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Jorge Mejías, creador de su propia impresora 3D. Por Víctor Fernández y Mar Gallardo.

Jorge Mejías, creador de su propia impresora 3D

Palma / TECNOLOGÍA En esta ocasión entrevistamos a Jorge Mejías, programador y diseñador gráfico, para que nos hable sobre la revolución que representan las impresoras 3D. 1. Para empezar cuéntanos como fueron tus comienzos y a qué te dedicas más concretamente. Comencé en 1980 como programador aficionado, haciendo videojuegos y demos gráficas en una Videopac, una videoconsola que disponía de un editor básico de código máquina (carecía de ensamblador) en uno de los cartuchos ROM de su catálogo de juegos. Por comentar algo de mi faceta electrónica, realicé algo tan llamativo como es un teclado USB con la forma de un Sinclair Spectrum 48K original de 1982 y que sirve para ser usado en emuladores y revivir la experiencia de jugar (o programar) como se hacía en los años 80.


Tinkercad Blog. Free Alternatives to Tinkercad. Creators of Tinkercad announced earlier this week that they would no longer be developing the popular cloud-based CAD tool.

Free Alternatives to Tinkercad

We’re fans of Tinkercad here at MAKE, having written about and praised it on the blog and in our Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing, so this is sad news. It’s going to be replaced by new software, called Airstone, that’s meant for a completely different, professional, audience. You can read more about Airstone here. The free version of Tinkercad is still available to use between now and the end of April, and paying customers will have access until the end of 2013 (you can read more about the timeline on the Tinkercad blog). Here are a few other free alternatives to Tinkercad, starting with what I think is the most beginner-friendly and ending with the least beginner-friendly: 3DTin An in-browser tool that started out as a simple shape editors, with specific blocks that you can duplicate and manipulate to make models.

Will 3D Printers Save the World? 3D printers have exploded in popularity with promises of reinventing everything from manufacturing to entrepreneurship.

Will 3D Printers Save the World?

While 3D printing has a few detractors and people who point out that it won’t live up to the hype, I believe 3D printing will actually do more than reinvent the way we design and build things. Ultimately, I believe it will dramatically improve lives in 3rd world countries by empowering everyone to improve their own lives. This is why re:3D got my attention. They are creating a large format printer designed to work in developing countries that typically lack the infrastructure we take for granted. The company has been accepted into Startup Chile, a program run by the Chilean Government to encourage innovative entrepreneurs to launch businesses in Chile. Social entrepreneurship has long been focused on the Bottom of the Pyramid. 3D Printing is the Future. Sculpteo. Shapeways. Why is wall thickness such a difficult challenge to solve?


The goal was to create tools to help designers identify and fix potential problem areas prior to 3D printing. The solution had to provide accurate and relevant data, in order to help 3D designers speed up the design and iteration cycle. Man vs Machine Take, for instance, a triangle: at the very tip, the wall thickness gradually becomes zero. The same concept applies to the edges of a blade of grass. Measurement Complexity Another challenge is measurement complexity. Furthermore, we see a lot of complex 3D models, designed by our community, that push the boundaries of design. Our Discovery Process The ideas of Alexandru Telea and Andrei Jalba, published in the academic paper, Voxel-Based Assessment of Printability of 3D Shapes were our starting point in developing the Wall Thickness Visualization Tool.

How it Works We shifted the question from “What is the wall thickness and is it too thin?” Ponoko. Best-3D-Printing-Articles.pdf. 3D-Printing-For-Business.pdf. Best-3D-printing-Articles-2011.pdf. What does wall thickness mean for 3D printing and how do I know I got it right? : Ponoko Community Hub. Hollowing out your design to reduce 3D printing costs : Ponoko Community Hub. Tienda de Electrónica, Arduino y Componentes electrónicos - Blog. Deezmaker. GrupoSicnova. Pike research, dont la tagline est : « Cleantech market intelligence », a publié une liste de 5 ecotechnologies majeures.

Cette liste regroupe les technologies qui vont offrir les plus grands bénéfices écologiques aux futures générations, à mesure que se développeront ces technologies. Voici la liste : Energy HarvestingEnergy StorageFuel Cell TechSmart Meters3D Printing Vous vous demandez sans doute pourquoi l’impression 3d apparaît dans cette liste. Et bien pas nous, nous savons pourquoi. En effet, l’impression 3d est très favorable à l’environnement car elle permet la production ... Continuez.

FabLab León. Bienvenido al Fab Lab de León, un espacio de trabajo comunitario para estudiantes, profesores, profesionales, emprendedores, artesanos y todos aquellos con curiosidad e interés en la fabricación digital.

FabLab León

Aquí puedes utilizar un conjunto de máquinas de Fabricación Asistida por Ordenador ( CAMCAM: Computer-Aided Manufacturing: uso de tecnología para ayudar en todas las fases de fabricación de un producto ) y acceder a una red de expertos para poder fabricar casi cualquier cosa. No pongas límites a tu imaginación. ¡Piensa, diseña y fabrica! Los viernes #OpenLab. Fab Lab Barcelona.