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Musicovery. Disruptive Technology: Follow Fight Club Rules - Cloud Computing - Smart IT pros will apply the rules from the movie "Fight Club" to discussions with business colleagues.

Disruptive Technology: Follow Fight Club Rules - Cloud Computing -

First rule: You do not talk about disruptive technologies. I'm a sucker for blockbuster movies, and one of my all-time favorites is Fight Club starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. For those of you unfamiliar with this gritty film, it's the story of an insomniac office worker who meets a soap salesman and together they form an underground fight club. The fight club is a brutal affair, but founded on a set of spoken and indisputable rules.

This got me thinking about the importance of rules and the struggle IT professionals have every day trying to explain to their business counterparts the value of new disruptive technologies -- and how like in the Fight Club, the winners will be those that stick to the rules. Rule #1: You do not talk about disruptive technologies. 10 Things Every Job Seeker Must Know. When I worked as a recruiter, I was always impressed by a candidate who came prepared with information about the hiring company.

10 Things Every Job Seeker Must Know

Taking the time and effort to learn about the company shows a job seeker’s genuine interest. Translating your skills and achievements specifically to that company magnifies your expertise. You increase your hiring prospects because you can position yourself according to what the company needs and wants. 100 Websites to Teach Yourself Photography.

So you are thinking of taking up photography as a hobby.

100 Websites to Teach Yourself Photography

Where do you begin? The age of point and shoot is over. Everyone can create beautiful, easily processed photos with a digital camera. Eldredge Tie Knot - How to Tie a Eldredge Necktie Knot. Mobile website design: 25 pro tips. In the last few years mobile design has exploded, but knowing what to do and where to start can be tricky.

Mobile website design: 25 pro tips

Mobile design is not just a question of a mobile website or an app - there are a range of options in between and aspects to take into account. To help you out, we have gathered together 30 top tips on what to consider when defining your mobile strategy and designing for mobile. Read all our mobile-related articles here 01. Think ahead - define your objective now and for the future We're in a time when technological advances happen quickly in mobile website design, and new players are constantly being introduced. As much possible we need to build something which can be evolved a year or two from now rather than require a complete redesign. 02. Knowing what type of device peole are viewing your mobile website on is key for guiding the design process and your mobile website strategy. 03. 04. In the early days of mobile usage there was a stronger relationship between tasks and context.

Building Mobile Pages with Dreamweaver CS5.5 > Dreamweaver Responds to the Need for Mobile-Friendly Pages. Am I the only one who was very pleasantly surprised by the new features in Dreamweaver CS5.5 that allow you to generate mobile-friendly pages—and, beyond that, mobile apps ?

Building Mobile Pages with Dreamweaver CS5.5 > Dreamweaver Responds to the Need for Mobile-Friendly Pages

Sure, we all expected that Flash ActionScript coders would get tools to export Flash content, making it Apple iOS-compatible. But, to be honest, I wasn't prepared for how easy it is to create iOS and Android apps in Dreamweaver CS5.5. I cover the whole range of new mobile-oriented tools in Dreamweaver in a CS5.5 update that's available to everyone who registers a copy of Adobe Creative Suite 5 Web Premium How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques (to register the book and download the update, you just need the book's ISBN). This article is the first of three that provide introductory tutorials for those new CS5.5 features. In this piece, we'll start by creating web pages that look and function well in mobile devices such as Android and iOS phones and tablets.


My music is better than yours. Spawned out of the Burlington, Vermont music scene, My Music Is Better Than Yours (MMIBTY) is a collective started by four former University of Vermont (UVM) students who realized there are few things better in their lives than Electronic Dance Music.

my music is better than yours

Thanks to the internet and the technology of today, they are able to share with you some of their favorite dance tracks, including new and all-time favorites alike. Since leaving UVM, the founders of MMIBTY have spread their wings which landed them in various locations around the country, including Boston, Denver, and VT.

Beyond that, the boys have writers located in Chicago and New York City. F.lux: software to make your life better.

Music Marketing

100 Ways to Discover and Enjoy Music. UPDATE 12/10/13: We’ve released a follow-up to this post with 100 More Ways to Discover and Enjoy Music.

100 Ways to Discover and Enjoy Music

Prepare yourself for another dose of Monday roundup madness! It’s time for another crazily comprehensive, yet carefully curated, look at an entire industry–the music industry to be specific. This if the first in a two-part series on the music industry which will conclude next week. This week’s focus is on the consumer side of music. Below you’ll find the best resources for music fans including ways to discover new tunes, the best tools and services for creating a perfect music listening experience, tons of concert and live show resources, many ways to enhance Spotify, social tools for getting down with your friends, iPhone and Android music apps, music locker (cloud) services and finally some miscellaneous resources that you’re bound to love. 157 of the Most Useful Websites on the Internet.

50_Years_Space_Exploration1.jpg (3861×1706) How to Write an Artist Biography: A Bio Made Simple. How to Write an Artist Biography:A Bio Made Simple by Christopher Knab - Fourfront Media & Music - Updated April 2010 Back to The Academy When you write your bio, you are NOT writing your autobiography.

How to Write an Artist Biography: A Bio Made Simple

You are writing a music business document. Don't shoot the pianist » Blog Archive » Left-Handed. OpenShift by Red Hat. Drawing on the iPad: 12 touchscreen styluses reviewed Review. See how these 12 compare to other styluses: Check out our in-depth iOS stylus charts.

Drawing on the iPad: 12 touchscreen styluses reviewed Review

Steve Jobs may hate the idea of using a stylus on his touchscreen devices, but the fact remains that some consumers simply prefer an intermediary accessory for interaction.

Music Theory

Music Production. Point Blank’s Most Wanted: Top 10 Free Youtube Tutorials 2011. So the end of another year has arrived and our tutorials on youtube have remained popular as ever.

Point Blank’s Most Wanted: Top 10 Free Youtube Tutorials 2011

The Point Blank channel has gone from strength to strength with over 9,000 new subscribers over the course of the year. To celebrate this, we’ve done a roundup of the 10 most viewed youtube tutorials for 2011. Watch the top 10 below and subscribe to our channel for many more great free tutorials. 10. ‘Cubase 6 – New Look Quantize’ – 18,823 views. 9. Force Project Save on Application Hang. Application crashes are inevitable. They will happen at one time or other and seem to strike at the most inconvenient of times.

DAW apps can crash from bugs in their code or from bugs or issues with third party plugins.