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Productive Living

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Journaling Exercises for Love/Avoidance Addiction Recovery « Phoenix's Blog. Thought I would post this so I would have it in case my computer crashes. Again. As I am certain it will. But also so that if anyone stumbles across my catalog of insanity and finds it familiar, they will also find the map to the way out. Apparently and supposedly, one can expect recovery to take 3-5 years: Steps to recovery from Love Addiction: Address addictive processes outside of co addicted relationship (alcoholism, workaholics, etc.) Disengage from addictive part of the relationship process · Eliminate any contact that leads to fighting, intensity, painful feelings, dealing with issues of relationship o Get off your partner’s back, get out of your partner’s way, get on with your life o Do not bomb your partner (bombing is an attempt to create intensity, through anger or seduction because quiet in the relationship sets off abandonment issues) o Notice what is happening to your partner so you can see who he is o Notice what is going on with you o Do not respond to bombs Re-enter relationship.

| The Lovely Addict's blog on love addiction & recovery. Self Improvement from Emotional Sobriety: Becoming Friends & Lovers. Marc and Angel Hack Life - Practical Tips for Productive Living.