathie: - Visie

Al een paar maanden tobt ze met keel- en oorontsteking en diverse antibioticakuren hebben nog geen verlichting gebracht. “Dit homeopathische middeltje werkt uitstekend,” raadt de arts van het consultatiebureau mij aan. Ook vanuit familie- en kennissenkring klinken enthousiaste geluiden. Eenmaal voor het homeopathische schap van de drogist bekruipt mij de twijfel. De flesjes met ‘wondermiddelen’ zijn niet goedkoop en wat als ze nu niet werken, zoals de reguliere geneeskunde beweert?

OccultFeit is dat in veel huishoudens het medicijnkastje is gevuld met homeopathische middelen. DankenHet gerenommeerde medisch-wetenschappelijke tijdschrift The Lancet publiceerde in 2005 een onderzoek waaruit zou blijken dat homeopathie op een placebo-effect berust. EerWim van der Ende van natuurgeneeskundig gezondheidscentrum Heelhoeve pleit voor meer voorzichtigheid. Hellend vlakIn reformatorische hoek ziet Van der Ende een andere wind waaien.

Prepare Your Body For Winter; How To Wrap Your Kidneys. Quercitine bij allergische reacties. 02 december 2010 | ndn-redactie | Wetenschappers ontdekten dat mensen die dagelijks quercitine innemen minder histamine in hun bloedbaan hebben.

Quercitine bij allergische reacties

Dit leidt tot een vermindering van allergische reacties. Raid Your Spice Cabinet for Glowing Skin! - The Spa Dr. 7 Super Spices that Will Give You Glowing Skin Are you looking for a quick, easy way to enhance your skin health while also turning down systemic inflammation and healing your gut at the same time?

Raid Your Spice Cabinet for Glowing Skin! - The Spa Dr.

The answer might be as close as your spice cabinet. Spices go beyond adding flavor to your food, some have medicinal properties that naturally heal and rejuvenate your skin. Alkaline Foods - Detailed List and Chart of Alkaline Foods. Detoxification, Hormones and Your Skin  Body Mind & Spirit, Praktijk voor complementaire geneeskunde en Fly Away Instituut voor Ontspanning en Ontwikkeling in Leidschenveen, Leidschendam. Voorburg, Ypenburg, Den Haag, Yvonne Verhaar.

Multivitamines: wat is een goed en wat is een slecht product en waarom?

Body Mind & Spirit, Praktijk voor complementaire geneeskunde en Fly Away Instituut voor Ontspanning en Ontwikkeling in Leidschenveen, Leidschendam. Voorburg, Ypenburg, Den Haag, Yvonne Verhaar

Door Yvonne Verhaar. Treating Infections Naturally. Oil of Oregano Wild Oil of Oregano is an edible medicinal grade essential oil that is grown from a wild species of oregano especially in the Mediterranean. There are a multitude of conditions that Oil of Oregano treats, but the most famous use is its ability to kill infections in the body. Most organisms cannot survive when exposed to the powerful phenols (carvacrol and thymol) which are the active ingredient in this Wild Oil of Oregano. These ingredients work well on their own but have an added potency when found together in nature. The ancient Greeks were among the first to take advantage of oregano’s medicinal qualities and termed the spice origanos, meaning “delight of the mountains.” Here is a list of the powerful actions of Oil of Oregano.

40 Coconut Oil Uses and Cures. Coconut oil might just be the most versatile health food on the planet.

40 Coconut Oil Uses and Cures

Not only is it my favorite cooking oil, but coconut oil uses are numerous and can extend to being a form of natural medicine, be used for natural beauty treatments and so much more. The coconut tree is considered the “tree of life” in much of Southeast Asia, India, the Philippines, and other tropical locations.

Skin care

The Ultimate Water-Only Hair Washing Routine – [No Shampoo!] The Ultimate Water-Only Hair Washing Routine – [No Shampoo!]

The Ultimate Water-Only Hair Washing Routine – [No Shampoo!]

I finally got fed up with the damaging effects of shampoos and decided I wanted to take my hair to the next level by going shampoo-free. It was the greatest decision I ever made for my hair! If you’re curious as to why I would make such a crazy decision or if you aren’t familiar with the no-shampoo or “no poo” movement, check out my other post about it. In the beginning, I did a lot of reading on which “no poo” methods I should use in place of shampoo. I started with honey-washing and conditioner-only washing and had great results.


Essential Oils. Teeth Care. Histamine. EWG. Natural Eczema Remedies and Treatment. Autism Natural Treatment. Autism is a developmental disorder that initially occurs in early childhood.

Autism Natural Treatment

It generally affects a child’s language, behavior, and social skills in development. The exact cause is unknown, but some reasons may include medications taken during pregnancy, exposure to toxins, infections, immunizations, inflammation, leaky gut, nutrient deficiencies, food allergies, and inborn errors of metabolism. Top Foods For Autism Additive-free, unprocessed foods – Food additives may be problematic for ADHD, it is best to eat unprocessed whole foods prepared at home.Bone broth – Bone broth (made from scratch) provides important amino acids and minerals that can help heal leaky gut and improve mineral deficiencies.Poultry – Tryptophan, an amino acid, helps produce serotonin a calming neurotransmitter.Foods high in probiotics – Try to add fermented foods such as kefir, amasai, sauerkraut or kimchi.

Autism Foods to Avoid.