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Celery: Distributed Task Queue. Bottle: Python Web Framework — Bottle 0.13-dev documentation. OpenWrt. Storm, distributed and fault-tolerant realtime computation. JmDNS. Is there an Android open source alarm clock? I want to log whether or not I press snooze. Current community your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list.

Is there an Android open source alarm clock? I want to log whether or not I press snooze

» 万能锁屏——DashClock(及其他) 锋客网. 也许你已经在《团队成员的 Android 实用美观小工具推荐(不定期更新)》这篇文章里看到了 DashClock 的推荐了(当然现在为了防止内容重复我把里面关于 DashClock 的内容给撤了).

» 万能锁屏——DashClock(及其他) 锋客网

于是你觉得很奇怪, 为什么我要单独把它拎出来写一篇推荐呢? 呵呵, 继续往下看, 你就会明白答案了. 锁屏自定义的老故事 从 CyanogenMod 6 开始, 锁屏自定义就一直是 CM ROM 的一个卖点所在. FreeDiameter. Scout - Project Home. Sirius - Graphical editors for your DSL. Anjuke/zguide-cn. HornetQ集群配置及spring集成示例 - langke93. HornetQ是一个支持集群和多种协议,可嵌入、高性能的异步消息系统。

HornetQ集群配置及spring集成示例 - langke93

HornetQ完全支持JMS,HornetQ不但支持JMS1.1 API同时也定义属于自己的消息API,这可以最大限度的提升HornetQ的性能和灵活性。 还支持RESTful API、STOMP(Stomp的客户端可以用多种编程语言来实现 )、AMQP(HornetQ will shortly be implementing AMQP )。 HornetQ拥有超高的性能,HornetQ在持久化消息方面的性能可以轻易的超于其它常见的非持久化消息引擎的性能。 当然,HornetQ的非持久化消息的性能会表现的更好! 用途:松散地联系各系统,不用受其它服务器的制约,有效的减少线程Block的时间. Supervisor: A Process Control System — supervisor 3.1a1-dev documentation. Gearman的问题分析与深入研究 - Cocowool. Gearman作为一个优秀的分布式解决方案,已经被众多的公司或者团队所采用,我在之前的一篇文章中也有过介绍。

Gearman的问题分析与深入研究 - Cocowool

但是目前对于woker的执行状态和结果监控,特别是放入后台的worker的监控,官方还没有完善的解决方法。 最近,为团队内部做了一次分享,我也得以深入的研究了 Gearmand。 Gearman的主要作用: 1、Dispatch 任务调度(无负载调度) Groovy/Grails Tool Suite. The Groovy/Grails Tool Suite™ (GGTS) provides the best Eclipse-powered development environment for building Groovy and Grails applications.

Groovy/Grails Tool Suite

GGTS provides support for the latest versions of Groovy and Grails, and comes on top of the latest Eclipse releases. Included with GGTS is the developer edition of vFabric tc Server, the drop-in replacement for Apache Tomcat. With its Spring Insight console, tc Server Developer Edition provides a graphical real-time view of application performance metrics that lets developers identify and diagnose problems from their desktops. GGTS supports application targeting to local, virtual and cloud-based servers. Yeoman - Modern workflows for modern webapps. Yeoman学习与实践笔记 - Cocowool. Yeoman是Google的团队和外部贡献者团队合作开发的,他的目标是通过Grunt(一个用于开发任务自动化的命令行工具)和Bower(一个HTML、CSS、Javascript和图片等前端资源的包管理器)的包装为开发者创建一个易用的工作流。

Yeoman学习与实践笔记 - Cocowool

Yeoman的目的不仅是要为新项目建立工作流,同时还是为了解决前端开发所面临的诸多严重问题,例如零散的依赖关系。 Mozilla Labs : TogetherJS. Create a new fiddle - JSFiddle. Facebook数据仓库揭秘:RCFile高效存储结构. 摘要:本文介绍了Facebook公司数据分析系统中的RCFile存储结构,该结构集行存储和列存储的优点于一身,在MapReduce环境下的大规模数据分析中扮演重要角色。


