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Facebook Twitter - Le décodeur du numérique. Dispositifs immersifs et contenus de marque. Creativity. If the past couple of weeks have seen some of the industry’s finest minds crystallise why there isn’t more great work in the interactive space, then from here on in – inevitably, I guess – this debate is going to need to shift on its axis slightly and focus on the trickier task of finding tangible solutions. The good news is that there already appear to be some answers emerging, all with the potential to lead somewhere interesting and worth recording. I’m going to approach this pretty organically and see where it goes. Please feel free to jump in, disagree, debate, add your own suggestions etc. First up, a theme that may seem controversial to some: the wholesale reinvention of a (sometimes much maligned) skill, the art of storytelling.

Ben’s second post caught my attention with the observation that “there’s currently much less of a culture of developing narrative or storytelling on the web” and this got me thinking. (For full post click below) Read full post. Your Life Is A Transmedia Experience. A year ago I wrote a piece called “Your Lifestyle Is An Alternate Reality Game.” An ARG, for short, is an interactive narrative that uses the real world as a platform, often involving multiple media and game elements, to tell a story that may be affected by participants’ ideas or actions. Lifestyle, I suggested, with its proscribed media content, its insider signifiers, its ever-evolving subcultural narrative, is the alternate reality game all of us in the modern world are already playing. Having grown up in the rave scene and then produced nightlife events and music festivals for a decade this similarity was instantly apparent.

Since writing that post, I’ve actually seen pioneering ARG creators, Jordan Weisman and Sean Stewart, each, individually liken ARGs to a quintessential alternative culture / music festival experience: Woodstock. (Called it!) This year, however, the new buzzword gaining popularity for this type of multi-platform narrative is “transmedia.” Like Sean Stewart says: Marketing cross-media et cinéma, mode d'emploi. Ce 5 octobre 2011, le FIFF, en collaboration avec Creative Wallonia, Wallimage, TWIST et l’INFOPOLE Cluster TIC, a organisé une rencontre intitulée "Marketing Cross Media et Cinéma : mode d’emploi" Cross media ... trans media Concept nouveau, le "cross media", auquel certains préfèrent le vocable de transmedia, est une oeuvre collective et hybride qui peut se décliner sur au moins trois plateformes matérielles ou numériques. Pour Valérie Bourgoin, du Service du jeu vidéo et de la création numérique au Centre National du cinéma et de l’image animée (CNC), il s'agit "d'un concept global de création qui propose une écriture propre à chacun des médias que la création sollicite, lesquels sont complémentaires les uns aux autres en terme de narration".

Le "cross media" n'est donc pas seulement le format d'une œuvre. Selon Jacob Nielsen, spécialiste du Web et de l'ergonomie, les 4 clés du design transmédia sont: L'émergence du "cross media" soulève de nombreuses questions: Intégrer cette vidéo. La narration transmedia : les enjeux d'une nouvelle expérience créa...