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IATEFL Poland. TEFL Lesson Plan - British quiz. Here’s another TEFL lesson plan free to use in your English classes.

TEFL Lesson Plan - British quiz

This is probably best used with teenager or young adult students from strong Pre-intermediate level and up. If you are teaching on a UK-based summer school course, this might be a nice lesson to do in the first week, as an introduction to British culture. The class also includes activities which could help bond a newly-formed group together with a chance to learn about each other’s culture (towards the end of the lesson). There is a student handout and teacher instructions sheet which comes with the answers. Both can be donwloaded for free below. The whole lesson is based around a short video and 10-question multiple-choice quiz on some basic general knowledge about Britain.

So, you will need a computer with internet access in your classroom to be able to show the video and quiz in this lesson (and preferably a projector, too, but it’s not essential if you can gather all the students around one monitor). Activities. What is grammar? - Michael Swan. Warszawa. Nabór do Szkoły Pedagogów Teatru. Prawie codziennie nęka nas pytanie, czy praca nasza może się przydać innym, czy jest dostrzeżona, czy nie jesteśmy skazani na samotność.

Warszawa. Nabór do Szkoły Pedagogów Teatru

Jan Dorman Oferta adresowana jest przede wszystkim do pracowników i współpracowników teatrów, które brały udział w którejkolwiek edycji programu Lato w Teatrze od 2008 roku oraz do osób współpracujących z tymi instytucjami i organizacjami, które mają aspirację do stworzenia działów edukacyjnych w swoich placówkach oraz przymierzają się do udziału w tegorocznym projekcie LWT. Szkoła Pedagogów Teatru zaprojektowana została jako 9 dwudniowych spotkań warsztatowych, które będą odbywały się od lutego do listopada 2013 roku w Instytucie Teatralnym im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego w Warszawie. Celem organizowanego szkolenia jest podniesienie kompetencji i zdobycie nowych umiejętności w obszarze pedagogiki teatralnej przez pracowników teatrów, którzy są odpowiedzialni za kształt i jakość działań edukacyjnych. inspirację, The 20 Most Powerful Storytelling Videos of 2013. Animated videos are quickly becoming a leading medium of choice for impactful story telling.

The 20 Most Powerful Storytelling Videos of 2013

That’s hardly surprising, considering how difficult it is to grab – and hold! – the attention of an audience these days. Consider this: in a study published back in 2008, nearly half of new web page visits lasted only 12 seconds, and another 17%: less than four seconds. What are the chances that we spend even less time than that now, five years later and with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and countless new blogs and websites throwing fresh content at us 24/7?

Video is one way to rise above all this noise and deliver your message in a way that leaves a lasting impression. In October 2013 alone, 189 million Americans watched 49.1 billion online content videos, according to the latest online video rankings by ComScore, with an average duration of 5.1 minutes. 1. Powerful videos often have a meaningful message or support a worthy cause. 2. Gamestorming. Nursery Rhymes. 13 Free Web Tools Students and Teachers Should Know About. Learning Zone Broadband Class Clips - Video and audio teaching resources for primary and secondary school teachers. Ambard - Six Activities for Generating Enthusiasm in the Foreign LanguageClassroom. The Internet TESL Journal Philip Dave Ambardphilip.ambard [at] States Air Force Academy (Colorado, USA) Linda Katherine AmbardAcademy School District 20 (Colorado, USA) Introduction Motivating students to use acquired target language skills to listen, speak, read, and write is key to foreign language instruction.

Ambard - Six Activities for Generating Enthusiasm in the Foreign LanguageClassroom

With these goals in mind, it is helpful to apply everyday activities within the classroom setting to inspire and instruct students. Utilizing the tools of creativity, humor, friendly competition, and tie-in to familiar knowledge of everyday items (i.e. songs, school supplies, body parts, etc.), teachers can create an energized atmosphere conducive to language acquisition and retention. Creating a Friendly Monster Focus: listen, comprehend, and applyUnit: body parts, numbers, positioning/spatialThe first activity comes after a brief introduction of the body parts using the target language. Exotic Foods People, Clothes, Colors Scavenger Hunt Music Mania Simon Says. Internet TESL Journal (For ESL/EFL Teachers)