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Living Labs

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Innovations. Open Living Labs | The First step towards a new Innovation System. Imaginove's Living Lab. Erasme. Highlight of LL objectives and profile/domain Erasme is specialized in digital innovation for public administrations. We focus specially on three fields : education, museums and elderly people. We run open innovations projects with schools, museums, families, retirement houses.

Our living lab involve urban and rural areas (around Lyon, France). And we set up connexions between our different fields and users. We are specialised in designing new use of technologies for public services. Description Erasme is a living lab, 100% public founded, run by a local authority Rhône Department. References and Track Record Typical results and Impacts … is a online learning environment used by more than 160 secondary schools (40000 activ users) that we use as a background to launch new projects with schools, artists, scientists and cultural centers. Erasme - Centre d'expérimentation multimédia. Obtention d'une labellisation européenne (ENoLL) - Actualités. GREATER PARIS REGION LIVING LAB.

The Greater Paris Region Living Lab aims to structure a technical and marketing incubator of innovative projects, relying on the regional Fiber Broadband network, to accelerate the prototyping and the industrialization of new innovative online services. It vocation is to better understand and develop new digital uses, to facilitate communication activities to disseminate and to share best practices and results gathered by local Living Labs such as “Quartier Numérique” in the 2nd district of Paris, the Center Georges Pompidou, Universciences, or the CUBE.

This is achieved on a large scale deploying our living lab in the whole area of the Paris Region involving 5000 users. Description of Concept The Greater Paris Region Living Lab is the living lab coordinated by Cap Digital - the regional business cluster for the Paris Region, promoting French competitiveness for Digital Content Creation and Knowledge Management Industry (market est. at €300 billion).

References and Track Record. Paris Region Lab. Silicon Sentier | Mobilité, technologie et innovation dans le coeur de Paris. La Cantine.