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A Guide To Optimising Your Vitamins And Supplements Infographic. The compounds resveratrol in red grapes as well as pterostilbene found in blueberries operate in synergy with vitamin D to boost the expression of the CAMP gene which is linked to immune function. It seems that the combination of either of these compounds with vitamin D has much more biological effect than any one of them would individually have. A strong connection has been identified between the function of the CAMP gene and adequate vitamin D levels. Read the full-length article: Resveratrol Works With Vitamin D To Enhance Immune Function A Guide To Optimising Your Vitamins And Supplements Infographic A Guide To Optimising Your Vitamins And Supplements Infographic by HealthSpan. Simple Science Fitness. Burn Fat & Build Muscle for Healthy Humans. 30-Day+Ab+Challenge.jpg (780×561)

Amazing Ab Workout - All about the core. Core Abs Workout: Take The Ab Challenge - Infographics - Tribesports. Posted-On-Shock-Mansion-3826.jpg (550×634) Print - 4 Weeks to a Better Body.


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