Facebook曾在2010 ICDE(IEEE International Confere 本文介绍了Facebook公司数据分析系统中的RCFile存储结构,该结构集行存储和列存储的优点于一身,在MapReduce环境下的大规模数据分析中扮演重要角色。 Facebook曾在2010 ICDE(IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering)会议上介绍了数据仓库Hive。 Hive存储海量数据在Hadoop系统中,提供了一套类数据库的数据存储和处理机制。 它采用类SQL语言对数据进行自动化管理和处理,经过语句解析和转换,最终生成基于Hadoop的MapReduce任务,通过执行这些任务完成数据处理。 图1 Hive数据仓库的系统结构 基于MapReduce的数据仓库在超大规模数据分析中扮演了重要角色,对于典型的Web服务供应商,这些分析有助于它们快速理解动态的用户行为及变化的用户需求。 数据仓库的需求 基于Facebook系统特征和用户数据的分析,在MapReduce计算环境下,数据仓库对于数据存储结构有四个关键需求。 Fast data loading 对于Facebook的产品数据仓库而言,快速加载数据(写数据)是非常关键的。


4/RCP. Eclipse 4 CSS Styling. Eclipse 4 CSS Styling- Tutorial Based on Eclipse 4.2 and Eclipse 4.3 Copyright © 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013 Lars Vogel.

Eclipse 4 CSS Styling

Eclipse Juno and the Future of the Eclipse Platform. Last week, the Eclipse Foundation announced the release of Eclipse Juno M5, a milestone towards this summer's combined release train.

Eclipse Juno and the Future of the Eclipse Platform

It brings new features, such as potential null pointer dereferences and leaked resources (for both Java7, where a try-with-resources can clean it up, and for Java6 using standard try/catch handling.) For the first time, the combined Eclipse release will be based on E4. This represents a significant re-write of the Eclipse UI infrastructure using declarative EMF-based models instead of code to represent the user interfaces. The model can be introspected and modified at runtime, causing changes to be rendered immediately in the window, as well as providing automatic persistence for saving the view state when required. One main advantage of declarative modelling for the user interface is that, as with HTML, it is possible to separate out the organisation of the user interface from its presentation. The transition to E4 has been a gradual one. AngularJS — Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework.

AngularJS. AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework, maintained by Google, that assists with running single-page applications.


Its goal is to augment web-based applications with model–view–controller (MVC) capability, in an effort to make both development and testing easier. The library reads in HTML that contains additional custom tag attributes; it then obeys the directives in those custom attributes, and binds input or output parts of the page to a model represented by standard JavaScript variables. The values of those JavaScript variables can be manually set, or retrieved from static or dynamic JSON resources. AngularJS 最佳实践 – 尘埃落定. AngularJS 是一个 Web 应用框架,它实现了前端的 MVC 架构,能让开发人员很方便地实现业务逻辑。 举个栗子,要做到下面的效果,以前可能需要写一连串的 JavaScript 代码绑定 N 多事件。 而使用 AngularJS 框架,一句 JavaScript 都不用写就能实现了,神奇吧? 现在就开始使用AngularJS的三个重要原因. 在线演示1 如果你不熟悉什么是Angular.js的话,小编我强烈推荐你阅读 Javascript教程:AngularJS的五个超酷特性。 简单来说Angular.js是google开发者设计和开发的一套前端开发框架,帮助你简化前端开发的负担。 图灵社区: 合集 : AngularJS入门教程. Simple Grails + AngularJS Example. Yesterday, my partner-in-crime Brian Kotek wrote up an excellent piece on how the decline of Flex has caused him to shift to ExtJS.

I’ve had many similar feelings, but haven’t quite taken the Ext/Sencha plunge. I’ve tried it out, but after having spent a decade chained to a UI library (for good and bad), I’m taking some time off to explore roots HTML and the capabilities of “smaller” frameworks. One that’s caught my eye is AngularJS. It’s got a a straightforward (for Javascript) MVC architecture, Flex-like data binding in the UI, and seems to “stay out of my way” enough for me to get things done.
