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Native American

South Africa/Mandela. The Poverty Cycle. Contrary to what many people believe, most tribes are not wealthy from gaming.

The Poverty Cycle

Two of the five poorest of the United States’ 3,142 counties are located on Indian Reservations. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012). Many American Indian communities are impoverished, with some tribes reporting unemployment as high as 85%. YouTube. Aboriginal Life in Australia - Tropic of Capricorn - BBC travel. Customs and courtesies around the world - Travel - Travel Tips - Well-Mannered Traveler. When President Bush ducked a pair of shoes thrown by an Iraqi reporter during a recent press conference in Baghdad, he called it “one of the most weird moments” of his presidency.

Customs and courtesies around the world - Travel - Travel Tips - Well-Mannered Traveler

Anyone familiar with Iraqi culture knew immediately, though, that hurling shoes at someone wasn’t just weird — in Iraq it’s a sign of contempt. The “shoe incident” reminded PR account executive John Kreuzer of the “peace sign incident” and a lesson he learned back in 1992. While visiting Australia, former president George H.W. Bush flashed a peace sign with his palm facing inward. Everything You Learned About Thanksgiving Is Wrong. Not to rain on your Thanksgiving Day parade, but the story of the first Thanksgiving, as most Americans have been taught it — the Pilgrims and Native Americans gathering together, the famous feast, the turkey — is not exactly accurate.

Thanksgiving facts and Thanksgiving myths have blended together for years like so much gravy and mashed potatoes, and separating them is just as complicated. Blame school textbooks with details often so abridged, softened or out of context that they are ultimately made false; children’s books that simplify the story to its most pleasant version; or animated television specials like “The Mouse on the Mayflower,” which first aired in 1968, that not only misinformed a generation, but also enforced a slew of cringeworthy stereotypes.

High school textbooks are particularly bad about stating absolutes because these materials “teach history” by giving students facts to memorize even when the details may be unclear, said James W.


Teaching: War witness. History's HEROES. The reality of parenting in Sweden will make you rethink how we raise kids. Photo: Mats Eriksson You get 480 days of paid parental leave.

The reality of parenting in Sweden will make you rethink how we raise kids

Known for having the best parental leave policies in the world, Sweden pays 80% of your salary for 390 of those days, with the remaining days paid at a flat rate. 90 days are assigned entirely to the father, and if he doesn’t take them, they are lost. The Swedish government also provides a “gender equality bonus” if the parental leave is split evenly between both parents. This leave can be claimed at any time until the child turns eight, and also applies to people who are unemployed when they have a child. If parents have multiple children, they can collect leave from all of them, which is why some Swedes go on vacations with their families that last for months… Aside from the generous vacation time policies in Sweden, they can tack on a couple of parental leave weeks whenever they feel like it. Engbloggalfa. Vocabulary work – translate the following words: capital- huvudstad shore- strand purchase- köpa establish- grunda, upprätta settlement- bosättning.


14 Surprising Things About Parenting in Sweden. For our final post of this year’s Motherhood Around the World series, we talked to Angelina Allen de Melo, a professional ballet dancer.

14 Surprising Things About Parenting in Sweden

She lives in Sweden’s second largest city, Gothenburg, with her husband, Fernando, and two-year-old daughter, Lucia. Here, Angie describes the Swedish sweet tooth, her experience with postpartum care and the importance of the outdoors… Angelina’s background: I moved to Sweden when I joined a ballet company in Stockholm 12 years ago. European Migration: 08/09/2015, Behind the News. We're taking you to Europe where right now more than a hundred thousand asylum seekers are arriving each month.

European Migration: 08/09/2015, Behind the News

Here's Emma to take a closer look at this issue and some of the kids that are caught up in it. EMMA DAVIS, REPORTER: This sight is becoming very common in a lot of European countries. Tens of thousands of asylum seekers, travelling across borders, desperate for a new home. 15-year old Jehad is one of them. He used to live in Syria before he left his home behind. JEHAD: I remember my cousin, my grandmother, grandfather and all my people from my family. Materials - Identity Exploration Unit Plan. Jason Mormolstein:NCAA Takes Aim At Indian MascotsThis article was written after the NCAA’s decision to ban those teams who used racially “abusive” or “hostile” mascots from participating in post-season activities.

Materials - Identity Exploration Unit Plan

The announcement spurred numerous complaints from affected schools, including Florida State, who claims their use of a Seminole mascot is fair because it has been “okayed” by the Seminole tribe. The article raises questions about what types of mascots are acceptable and who has the right to make that decision. While schools complained about the decision, many did end up changing or getting rid of their mascots, including the University of Illinois’ use of Chief Illiniwek. This article will be used in conjunction with a discussion on Native American mascots in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Effects of European Colonization: Christopher Columbus and Native Americans. The earliest explorers in the Western Hemisphere left a legacy that would shape the development of the Americas permanently.

Effects of European Colonization: Christopher Columbus and Native Americans

No matter what they came looking for, Europeans left behind death, horses, and metal. Explore our library of over 10,000 lessons Click "next lesson" whenever you finish a lesson and quiz. Got It You now have full access to our lessons and courses.

Tema: Reklam

1 in 10 Native American deaths alcohol related - Health - Addictions. WASHINGTON — Almost 12 percent of the deaths among Native Americans and Alaska Natives are alcohol-related — more than three times the percentage in the general population, a new federal report says.

1 in 10 Native American deaths alcohol related - Health - Addictions

The report released Thursday by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found 11.7 percent of deaths among Native Americans and Alaska Natives between 2001 and 2005 were alcohol-related, compared with 3.3 percent for the U.S. as a whole. Dwayne Jarman, a CDC epidemiologist who works for the Indian Health Service and is one of the study's authors, said it is the first national survey that measures Native American deaths due to alcohol.

History of Thanksgiving – Videos & Activities. Highlights Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving!

History of Thanksgiving – Videos & Activities

Encourage students to reflect on all they're thankful for this November 24. Explore the rich historical and cultural aspects of this American holiday with Thanksgiving activities, lessons, and worksheets. November Calendar of Events November is full of events that you can incorporate into your standard curriculum! American Indians & Native American Printables, Lessons & Activities.