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Renewable energy in the Pacific: why are unrealistic targets adopted? Author: Matthew Dornan, ANU In the weeks preceding the Rio+20 summit, various Pacific island countries adopted ambitious voluntary renewable energy targets as part of the Barbados Declaration.

Renewable energy in the Pacific: why are unrealistic targets adopted?

Some of these targets appear overly ambitious. Six Pacific island countries aim to generate 100 per cent of their electricity from renewable technologies — some of them as early as 2012. Contrast this with the 20 per cent target established by both the EU and Australia for 2020, or targets in developing countries such as China (15 per cent by 2020) or Chile (10 per cent by 2024). Most of these targets are not new; the majority of Pacific island countries have established renewable energy targets over the last five years. Space Colony Artwork 1970. Energiepolitik.DE. Kopenhagen: Radwanderweg soll Arztkosten senken. HOMER - Analysis of micropower system options. To meet the renewable energy industry’s system analysis and optimization needs , NREL started developing HOMER in 1993.

HOMER - Analysis of micropower system options

Since then it has been downloaded free of charge by more than 30,000 individuals, corporations, NGOs, government agencies, and universities worldwide. BEE-Präsident Schütz: Kostendiskussion wird immer absurder. Berlin, 15.

BEE-Präsident Schütz: Kostendiskussion wird immer absurder

August 2012: Der Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie (BEE) kritisiert die fortgesetzten Behauptungen aus den Reihen der Regierungsparteien scharf, der Ausbau regenerativer Energien führe zu unbezahlbaren finanziellen Lasten. „Die aktuelle Kostendiskussion wird immer absurder. Eine sachliche Auseinandersetzung mit Kosten und Nutzen der Erneuerbaren Energien findet in der Öffentlichkeit kaum noch statt.

Statt dessen warnen die Gegner der Energiewende in schrillen Tönen vor explodierenden Preisen und dem Aus für die deutsche Wirtschaft“, stellt BEE-Präsident Dietmar Schütz fest. 15 Green Cities. ISES 2012. Partners Rationale The energy infrastructure of a country provides a fundamental means for societal development and economic growth. At the same time, resource depletion, environmental pollution and climate change face the societies with the need to critical reflection upon their energy choices.

According to present understanding, energy systems comprise the technologies required to materialize the flow of energy from the production of primary energy resources to energy services which meet the demand of the economic sectors. The national energy systems are interlinked by international trade of energy carriers. Date October 1-5, 2012.


German Solar Crisis: Looking for the Right Incentive Scheme. The announcement came as the final blow for the German photovoltaic (PV) industry.

German Solar Crisis: Looking for the Right Incentive Scheme

In late February, the German government decided to advance by three months the scheduled reduction of guaranteed feed-in tariffs for PV electricity, originally set for July 2012. Furthermore, the reduction will be two orders of magnitude beyond what it was slated to be. After a series of successive cuts in 2010 and 2011, the price paid to owners of PV modules will be once more lowered – up to 30% less, depending on the type of installation.

This new measure is likely to come at a very dear cost for an already battered industry. When the Butterfly Effect Took Flight. On a winter day 50 years ago, Edward Lorenz, SM ‘43, ScD ‘48, a mild-mannered meteorology professor at MIT, entered some numbers into a computer program simulating weather patterns and then left his office to get a cup of coffee while the machine ran.

When the Butterfly Effect Took Flight

When he returned, he noticed a result that would change the course of science. The computer model was based on 12 variables, representing things like temperature and wind speed, whose values could be depicted on graphs as lines rising and falling over time. On this day, Lorenz was repeating a simulation he’d run earlier—but he had rounded off one variable from .506127 to .506. To his surprise, that tiny alteration drastically transformed the whole pattern his program produced, over two months of simulated weather. The unexpected result led Lorenz to a powerful insight about the way nature works: small changes can have large consequences. Weather, war, and computers Yet chaos is not randomness. Neun Tipps zur Promotion. Man nehme einen großen Geist und große Einsamkeit - am Ende bekommt man eine großartige Dissertation.

Neun Tipps zur Promotion

Eine Doktorarbeit gilt als klassisches Einzelkämpferprojekt im selbstgewählten akademischen Gefängnis. Doch wer so denkt, wird vermutlich nie damit fertig. Neun Tipps helfen, die Promotion durchzustehen. Der "Gefangene von Alcatraz" hat einen Gefängniswärter umgebracht und soll hingerichtet werden. Erneuerbare Energien: Norwegen will Europas Akku werden. Für Christian Rynning-Tønnesen kommt erst das Staunen und dann der Schauder.

Erneuerbare Energien: Norwegen will Europas Akku werden

Wer wie der Chef des norwegischen Stromkonzerns Statkraft vom arktischen Forschungsstützpunkt Ny-Ålesund mit der winzigen roten Seilbahn auf den nahen Zeppelinberg zuckelt, der hat zunächst nur Augen für die atemberaubende Landschaft auf Spitzbergen: Überall strahlt es weiß; zwischen schneebedeckten Berggipfeln schiebt sich ein Gletscher neben dem anderen in den Kongsfjord. Tief unten liegen Forschungsstationen wie Kinderspielzeug. Die Bahn endet in einem Holzhaus, gut 470 Meter über dem Fjord. Breakthrough in Energy Storage: Isentropic Energy.

It's almost cliche to claim that large-scale energy storage is the holy grail or missing link of renewable energy.

Breakthrough in Energy Storage: Isentropic Energy

(That will not stop me from using that bromide a bit longer, however.) Today, the only economical method of storing energy at a large scale is pumped hydro (pumped hydro accounts for almost all large-scale electricity storage) or Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES). Unfortunately, both of those technologies require easy access to an immense airtight underground cavern or a couple of large reservoirs. PV potential estimation utility. A New Approach to Wind Energy. The Art of Complex Problem Solving. Nesjavellir-Kraftwerk. Sustainable Hydropower - Welcome!