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Curious and Wondrous Travel Destinations. Most dangerous tourist trek. BORED of guided walks where the only adventure is trying not to end up with food poisoning from soggy sarnies?

Most dangerous tourist trek

Here's a hike that will get your juices flowing. Described as the most dangerous tourist route in the world, Mt. Huashan in China has ramblers clinging to rusty iron chains whilst dangling over a 2090m cliff face… and no safety barrier. Situated in Huayin City, 120km east of Xi'an City, Mt. Huashan is the tallest of five sacred mountains at 2200m above sea level.

But to reach the summit by foot, trekkers have to navigate their way along a trail consisting of narrow footpaths and extremely steep staircases that have been chiselled into the mountain. Travel Recommendations, Travel Advice, Trip Planner. Top 5 scenic drives in Scotland. If you want to experience Scotlands spectacular scenery then choosing one of, or all of, our top 5 scenic drives in Scotland is the way to do it.

top 5 scenic drives in Scotland

We often jump in a car and head away from Edinburgh for a long weekend. Whether it is north through the Scottish Highlands to the Isle of Skye or west to the rugged Atlantic coastline there is so much to see. Ruined castles, jagged mountainsides and empty fields as far as the eye can see will greet you on your travels. And with very little traffic you won’t feel any pressure from other motorists and can take it all in at a slow pace. So grab a coffee, some roadside picnic goodies, hire a car in the UK and get started on the top 5 scenic drives in Scotland. View Larger Map. The Friends of Algonquin Park. Banff National Park - Banff National Park of Canada. Beautiful Nature Of Norway (25 Photos) International Cryptozoology Museum. Adventure Travel Jobs, Working Abroad and Volunteer Opportunities. 50 Strange Buildings of the World.

This is the original list of 50 strange buildings which has been and is being copied (stolen) by many bloggers.

50 Strange Buildings of the World

If you wish to post it on your blog or website, feel free to use up to 20 buildings from this list and give a proper link to our website ( as the source article. Ok, now enjoy this weird, odd, bizarre and incredible looking arcitechture! After reading it, don’t forget to check Part II and Part III. 1. The Crooked House (Sopot, Poland) Construction of the building started in in January 2003 and in December 2003 it was finished.

Image via: brocha 2. The Church of Bones – Sedlec Ossuary. Home » Lifestyle + Culture, travel activities, travel advice The Church of Bones – Sedlec Ossuary Submitted by Rich Whitaker on October 15, 2009 – 7:42 pm5 Comments.

The Church of Bones – Sedlec Ossuary

The Best Travel Stories on the Internet - Travel Writing - World Hum. Travel Tips and Inspiration. Top 10 things to do in Amsterdam for travel snobs. Posted on: September 25th in Europe, Our Trips, Travel, Travel Snobs by Becky Padmore.

Top 10 things to do in Amsterdam for travel snobs

Like this Post? So you’ve seen all the museums and art galleries, and now the red light district and the coffee shops are starting to grate. If you want to discover a little more from this great city then here are ten of our favourite things to do in Amsterdam for travel snobs… 1. 15 Amazing Castles from Around the Globe.

Although designed and built for the prominent purpose of defense, today the castles seem like somewhat unrealistic constructions straight from the fairytale world.

15 Amazing Castles from Around the Globe

From solid strongholds to oriental fortresses and highly decorative palaces, the castles are our connection to the past, where legends mix with history and reality blends with a fairyland. 100 things to experience before you die. Chile’s Magic Mountain. Magic Mountain Lodge in Huilo Huilo, Chile.

Chile’s Magic Mountain

One look at the Magic Mountain Lodge in Huilo Huilo, Chile, and the first thing that jumps to mind is the Lord of the Rings. This volcano-shaped hotel really looks like something Tolkien would have dreamed up – from the conical walls built out of local wood and stone, to the trees that threaten to engulf the building, and the waterfall that shoots out of the summit and cascades down the sides. And when I read this next tidbit, I figured out what put’s the “magic” in Magic Mountain – the lodge has hot tubs made out of ancient, hollowed-out tree trunks sitting on decks overlooking the forest. And not just any forest either, because the lodge is set in the middle of a 100, 000 hectare nature reserve in the Patagonian Andes. Magic Mountain is actually just one of several accommodations that are located in the reserve – among the others is Baobab, which looks something like an upside-down ice cream cone made out of wood, and equally cool (see below).

Beautiful Places to Visit - Photos and Information. 10 Tips For First-Time Travelers. Thrill seeker's bucket list: 50 experiences to try before you die. The tastiest snacks always come in see-through wrappers.

Thrill seeker's bucket list: 50 experiences to try before you die

Always wear a helmet. That way no one can see you cry. Why climb when you can fly? What goes up must come down. You hope. Revenge of the hamburger. This business really needs to be streamlined. Pant-soiling never came so cheap. Just another 253 kilometers to go. High tea, anyone? Up here, proposing suddenly doesn't seem so scary. Just think of it as a roller coaster -- keep your arms and legs inside at all times.