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Zopler - Collaborative Story Telling. Collaborative writing. Capzles Social Storytelling | Online Timeline Maker | Share Photos, Videos, Text, Music and Documents Easily. 7 Tools Students Can Use to Manage Group Projects. Any teacher who has assigned group projects to students has at some point had to help those students organize and equitably distribute work. (Or has had to listen to students complaints about other group members not pulling their weight). Here are some tools that you can have students use to manage their responsibilities when working on group projects. Pegby is a good website for organizing the tasks that you and or your team need to get done.

Pegby is set up like a corkboard with index cards stuck to it. The corkboard has three columns to place your index cards on. A column for things to do, a column for things in progress, and a column for things that are done. Teambox is a free service that allows you to create and manage a collaborative workspace for team projects. Enter the Group is a new free service offering collaborative project management for groups. Todoist and its sister service Wedoist are easy-to-use task management services for individuals and groups. Try Crocodoc for Collaboratively Annotating PDFs.

15 Free Tools for Storing and Sharing Files. Six months ago I shared a list of good file sharing tools for teachers and students. Since then, I've come across some more tools to add to that list. Here is my new list of file sharing tools for students and teachers. Using these tools can help you avoid having an email inbox that is overflowing with file attachments. The tools that I frequently use: I use Google Documents and Google Drive for nearly all of my document storage needs.

Google Documents (now a part of Google Drive) is best known for document, presentation, and spreadsheet creation. But you can also use Google Drive just to upload and store files that you have created elsewhere. The other tool that I frequently use for collecting, storing, and sharing files is Dropbox. DROPitTOme is a free service that works with Dropbox to allow people to upload files to your Dropbox account without giving them access to the contents of your Dropbox account. Other file sharing tools that I have tried. Sharing Files. In some of my side projects I occasionally find myself needing to share files that are larger than my email service or my recipient's email service can handle. In the past I would use or File Dropper to share those large files. This afternoon I learned about a new file sharing service called Let's Crate that I'll try in the future.

Let's Crate is very easy to use. To use Let's Crate just drag a file from your desktop to the Let's Crate page. Applications for EducationLet's Crate is a nice alternative to sending mass emailings of large files. Now of course you could much of the same thing by hosting your files on Google Docs and posting them online.